Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Star Trek TNG Season 7 (Skybox)
April 20, 2004, 07:10 AM
Card DudeStar Trek TNG Season 7 (Skybox)
Heres a nice breakdown of a cheap box from memorabilia:
2 Base sets (4 short of a third)
All 6 embossed cards
Auto Card: A6: Levar Burton- Geordi Laforge

got the rarest auto in the set, this means I now have at least one cast member auto from each series!
April 20, 2004, 11:44 AM
Card Dudethanks hammer, he's got a great signature, looks like he puts time into each card he signs.
LOTR/Harry Potter/The Prisoner/Thunderbirds & Captain Scarlet collector
April 20, 2004, 12:28 PM
Barbara CCongratulations, Card Dude. That's one of the rarer auto cards from the set.

"Monday is an interruption of my weekend."
April 20, 2004, 11:25 PM
Auto Card: A6: Levar Burton- Geordi Laforge
got the rarest auto in the set, this means I now have at least one cast member auto from each series!
Good for you,this is a different route to take to get all cast members autos

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
November 22, 2005, 01:27 AM
ds9erspecialistI bought a box like 5 years ago and when I opened it up, I did not get any autograph cards in it. However, I got the S37,S38,S39(2X),S40 and S41(2X). And I found the Captain's card 2 of 4

. Another time, I did buy some packs and I opened them, I did find the A6 autograph card

William France
January 20, 2006, 07:36 AM
Cee_JayCharacter Cards: S40 , S41 (x 2)
Klingon Cards: S37 (x 2), S39
Autograph: A12 Eric Menyuk (Traveler)

Hologram: H14 (Enterprise D)

"I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact
September 28, 2006, 12:20 PM
blwilsonBase Sets x2
Klingon Cards x3 S37, S38, S39
Character Cards x3 S40, S41, S42
Autograph A17 Lee Arenberg as Daimon Bok
Members I've successfully traded with:
wuher, Scott Rammel, Bond, mars53, Arvin Sloane, Larry C., silmapco, MrSpeed719, spidergoblin, mark64, steve j, barrowjack, indypat75, ra4dunb, Avalon, hammer, Gregor1968, Rich, Scifi Cards, Ryan Cracknell, UofLHoops, Cee_Jay, rachandcarl, brandocles, venom5liter, Warrior Babe, manolito, SciFi Mom, Ariana, Craig, beleay, kidtrek, eman, iki927, jane