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Thoughts on NSU Price Guide
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Komodo
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I got thinking on this again, and I remembered the days when the price guide was a separate addition to the magazine. I wouldn't mind seeing it in that form again, and it should be able to contain the complete listing. As for cost aspects, I imagine it would bump up production cost somewhat... It's been quite a long time since there's been an increase in the price of the magazine (that I'm aware of) and even a dollar or two probably wouldn't hurt sales, anyway. Besides, what's the alternative? Wink

Personally, it wouldn't bother me a bit, and I get a complete price guide to boot Smile

Collecting since 1977!
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Titanium Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by Komodo:
It's been quite a long time since there's been an increase in the price of the magazine (that I'm aware of) and even a dollar or two probably wouldn't hurt sales, anyway.

You wanna bet.?

You would be amazed at how little something has to increase to make people decide they can do without it.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by wolfie:
Originally posted by Komodo:
It's been quite a long time since there's been an increase in the price of the magazine (that I'm aware of) and even a dollar or two probably wouldn't hurt sales, anyway.

You wanna bet.?

You would be amazed at how little something has to increase to make people decide they can do without it.

Yeah, a buck or two on a magazine may mean an increase of 20% or more, and chances are the quality won't look 20% better to most people. Big Grin

Everyone should really subscibe to whatever they like to read. Newstand prices per issue are huge compared to the average price with a subscription.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Better late than never, I suppose. I chose "B" only because I rarely use the price guide section. I'd actually prefer to see a separate "articles-only" edition, especially if that meant I could trim the fat off what I do not use. The pricing information could also be moved online where updating would, in theory, be easier and definitely more timely.

While we're at it, make it a monthly publication! Smile

As for all the inaccurate prices, I obviously can't speak for the NSU staff, but in the sports world the major price guides use more than eBay as a source of dollar amounts. They use local shows, major Expos, and have a list of dealers that report back to them on confirmed sales. Now I certainly couldn't do any better, but also think about this--the mag comes out every two months, which means if a change is made it's probably more like 10-12 weeks before we see it. By that time the price may be out of wack already. It's the nature of the printed world where timeliness = accuracy.

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Gold Card Talk Member
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B or D.

Sorry, for being so wordy. Razz

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Silver Card Talk Member
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I voted B. I don't like the split price guide, just the other day I went to look something up and of course it was in the last issue. So, I had to go searching for the issue I got a couple of months ago. You might say "big deal", but I don't keep old magazines within arms reach or stacked up on the kitchen table. I would rather have it in each new issue.

I'm looking for colored "Robots the Movie" sketch cards by Inkworks.
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Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, if not please move this post to the correct one. Thanks!
Anyways, I wanted to know if there are any plans to put the Laurel and Hardy sets of cards in the Price Guide? I currently have the Babes at War set and the corresponding B3 Promo for that set. I wanted to know if this listing will be added to the price guide? Thanks for the help! Angel

P.S. What about numbers or seperate figures for the retail versions of memorabilia cards from Donruss Americana 2? Thanks again!
Posts: 425 | Location: Ada, MI | Registered: June 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
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I was waiting for someone to comment on the 2009 changes to NSU announced in the Non-Sport Notes from the Dec/Jan edition. Since no one has I'll throw it out there . . .

"our printing costs continue to rise so it will be necessary for us to raise the cover price from $4.99 to $5.99. Along with this we plan to separate the Price Guide and, once again, include the entire alphabet of non-sport cards. In order to do this, we will be eliminating some sets which seem to never get any action and we will condense some of the listings like we did previously. In 2009, we hope to have a supplement to The Encyclopedia of Non-Sport and Entertainment Trading Cards. The supplement and original book will become even more necessary as a source for information no longer found in NSU's Price Guide."

I can understand the need to scale down on some older sets and condense some of the sprawl on new ones, but may I ask why the format of a split Guide for the older cards is now being reversed? Personally I didn't feel like I was missing anything because if you have the prior issue there really is no gap.

By the way, super articles and pics on the Spirit and Star Trek in Motion. Thumb Up
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
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I must say that I liked the split and it seemed to make sense regarding postage costs
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Platinum Card Talk Member
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I, for one, will welcome the change. Although I hate to lose out on some of the older sets, truth is I almost never look for anything older than the late 70's anyway.

I disliked the split format because it was terribly inconvenient when looking up lists of cards. And it meant I had to carry 2 price guides with me to shows, just in case.

And as every year went along, sets I would remember as recent get put into the split section.

I've had customers buy an issue and then complain to me that the cards they specifically were looking for were not in the current issue. More than once I gave my older issue away to keep someone happy.

No, the change will not be perfect either, but I think it is about as close as you're going to get.

I wouldn't mind an 'annual' guide that had everything an the magazine guide only have the last 10 years. I'd still be carrying two issues but it might be more comprehensive. It's what Beckett has gone to with sports guides.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
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Titanium Card Talk Member
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Well for me i would have scrapped the price guide alltogether and kept the cost of the magazine down.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
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I'm with Ed on this one. The split version was more of hassle, especially at shows.

I'd prefer NSU center on providing a complete and accurate price guide. Each issue could include articles by staff and critical reviews (by random subscribers) of all new releases, and then the usual advertising. All the editorials and others articles could be posted on the website.
Just imagine a subscriber receiving a surprise invitation to review a new release. Your name is drawn randomly, you accept the opportunity, the sealed box arrives in the mail, you open it, write a critique for publication, and you get to keep the bounty.

Can you spell INCENTIVE? Big Grin

My day-dreaming continues. Cool

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Picture of CalHarley
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I think Kennywood is on to something. A smaller price guide for the first 5 issues and a full price guide for the final issue of the year. If the sets don't see much movement or action, once a year updates would do.


Are we there yet?
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Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of mintoncard
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Recently, it seems that the bulk of the price guide is taken up by the Americana sets. On first thought, it's a good idea, but upon a closer look, it seems contrary. The majority of the listings are speculative or just don't offer any pricing at all. If anything, it seems somewhat confusing. I have tried on more than one occasion to make sense of it all.

I would imagine that (in theory) removing the Americana sets would free up some MUCH NEEDED price guide "real estate".

Just a thought.
Posts: 858 | Location: Golden Valley, MN | Registered: August 15, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Diamond Card Talk Member
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Originally posted by Kennywood:
How about this idea? Go with the current plan as-is. However, the last issue of the year would be the all-encompassing price guide, including the older sets. This might mean one or two fewer articles in the final issue of the year, though. But this might not be bad for the NSU staff, as, like everyone else, they're trying to get a LOT of things done before the end of year.

So we'd have 5 issues with the shortened price guide that eliminates the older sets. Then we'd have one issue each year that includes everything.

That's just an idea from someone whose brain is frazzled from the Thankgiving weekend.

For a frazzled brain - It MAKES SENSE Smile
Posts: 12209 | Location: England | Registered: September 16, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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