Non-Sport Update's Card Talk Podcast
February 15, 2013, 02:10 AM Podcast
There is a mini episode - more of an update - uploading as I type - Episode 51a. It's short, but has info about the imminent Bettie PAge Box 2 set and the winner of the Grimm Fairy Tales sketch card contest (kindly donated by George Calloway!)
Normal service will, I hope, be resumed next episode, if I can pin down a couple of people for interviews...

Au Res.,
April 12, 2013, 01:30 PM
Quaint1At long last, new episodes of both UK CardCast AND Behind The Canvas are online (and uploading to iTunes and otherpodcast directories as I type!)
UK CardCast Episode 52 features Harris Toser, talking about all things NSU, and Laura Inglis, talking about the imminent Philadelphia Comic Con (Sunday 14th April!) There is also a short bit about the Chicago Non-Sports Card Show.
Behind The Canvas S2 Episode 02 features industry legend Rusty Gilligan in a long and hopefully interesting conversation about his life, influences and opinions!
Au Res.,
April 13, 2013, 04:14 PM
June 22, 2013, 02:30 PM
Quaint1Gosh! It's been a while! Apologies for that - real life stepping in.
A new episode of Behind The Canvas HAS been recorded and is the first to also appear on video! The
Guinea pig Guest is Laura Inglis - the audio is taking a little longer to sort out, but the video IS online now - you can find a link on the Behind The Canvas page (or, if you prefer, a direct
YouTube link here:
Audio will follow soon in all the usual places.
Video is something I'm considering for future episodes of UKCC and BTC, as appropriate - not every episode, but perhaps the occasional 'Feedback' special!
Au Res.,
June 29, 2013, 04:03 AM
Quaint1The Audio version of the Laura inglis episode of Behind the Canvas is now online at the website, and should be on iTunes (and other podcst services) soon.
The Audio version is slightly shorter than the video version - this is because I was able to edit the audio to remove some of the pauses caused by the time delay in the video! All other content is intact (apart from a slight abridgement of the introduction, to remove a small amount of duplication)
Au Res.,
August 17, 2013, 05:07 AM
Quaint1UK CardCast Episode 53 "The Californian Show Show" is now online and features Chris Thorne and Laura Inglis reporting on the recent 2013 SDCC! Downloadable in all the usual places (including iTunes and, of course, the UK CardCast web page:
Au Res.,
August 18, 2013, 10:23 AM
wolfieGreat show as usual, many thanks to Laura & Chris for coming on and giving a really intresting talk.
Having listened i, unlike Paul, never want to go anywhere near the San Diego Comic Con.
Back in the day Memorabilia here in the UK used to have massive queue's to get in which stretched right round other halls which were not in use. As was pointed out this is no longer the case and you can now virtually just stroll up and walk in.
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
August 19, 2013, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by wolfie:
Great show as usual, many thanks to Laura & Chris for coming on and giving a really intresting talk.
Having listened i, unlike Paul, never want to go anywhere near the San Diego Comic Con.
Back in the day Memorabilia here in the UK used to have massive queue's to get in which stretched right round other halls which were not in use. As was pointed out this is no longer the case and you can now virtually just stroll up and walk in.
After the initial morning rush there really isn't much of a queue to get inside the convention center. There are actually places on the exhibit floor that aren't crowded and plenty of good panels without long lines.
September 17, 2013, 09:26 PM
Quaint1UK CardCast Episode 54 "Drinking Game" is now online (and working it's way onto iTunes and other podcast services) as I type this - it features NSU's Harris Toser talking Back Issue pulping, New Issue contents and the imminent Fall Philly Non-Sport Trading Card Show!
Au Res.,
November 13, 2013, 11:02 AM
Quaint1UK CardCast Episode 55, "Hello to Jason Issacs", is now working it's way online and should be downloadable/streamable from iTunes, podcast services and directly from the CardCast website soon. It's the annual Memorabilia Preview, in which Harris and I chat about what's NSU are bringing over for the loyal band of CardTalkers who attend every year to make fun of, and warp the language of, our esteemed Production Manager and
stooge friend!
We also chat about the imminent new issue, and the Wax Packs product (I'm hoping to get the company on to a future episode to talk about the product in more detail!)
Au Res.,
November 13, 2013, 04:43 PM
wolfieGreat show as usual.

you lose one wolfie point for suggesting Six Feet Under was an Inkworks product however I need to be nice to Harris at the moment so I will let you both off.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
December 19, 2013, 05:25 PM
Quaint1UK CardCast Episode 56 "The Horror! The HORROR!" is now uploading to iTunes and various other podcast services - the last episode of 2013, it features Harris Toser looking back at the recent Memorabilia show, and Kurt Kuersteiner of Monsterwax talking about his new HP Lovecraft set!
Thanks to all who have participated or listened to the podcasts I produced this year - may you all have a happy Holiday season and a prosperous and peaceful New Year!
Me, I'm off to Vegas...
Au Res.,
December 25, 2013, 10:38 AM
NIKWow, episode 56! That's incredible. Well done for keeping it going for so long, your dedication is admirable Paul.
Best from
Mars Attacks Uprising, Hobbit Battle of the 5 Armies, Star Wars Masterwork, Marvel Premier 2014, The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mars Attacks Heritage, Marvel 70th Anniv', The Prisoner, Star Wars Galaxy 4, X-Men Archives, LOTR Masterpieces II, Vampirella, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Dr Who, Marilyn Monroe and CSI sketch card artist.
January 17, 2014, 05:09 AM
Quaint1Thanks Nik! I have to report that Episode 57 is now available! It features NSU's very own Harris Toser and Alan Biegel looking back at the non-sport year just gone...
Au Res.,
January 17, 2014, 07:26 AM
hammerKeep up the Good Work
January 17, 2014, 09:59 AM
Ted Dastick Jr.I know I don't post much about the podcast, but I do listen to every episode. I get all giddy when I see a new one pop up in the Podcast app.

Listened to the new episode on the commute to work this morning. Great start to a new year!
January 22, 2014, 11:56 AM
Don NortonThe most recent podcast was really good! Harris, Paul and Alan did a great job - and I even got a mention. Keep up the good work Paul!
January 30, 2014, 09:26 PM
Quaint1Ted, time to get giddy again!
Yes, only a couple of weeks after episode 57, UK CardCast episode 58 is now online (and, after fixing a minor glitch, on iTunes and other podcast services!)
It features a conversation with Kyle Chapman of Secret Audio Club about his recently released record and card set "Wax Packs Series 1"!
Au Res.,
January 31, 2014, 04:24 PM
Ted Dastick Jr.Was a nice surprise this morning, took you guys on the way to work today.

Great interview!
February 01, 2014, 04:39 AM
hammerI ordered a box whilst listening to the episode! I also have a box in the US waiting for me as well