Star Trek: The Complete TNG (1991-1994) Series 2 (RA, 2012)
First Case - the collation was just a tad off on this case, 9 of my boxes were missing Holodeck inserts (two boxes contained 3 each and one box had just 1 in it) - on the plus side, I pulled 2 Communicator Pins from this case (which just happened to be in the two boxes that contained 3 Holodeck inserts)
Autographs Albie Selznick (L) Frank Collison (L) Ashley Judd (VL) Barbara Alyn Woods Jonathan Del Arco (L) Mark L. Taylor Megan Cole (L) Matt Frewer (EL) Gabriel Damon x2 Patti Yasutake (L) x2 Hallie Todd x2 Richard Fancy x2 Jane Daly Guy Vardaman x2 Barbara Williams x2 Jim Norton x2 Malachi Throne Joshua Harris William Lithgow (L) John De Lancie (EL) Fran Bennett (L) Nicholas Kepros (L) Natalija Nogulich (L) Steven Anderson Eve Brenner (L) J.D. Cullum (L) Ellen Geer (L) Bruce French Jeffrey Hayenga (L) Ben Lemon (L) John Fleck Barbara Tarbuck Vyto Ruginis (L) Dey Young Stephen Lee (L) Denise Crosby (EL) Castulo Guerra Colm Meaney (VL) Ron Canada (L) Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (L) Gene Dynarski
Auto Summary: EL - 3 VL - 2 L- 19 Commons - 24
Communicator Pins CP6 La Forge #094/300 CP10 Pulaski #192/300
Inserts Tribute Cards: 2 complete sets, 12 extras Best of the Holodeck: 7 cards total USS Enterprise NC-1701: 5 complete sets, 9 extras Parallel Base Set: started to sort, but I'm at least 1 card short of a set
Disappointing aboutthe Holodeck cards, should have had 36 not 7 - hope RA will be able to give replacements!
Seems like you got more USS Enterprise cards than you should have insteadThis message has been edited. Last edited by: hammer,
February 22, 2012, 10:14 AM
Strange to get 3 Extremely Limited autographs and only 2 Very Limited?
Someone of the bay has listed multiple sets of the Holodeck cards so he must not have hit the same problem.
February 23, 2012, 12:42 AM
Miss Lizzy
I'm opening my second case right now and I'm having the same problem with the Holodeck inserts - I'm five boxes in and only 2 of them have the Holodeck inserts, and both of those boxes happened to contain a Communicator Pin Has anyone else had this problem?
3 sets of Holodeck, plus extras 1 set of Tribute, plus extras 2 set of Enterprise, plus extras
And my autographs...
Marina Sirtis as Counselor Troi (Extremely Limited) Tony Todd as Kurn in "Redemption" (Extremely Limited) Ashley Judd as Ensign Robin Lefler in "The Game" (Very Limited) Kelsey Grammer as Captain Bateson in "Cause and Effect " (Very Limited) Robert O'Reilly as Gowron in "Redemption" (Very Limited) Stephen Lee as Chorgan in "The Vengence Factor" (Limited) Michael Snyder as Qol in "The Perfect Mate" (Limited) Patti Yasutake as Nurse Alyssa Ogawa in "Clues" (Limited) x2 Natalija Nogulich as Admiral Nechayev in "Preemptive Strike" (Limited) Ellen Geer as Dr. Kila Marr in "Silicon Avatar" (Limited) Albie Selznik as The Juggler in "Cost of Living" (Limited) Jeffrey Hayenga as Orta in "Ensign Ro" (Limited) Ron Canada as Martin Benbeck in "The Masterpiece Society" (Limited) Nicholas Kepros as General Movar in "Redemption" (Limited) Frank Collison as Gul Dolak in "Ensign Ro" (Limited) William Lithgow as Dr. Pran Tainer in "Inheritance" (Limited) Megan Cole as Noor in "The Outcast" (Limited) Vyto Ruginis as Chief Engineer Logan in "The Arsenal of Freedom" (Limited) x2 Nicole Orth-Pallavicini as Kareel Odan in "The Host" (Limited) Ben Lemon as Jev in "Violations" (Limited) Fran Bennett as Fleet Admiral Shanthi in "Redemption, Part