Great Allentown Comic Con Merchant Square Mall, Allentown, PA Saturday July 12, 2014
10am - 6pm Admission: $12 for adults, save $2 by coming in costume Kids under 12 are free when accompanied by a paying adult
Media Guests: Nicholas Brendon (Buffy) Austin St. John (Power Rangers) Karan Ashley (Power Rangers) Roger Jackson (Scream, Powerpuff Girls)
Artists Rebekah Isaacs Bob McLeod Charles Paul Wilson III Bryan JL Glass Bill Spangler Carol "Cotty" Kilbanks Laura Inglis Chris Flick Chris Grillo Chris Notarile Mickey Fiedler Dan Nokes Dan O'Conner Darren Auck Joe Mondlin Gray Haven Comics
Geek Balloonist Nicole Marie Jean (cosplayer) Imperial Klingon Forces Mandalorian Mercs
There will be cards produced for this show (similar to the cards created for the November 2013 show).
Also with the report is a small photo gallery of images from around the show floor from Laura, Batman, and myself. Take a look if you're interested.This message has been edited. Last edited by: H_Toser, July 14, 2014 12:38 PM