Non-Sport Update's Card Talk

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October 21, 2011, 09:54 AM
Here is the 2011 NSU Secret Santa! It is running a little late this year so the dates are a little shorter than before. The guidelines are almost identical to last year. Just a few changes.

If anyone has a problem or suggestion with any of the changes please let me know so it can be addressed.

I will be bringing copies of the form with me on Sunday to the gathering so I can strong-arm some of you to participate. Big Grin

• You must be a registered member of the NSU Card Talk forum as of September 1st, 2011 to be eligible to participate.
• Please address all e-mails to with the topic of NSU SECRET SANTA in the subject header. Please do not send a copy of these rules with the form.
• All forms should be sent (via email) by November 6th, 2011. Late forms will NOT be included in the Secret Santa Exchange - NO EXCEPTIONS!
• By November 11th, 2011, you will receive an email from me with the name and mailing address of the NSU member you have been matched with. DO NOT exchange names among yourselves if you are participating in the Exchange (it takes all the fun out of it). If you’ve requested to ship within your own country you will be matched with someone in your own country. However, if no one in your country is participating, you will be contacted via email to find out if you want to continue in the Exchange. While everyone will hopefully be matched up in the primary category they selected it may not be possible (so make sure you choose two categories).
• Participants are welcome to create a “wish” list post in the trade forums. Santas are encouraged, but not required to look at wish/want list posts. Overly specific requests will likely not be honored (for example, requesting Non-Sport Stars autograph card A1 Harris Toser is probably too specific). This is not solely an opportunity to fill your want lists, but rather a fun community building endeavor!
• All gifts should have a minimum value of fifteen (15) US dollars according to the latest issue of Non-Sport Update magazine. If you wish to send a gift of a higher value that is your decision and yours alone. There is no guarantee that others will do the same.
• You may include non-trading card items in your package; however, this is a trading card based exchange so the items should have something to do with the category being sent.
• All gifts should be mailed to arrive on or before December 20th, 2011. The longer you wait to ship your package, the higher chance there is that it will be delayed or possibly lost. I suggest if you are sending within the US you should send out by December 4th, 2011. If you are shipping overseas pleasse take that into account and allot additional time.
• All shipping costs are the sole responsibly of the shipper and shipping within the US should be sent with Delivery Confirmation. The DC number should be forwarded to me so I can help keep track of the packages being sent.

Brought to you by the NSU Elves

*********NSU Card Talk Forum’s Secret Santa Exchange Participation Form********



Mailing Address:

1. I will ship to countries other than my own. [ ]
I will not ship to countries other than my own. [ ]

2. Check two interests ONLY. Mark the primary with a (1) & secondary with a (2)

I am most interested in:
Comic (Marvel, D.C., etc.)
Movie/TV (Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost, Iron Man, etc.)
Historical (Americana, America at War, etc.)
Parody (Wacky Packages, Garbage Pail Kids, etc)
Music (Elvis, Woodstock Generation, Kiss, etc.)
Art and Animation (Cartoon Sketch Art cards, Art Hustle, etc.)
Celebrity (Pop Century, 258 West Authentic cards, etc.)
Promo Cards
Reference (Subscription/Renewal to NSU, Promo Card Encyclopedia, etc.)

List any subcategory of your primary & secondary interest – i.e. Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, etc. You may list more than one.


3. Mark the categories that you can send from

Art and Animation
Promo Cards

4. If there is a NSU member you are ineligible to trade with (family member, in a relationship with, etc.), please note their NSU ID here:

This message has been edited. Last edited by: ifish73,
October 21, 2011, 09:55 AM
This post will have a list of the participants so everyone can see who is joining in and can let me know if I missed someone.

1. Batman
2. ifish73
3. Scifi Cards
4. Sbelcher
5. NL
6. Frank Amico
7. AJJ
8. Luv2Card
9. bluegill
10. Pendragon
11. cardz_house
12. dis68
13. H_Toser
14. Mig
15. jane
16. TattooX
17. glim
18. blackholeman
19. Darth Vader Fan
20. Barobehere
21. Boldlygone
22. Ace of Hearts
23. Jake
24. Ryan Cracknell
25. mintoncard
26. Martine
27. Joseph Shugart
28. AWR
29. wolfie
30. Jeffthom
31. cmcdjj37

This message has been edited. Last edited by: ifish73,
October 22, 2011, 08:05 PM
Hope to add a lot more of you tomorrow!
October 23, 2011, 09:40 AM
Emailed my form.

"No time like the present to change the future"
October 24, 2011, 08:42 AM
The list is slowly growing.

AJJ - I didn't get your e-mail. Please check and make sure you have the correct e-mail address.

I hope that the members that went to the gathering Sunday morning took a form to remind them to get in on the fun!
October 24, 2011, 01:16 PM
I'm in as well. THIS IS ALWAYS FUN!!!!
October 25, 2011, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by ifish73:
The list is slowly growing.

AJJ - I didn't get your e-mail. Please check and make sure you have the correct e-mail address.

I hope that the members that went to the gathering Sunday morning took a form to remind them to get in on the fun!

I sent it to the address listed in the first post. I'll resend it.

"No time like the present to change the future"
October 25, 2011, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by AJJ:

I sent it to the address listed in the first post. I'll resend it.

I got it later in the day. It just took a while. You are added to the list.
October 25, 2011, 04:44 PM
I bet that most of the members participating would love a artist sketch card as their gift. Maybe some of the artists on the forum would like to join in.
October 25, 2011, 04:49 PM
Ted Dastick Jr.
Originally posted by ifish73:
I bet that most of the members participating would love a artist sketch card as their gift. Maybe some of the artists on the forum would like to join in.

Believe me, if I had the time I'd be in for sure!
October 25, 2011, 11:44 PM
Is it time to ramp up the peer pressure yet? Big Grin
October 26, 2011, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by SBelcher:
Is it time to ramp up the peer pressure yet? Big Grin

We will have to see how we are doing after this weekend.
October 26, 2011, 12:59 PM
How many members are on this board?

There are only 10 participants so far. Come on people lets pick up the pace!
October 26, 2011, 07:35 PM
Registered Members: 4015 (Premium Members: 13)

Maybe if I sing...
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
October 27, 2011, 03:38 PM
Come on people, lets pick up the pace a little here. Do I have to spam all of your e-mail?
October 28, 2011, 10:19 AM
There were 51 participants last year. We are currently only at 10.

Would it be inappropriate to hijack every thread on here reminding people to join in?
October 29, 2011, 01:48 PM
Hope you got my email ;-)
October 29, 2011, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by dis68:
Hope you got my email ;-)

Yes I did and you were added to the list. Thanks!

Lets go people. Only a week left to join in!
October 30, 2011, 12:41 AM
I sent an email hoping to participate. This is awesome thanks for holding this event.
October 30, 2011, 03:35 AM
Darth Vader Fan
Count me in guys Wavey Ifish, I will send my form in to you a little later on today.