II" (Limited) JD Cullum as Toral in "Redemption" (Limited) Eve Brenner as Inad in "Violations" (Limited) Gabriel Damon as Jeremy Aster in "The Bonding" Gene Dynarski as Commander Orfil Quintero in "11001001" Barbara Tarbuck as Governor Leka Trion in "The Host" x2 Castulo Guerra as Seth Mendoza in "The Price" Joshua Harris as Timothy in "Hero Worship" Malachi Throne as Senator Pardek in "Unification”" Richard Fancy as Captain "Satelk in "The First Duty" Hallie Todd as Lal in "The Offspring" Steven Anderson as Dr. Nilrem in "First Contact" x2 John Fleck as Taibak in "The Mind's Eye" Dey Young as Hannah Bates in "The Masterpiece Society" Barbara Alyn Woods as Kareen Brianon in "The Schizoid Man" Guy Vardaman as Lt. Darien Wallace in "Time Squared" Jim Norton as Albert Einstein in "Descent" Chad Allen as Jono in "Suddenly Human" x2 Bruce French as Sabin "Genestra in "The Drumhead" x3 Barbara Williams as Anna in "Liaisons" Jane Daly as Varria in "The Most Toys"
Not displeased with the set. But with so many EL's it's going to be hard to put together.
____________________ I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.
-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
February 23, 2012, 01:21 AM
Awesome pulls with the Sirtis and Grammer pulls Ed- I think those would be the two I would want to pull if I had bought a case!
Originally posted by Scifi Cards: My case didn't have the same problem, luckily...
Hope you saved me a box for Philly
February 23, 2012, 02:39 AM
Miss Lizzy
Second Case - pretty much the same insert collation as before, and again I pulled 2 Communicator Pins.
Autographs Chad Allen x2 Guy Vardaman x2 Jane Daly x2 Bruce French Jim Norton Barbara Williams x2 Michael Snyder (L) Steven Anderson Eve Brenner (L) J.D. Cullum (L) Mark L Taylor Patti Yasutake (L) Barbara Tarbuck Vyto Ruginis (L) Dey Young Stephen Lee (L) Castulo Guerra x2 Fran Bennett (L) x2 Ellen Geer (L) Colm Meaney (VL) Ron Canada (L) Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (L) Marina Sirtis (EL) Jonathan Del Arco (L) Jeffrey Hayenga (L) Ben Lemon (L) Ashley Judd (VL) Gabriel Damon Richard Fancy Hallie Todd Nicholas Kepros (L) Robert O'Reilly (VL) Gene Dynarski Matt Frewer (EL) Megan Cole (L) John Fleck Frank Collison (L) Albie Selznick (L) Barbara Alyn Woods Malachi Throne Joshua Harris William Lithgow (L)
Auto Summary: EL - 2 VL - 3 L- 19 Commons - 24
Communicator Pins CP2 Data #141/300 CP8 Yar #022/300
Inserts Tribute Cards: 2 complete sets, 12 extras Best of the Holodeck: 6 cards total USS Enterprise NC-1701: 5 complete sets, 8 extras Parallel Base Set: a bunch of 'em, but no set.
First case split;4 * Ex Limited Sirtis Frakes DeLancie Frewer
4 * VL Judd Meaney Diol * 2
16 * Ltd
22 * common
2 * Communicator Pins
2 autographs short on odds stated of 4 per box.
Overall not a bad split
Have not put the chase into sets yet and off to work soon so will finish off tomorrow.
February 24, 2012, 04:26 PM
Don Norton
If you only get a box - here's what you'll find: Box 5435 of 6000
1 set base cards, numbered 89-176, plus 2 checklists (179,180, 177 and 178 are checklists from series 1) 9 extra base cards 8 Foil Parrallel 4 Tibute cards 2 Enterprise cards 3 Holodeck cards 4 Autographs Matt Frewer (Extremely Limited) Megan Cole (Limited) Patty Yasutake (Limited) Mark L. Taylor
Nice set, the Holodeck cards are really nice looking. Glad to get a EL auto for once, and 2 L autos, a good box
February 25, 2012, 09:55 AM
Chris Cline
WOOT got my case!!!! See you soon!
____________________ Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
Parallel Base Set x 7 Tribute Cards T23, T25, T29, T36 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E12 E15
Autographs: Megan Cole (L) Mark L. Taylor Vyto Ruginis (L) Matt Frewer (EL)
Box 5293
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T26, T30, T34 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E13, E16
Autographs: Jonathan Frakes (EL) William Lithgow (L) Malachi Throne Joshua Harris
Box 1343
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T21, T23, T29, T35 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E15, E18
Autographs: Gabriel Damon Barbara Alyn Woods Frank Collison (L) Albie Selznick (L)
Box 1389
Parallel Base Set x 9 Tribute cards T21, T24, T32, T35 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E10, E18
Autographs: Barbara Alyn Woods Barbara Tarbuck Dey Young
Box 4299
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T26, T27, T30 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E11, E16
Autographs: Colm Meaney (VL) Eve Brenner (L) J.D. Cullum (L) Ellen Geer (L)
Box 5292
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T22, T27, T31 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E11, E14
Autographs: Gabriel Damon Denise Crosby (EL) Castulo Guerra Patti Yasutake (L)
Box 3416
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T25, T28, T33, T36 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E12, E17
Autographs: Susan Diol (VL) Jeffrey Hayenga (L) John Fleck Ben Lemon (L)
Box 2303
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T22, T24, T31, T32 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E10, E14
Autographs: Steven Anderson Richard Fancy Hallie Todd Jonathan Del Arco (L)
Box 1342
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T26, T27, T30 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E15, E18
Autographs: Bruce French Chad Allen Barbara Williams Jane Daly
Communicator Pin CP10 Pulaski
Box 0285
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T28, T33, T34 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E13, E17
Autographs: Ron Canada (L) Guy Vardaman Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (L) Gene Dynarski
Box 3415
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T26, T30, T34 Best of the Holodeck H7, H9 Enterprise E13, E16
Autographs: Malachi Throne Natalija Nogulich (L) Fran Bennett (L) Nicholas Kepros (L)
Box 3414
Parallel Base Set x 6 Tribute cards T20, T28, T33, T34 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E10, E14
Autographs: Jane Daly Chad Allen Bruce French
Communicator Pin CP8 Yar
Pleased overall. I'll give Rittenhouse a shout about the two missing autos, I'm, sure that the customer service will be as good as always.
Have to say, though, I love the set, and I'm quite chuffed that, aside from the 3-case and 6-case autos, I'm only short 10 autos from a full run.
Good case!
So... these cards are up for trade (either duplicates from the case or dupes of autos I already have)...
Patti Yasutake Barbara Alyn Woods Barbara Williams Hallie Todd Malachi Throne Natalija Nogulich Bruce French Jonathan Frakes Jonathan Del Arco Gabriel Damon Jane Daly Denise Crosby Chad Allen Plus the CP8 and CP10 Communicator PinsThis message has been edited. Last edited by: simon1978,
February 25, 2012, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by simon1978:
Pleased overall. I'll give Rittenhouse a shout about the two missing autos, I'm, sure that the customer service will be as good as always.
You hit above average on the Communicator pins though! 1 extra $50 CP is better than being sort of 2 $10 Auto's
February 25, 2012, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by hammer: You hit above average on the Communicator pins though! 1 extra $50 CP is better than being sort of 2 $10 Auto's
I see your point... but I'm an autograph collector, so I'd rather have the autos than the CPs...
