January 31, 2012, 06:44 PM
Juelle LouOfficial emails from NSU
Are these new?
I don't ever remember getting one before, but...
I like them

I think they're a great idea

edit; ok, I just read the fine print at the bottom of the page. I'm guessing this is the latest one, and my first since I subscribed?
January 31, 2012, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Juelle Lou:
Are these new?
I don't ever remember getting one before, but...
I like them

I think they're a great idea

edit; ok, I just read the fine print at the bottom of the page. I'm guessing this is the latest one, and my first since I subscribed?
Hi Juelle Lou:
We don't do mailings like the one you are talking about very often and it's been ages since we've done one. But with the launch of the new site for our Pop Art Con show today (
popartcon.com) and some other items we wanted to promote, we decided to do one.
I'm really glad to hear you liked it. Thanks a lot for posting about it.

By the way, if anyone else wants to see what we are talking about, here's a link: