Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Star Wars Clone Wars (Topps)
May 07, 2004, 07:59 AM
xSaBxStar Wars Clone Wars (Topps)
Not GreatSo, just finished the case. Got one set of stickers per box, amd only two sets of battle Motion from my case (missing two cards for a third, I'll put my spares up for trade shortly)
The sketches... not great, as the title said. I'll scan shortly, but here's the rundown:
2 x Corroney (C3PO Head shot)
2 x Joe McCrea (C3PO *again*

1 x Fabbri Palpatine
1 x Mhan Palpatine
The last two sketches do make the exercise worthwhile, especially as the artist I wanted hasn't really produced cards to be proud of...
1 x Paul Rudish "whistling" R2-D2
1 x Teranishi Palpatine
Now, I have to admit I would have liked an Armidala or something others than droids and Imperial Leaders...

So, this means I have two cards for trade: 1 McCrea 3PO and a Corroney 3PO...
xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::
Crunchy on the Outside,
Smooth on the Inside:
REMEMBER: Take out the 'removemefirst' from my e-mail address to reply...
May 08, 2004, 02:05 AM
IncarnadineI picked up a box today just because I had had to try at least 1 box of it.
11 stickers
4 motion cards
1 sketch- Kit Fisto by McCrea. Pretty nice, seems to be a little more detailed than most.
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 09, 2004, 12:33 AM
webjonThe sketches from my case:
McCrea: C-3PO (x2)
Corroney: Battle Droid
Fabri: Battle Droid
Mhan: Yoda
Mhan: Yoda w/ Lightsaber
Wheatley: Obi Wan
Kayanan: Amidala
2 Mhan Yodas, and 2 McCrea C-3POs is disappointing.
May 09, 2004, 10:39 AM
My family gave me a SECOND case for Mother's Day!! And, the breakdown of sketches was nice (although I did duplicate 2 from earlier boxes/trade) So, here's what I got
Corroney - Yoda
Corroney - Mace Windu
Plunkett - Mace Windu
Fabbri - Amidala
Mhan - Yoda
Wheatley - Obi-Wan
McCrea - Count Dooku
oh, and the 8th sketch was a ...
DAVE DORMAN !!!!!!!! Course, I can't make out the character, but my eyes are still tearing...

May 09, 2004, 11:26 AM
BatmanCase Breakdown:
Box 1 Corroney Yoda
Box 2 Corroney Mace Windu
Box 3 McCrea Mace Windu
Box 4 Mahn Emperor
Box 5 Rudish Yoda
Box 6 Migliari Trooper
Box 7 and 8 Still Unopened
"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
May 10, 2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by hammer:
Great pull OWM and happy mother's day
I'd like to second hammer's post

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
May 10, 2004, 08:26 AM
TK421Box 1
Battle Motion B1,3,5,7.
Sticker set, plus 1 and 6.
One base set, and second missing 2 cards.
Sketch - Robert Teranishi (Yoda).
May 11, 2004, 02:36 AM
Obi Wan ChrisobiMy lone box produced a Fabbri sketch of Dooku.
"These aren't the cards you're looking for...."
May 11, 2004, 04:09 PM
Ryan CracknellMy lone box arrived today and I've got to say I'm happy.
2 complete sets
1 sticker set plus two extras
4 Motion
And the sketch:
Rudish Ben Kenobi - my first sketch, which I'm unfortunately going to have to part with because the day after I paid for the box my wife informed we'll have a bundle of joy in the new year.
May 11, 2004, 04:31 PM
Over_Worked_MomCONGRATULATIONS! On the sketch, but even more so for the bundle
Another CardTalk Baby - we're creating our own next generation...
May 11, 2004, 10:11 PM
IncarnadineI picked up a few packs at the store I bought my box and pulled a Fabbri sketch. I kinda like these cards, I'm almost tempted to keep them.
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 22, 2004, 01:47 AM
IncarnadineI managed to snag the last box from the store where I got my previous box and boy am I glad I did since I pulled a Kayanan R2 D2 sketch!

I should be able to scan it tomorrow.
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 22, 2004, 05:20 PM
IncarnadineI had my Kayanan sketch scanned today. Not a bad R2D2.

"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 22, 2004, 05:24 PM
Over_Worked_MomPretty nice sketch there

- Kayanan is the last one I'm after - I have at least one from everyone else, but for some reason Kayanan is eluding me...
May 22, 2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Over_Worked_Mom:
Pretty nice sketch there 
- Kayanan is the last one I'm after - I have at least one from everyone else, but for some reason Kayanan is eluding me...
Thanks, I'm quite pleased with it. I'd offer it up for trade but the only card I need of comparable value also happens to be my "Holy Grail" card which I just can't seem to find.
On a side note, has anyone noticed that there are virtually no R2D2 sketch cards by any of the artists? I just went through all 166 sketches on ebay and only 1 of those is R2D2 and there is also only 1 in this breakdown thread (not counting mine). Is it maybe harder to draw R2D2 than the others?
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 26, 2004, 11:23 AM
TK421Bought two Retail boxes, since Hobby boxes are getting more expensive and harder to find.
Box 1
Base sets 2
sticker set + 2
battle motion 4
Box 2
base sets 2
sticker set + 2
battle motion 4
Same breakdown as the Hobby, but no sketch cards.
My first ever box of anything!!!
I got 2 x basic sets
full set of stickers plus 2 spares
4 out of 10 motion cards and this little baby
May 29, 2004, 02:24 PM
prospect5kI have a Paul Rudish sketch that I'd like to show everyone but I have no way of hosting it. Can anybody help?
May 29, 2004, 02:47 PM
RupTThere are a number of people on the board that can host for you.... or for a quicker alternative you can upload to!!look forward to seeing your pic