February 25, 2012, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by simon1978: Box 2347
Parallel Base Set x 7 Tribute Cards T23, T25, T29, T36 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E12 E15
Autographs: Megan Cole (L) Mark L. Taylor Vyto Ruginis (L) Matt Frewer (EL)
Box 5293
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T26, T30, T34 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E13, E16
Autographs: Jonathan Frakes (EL) William Lithgow (L) Malachi Throne Joshua Harris
Box 1343
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T21, T23, T29, T35 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E15, E18
Autographs: Gabriel Damon Barbara Alyn Woods Frank Collison (L) Albie Selznick (L)
Box 1389
Parallel Base Set x 9 Tribute cards T21, T24, T32, T35 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E10, E18
Autographs: Barbara Alyn Woods Barbara Tarbuck Dey Young
Box 4299
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T26, T27, T30 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E11, E16
Autographs: Colm Meaney (VL) Eve Brenner (L) J.D. Cullum (L) Ellen Geer (L)
Box 5292
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T22, T27, T31 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E11, E14
Autographs: Gabriel Damon Denise Crosby (EL) Castulo Guerra Patti Yasutake (L)
Box 3416
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T25, T28, T33, T36 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E12, E17
Autographs: Susan Diol (VL) Jeffrey Hayenga (L) John Fleck Ben Lemon (L)
Box 2303
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T22, T24, T31, T32 Best of the Holodeck H2, H7, H9 Enterprise E10, E14
Autographs: Steven Anderson Richard Fancy Hallie Todd Jonathan Del Arco (L)
Box 1342
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T19, T26, T27, T30 Best of the Holodeck H4, H6, H8 Enterprise E15, E18
Autographs: Bruce French Chad Allen Barbara Williams Jane Daly
Communicator Pin CP10 Pulaski
Box 0285
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T28, T33, T34 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E13, E17
Autographs: Ron Canada (L) Guy Vardaman Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (L) Gene Dynarski
Box 3415
Parallel Base Set x 8 Tribute cards T20, T26, T30, T34 Best of the Holodeck H7, H9 Enterprise E13, E16
Autographs: Malachi Throne Natalija Nogulich (L) Fran Bennett (L) Nicholas Kepros (L)
Box 3414
Parallel Base Set x 6 Tribute cards T20, T28, T33, T34 Best of the Holodeck H1, H3, H5 Enterprise E10, E14
Autographs: Jane Daly Chad Allen Bruce French
Communicator Pin CP8 Yar
Pleased overall. I'll give Rittenhouse a shout about the two missing autos, I'm, sure that the customer service will be as good as always.
Have to say, though, I love the set, and I'm quite chuffed that, aside from the 3-case and 6-case autos, I'm only short 10 autos from a full run.
Good case!
So... these cards are up for trade (either duplicates from the case or dupes of autos I already have)...
Patti Yasutake Barbara Alyn Woods Barbara Williams Hallie Todd Malachi Throne Natalija Nogulich Bruce French Jonathan Frakes Jonathan Del Arco Gabriel Damon Jane Daly Denise Crosby Chad Allen Plus the CP8 and CP10 Communicator Pins
email sent
February 25, 2012, 11:39 PM
Miss Lizzy
Third Case - Still having the same issue with the Holodeck inserts, but I've already been in contact with RA about it (they actually contacted me first, when they saw my pulls on NSU - how's that for customer service?)
Autographs Marina Sirtis (EL) William Lithgow (L) Joshua Harris Malachi Throne Patti Yasutake (L) Hallie Todd x2 Richard Fancy x2 Gabriel Damon Mark L Taylor Megan Cole (L) David Ogden Stiers (EL) Guy Vardaman x2 Robert O'Reilly (VL) Nicholas Kepros (L) x2 Susan Diol (VL) Barbara Alyn Woods Albie Selznick (L) Frank Collison (L) Castulo Guerra Stephen Lee (L) Fran Bennett (L) John Fleck Ben Lemon (L) Jeffrey Hayenga (L) Michael Snyder (L) x2 Dey Young Vyto Ruginis (L) Barbara Tarbuck JD Cullum (L) x2 Gene Dynarski Nicole Orth-Pallavicini (L) Ron Canada (L) x2 Kelsey Grammer (VL) x2 Ellen Geer (L) x2 Jane Daly Jim Norton Barbara Williams Eve Brenner (L) Steven Anderson
Auto Summary: EL - 2 VL - 4 L- 22 Commons - 20
AND James Doohan archive cut #3/50!
