November 22, 2024, 08:26 AM
frdAny plans for an ‘Annual’ issue?
I’m getting older, and am wanting to sell my cards (not here, of course). I got the October/November issue, and was dismayed at how little pricing was made for the years I collected (late 1980’s thru early 2,000’s). So, was curious if there has been a more comprehensive magazine that includes a lot more in the past, or ,thoughts of one in the future? Apologies in advance for any & all rule I may have broken with this post.
November 22, 2024, 09:45 AM
Bill MullinsFor the most part, cards from that era are worth about four cents per ton if you are selling them in bulk. Unfortunately.
November 22, 2024, 05:41 PM
frdHmm, paint me dubious. Let’s take Spider-Man Movie (2002) set + inserts - I’ve seen it sold for nearly $90 on an auction site. I’m not concerned with excess base cards, they may be useless. What I want pricing for is but sets & inserts, which I have a lot. So, I ask again - has there been or will there ever be an ‘annual’-type magazine with a comprehensive listing of sets?
November 22, 2024, 05:49 PM
wolfieAll the sets have been in the price guide at some time so i think your best bet would be to pick up back issues of the magazine.
November 22, 2024, 07:55 PM
RajI haven't really looked at it after finding that were listing by release year instead of alphabetically but maybe a copy of the Beckett non-sport price guide.
November 24, 2024, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by wolfie:
All the sets have been in the price guide at some time so i think your best bet would be to pick up back issues of the magazine.
how many issues am I looking at at having to buy? a dozen? several dozen? over a hundred? Would there be a list of issues I would need to buy to fill in all the sets I have?
You see, I think annual reasonably priced ($40-$75) would be much easier to use as a massive research tool.
Apologies in advance if anyone feels my reply to be sarcastic / short / or uncalled for. I have a mission, and would appreciate any help I can get.
November 25, 2024, 10:30 AM
Ted Dastick Jr.There's the Alamanac, but it looks like the last was published in 2022 (if you can track it down)? I have to imagine it's way more comprehensive than the monthly issues, but you run the risk of pricing being 2 years out of date.
Best bet if you have something you feel is of value is to check Ebay sold listings.
November 25, 2024, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Ted Dastick Jr.:
There's the Alamanac, but it looks like the last was published in 2022 (if you can track it down)? I have to imagine it's way more comprehensive than the monthly issues, but you run the risk of pricing being 2 years out of date.
Best bet if you have something you feel is of value is to check Ebay sold listings.
Great suggestion, Ted. And we've published newer ones since then, including our current one, #10, which you can find here:
Beckett Non-Sport Almanac #10Or past issues can be found
December 03, 2024, 09:39 PM
frdThanks, just what I was asking for . . .
February 08, 2025, 08:26 AM
frdI bought the 2024 issue on Amazon. They sure do make it difficult to find all the sets that I have. But, I’m working my way thru them. Also, some sets just don’t seem to listed (don’t ask which ones, can’t remember t the moment). For those, I checked eBay.
February 08, 2025, 08:29 AM
frdIf I’m still in need of it next ‘season’, Beckett does have an app version, which I hope is searchable. Just don’t want to spend $35 twice in a short period of time.