Communicator Pins CP8 Yar #278/300
Inserts Tribute: 2 complete sets, 12 extras USS Enterprise NC-1701: 5 complete sets, 8 extras Best of the Holodeck: 7 cards total Parallel Base: didn't sort yet
Not bad, Miss Lizzy. Out of 144 autos pulled, you're only 1 short for the set.
February 26, 2012, 06:31 AM
I broke down and got a box and I got the expected number of inserts, no communicator pin or cut (with one box that would be really tough) My autos were: John Fleck Megan Cole Gene Dynarski And you could have knocked me over with a feather: David Ogden Stiers I read there were only 50 autograph cards put into the packs so needless to say I am one happy capmer.
February 27, 2012, 09:50 AM
Chris Cline
I was very happy with my case. I got two communicator pins and did well over all with auto's
Albie Selznik as The Juggler in "Cost of Living" (Limited) Ashley Judd as Ensign Robin Lefler in "The Game" (Very Limited) Barbara Alyn Woods as Kareen Brianon in "The Schizoid Man" Barbara Tarbuck as Governor Leka Trion in "The Host" Barbara Williams as Anna in "Liaisons" Ben Lemon as Jev in "Violations" (Limited) X 2 Bruce French as Sabin "Genestra in "The Drumhead" X 2 Castulo Guerra as Seth Mendoza in "The Price" Chad Allen as Jono in "Suddenly Human" Colm Meaney as O'Brien (Very Limited) Dey Young as Hannah Bates in "The Masterpiece Society" Earl Boen as Nagilum in Where Silence Has Lease Case Card Ellen Geer as Dr. Kila Marr in "Silicon Avatar" (Limited) Eve Brenner as Inad in "Violations" (Limited) Fran Bennett as Fleet Admiral Shanthi in "Redemption, Part II" (Limited) Frank Collison as Gul Dolak in "Ensign Ro" (Limited) Gabriel Damon as Jeremy Aster in "The Bonding" Gene Dynarski as Commander Orfil Quintero in "11001001" Guy Vardaman as Lt. Darien Wallace in "Time Squared" Hallie Todd as Lal in "The Offspring" Jane Daly as Varria in "The Most Toys" X 2 JD Cullum as Toral in "Redemption" (Limited) Jeffrey Hayenga as Orta in "Ensign Ro" (Limited) X 2 Jim Norton as Albert Einstein in "Descent" X 2 John Delancie as Q (Extremely Limited) John Fleck as Taibak in "The Mind's Eye" X 2 Jonathan Del Arco as Hugh in "I, Borg" (Limited) Joshua Harris as Timothy in "Hero Worship" Malachi Throne as Senator Pardek in "Unification" Mark L. Taylor as Haritath in "The Ensigns of Command" Matt Frewer as Berlinghoff Rasmussen in "A Matter of Time" (Extremely Limited) Megan Cole as Noor in "The Outcast" (Limited) Nicholas Kepros as General Movar in "Redemption" (Limited) Nicole Orth-Pallavicini as Kareel Odan in "The Host" (Limited) Patti Yasutake as Nurse Alyssa Ogawa in "Clues" (Limited) Richard Fancy as Captain "Satelk in "The First Duty" Robert O'Reilly as Gowron in "Redemption" (Very Limited) Ron Canada as Martin Benbeck in "The Masterpiece Society" (Limited) Stephen Lee as Chorgan in "The Vengence Factor" (Limited) Steven Anderson as Dr. Nilrem in "First Contact" Susan Diol as Carmen Davila in "Silicon Avatar" (Very Limited) Tony Todd as Kurn in "Redemption" (Extremely Limited) Vyto Ruginis as Chief Engineer Logan in "The Arsenal of Freedom" (Limited) William Lithgow as Dr. Pran Tainer in "Inheritance" (Limited)
Communicator Pins: Tasha Data
Holo Cards:
2 Sets with 18 extras
____________________ Ok 1 more pack then I'am really..wait how many are left in that box?
Got Box #1758 yesterday, after taking the packs out of the box I saw the piece of paper stating that there was a Communicator pin in the box and I left that as the last pack to open. Here's what I pulled: