Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Tudors: Seasons I, II, & III (Breygent 2011)
June 19, 2011, 08:51 AM
DavidDebTudors: Seasons I, II, & III (Breygent 2011)
I had one box lelf that I saved for my cousin Terry, but he's so slow dropping by that I decided to open it. It was burning in my hands and some mysterious glow aura surrounded it; I'll just get him another later...
Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry VIII auto

Anne Boleyn costume ABWG

and a sketch by Jason Potratz/Jack Hai

what a cousin box!!
Duke of Buckingham
June 19, 2011, 10:06 AM
hammerI HATE you

June 19, 2011, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by hammer:
I HATE you
that's how you do it with 1 box

June 24, 2011, 12:47 PM
yuzzem23ordered one box last week on Breygents website incl. the binder:
The small box is really cute, and I'm very pleased and positively surprised by this kind of format for releasing new sets! Well done Breygent!!!
contents: 1 set of base cards and inserts: HL-1, LK-4,6 , L1,2,3, HWR1,2,4 auto: TA-JM and prop: 062 of 200: TKS
June 24, 2011, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by yuzzem23:
ordered one box last week on Breygents website incl. the binder:
The small box is really cute, and I'm very pleased and positively surprised by this kind of format for releasing new sets! Well done Breygent!!!
contents: 1 set of base cards and inserts: HL-1, LK-4,6 , L1,2,3, HWR1,2,4 auto: TA-JM and prop: 062 of 200: TKS
Congrats on the TA-JM auto

Traded with Deena, tragicend, Pochacco, Greg Geerts, tradeacard, barobehere, xtime, blwilson, derigel, Salama, mccheese8472, wolfie, glim, BILLZEE, Bond, Warrior Babe and Juelle Lou
June 24, 2011, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Lovemesomecards:
Originally posted by yuzzem23:
ordered one box last week on Breygents website incl. the binder:
The small box is really cute, and I'm very pleased and positively surprised by this kind of format for releasing new sets! Well done Breygent!!!
contents: 1 set of base cards and inserts: HL-1, LK-4,6 , L1,2,3, HWR1,2,4 auto: TA-JM and prop: 062 of 200: TKS
Congrats on the TA-JM auto
tenx mate; really happy with it..... was a very very lucky pull :-)
August 06, 2011, 01:35 AM
Miss LizzyDecided to get two more cases of these.
First Case:
AutosTamzin Merchant x2
Alan Van Sprang x1
Maria Doyle Kennedy x2
Jamie Thomas King x2
James Frain x1
Sarah Bolger x1
Henry Czerny x1
Joanne King x2
Natalie Dormer x1
Gabrielle Anwar x1
Jonathan Rhys Meyers x1
PropsTQ (Quills) 187/200
TKS (Scribbles) 020/200
TKM (Mirror) 061/100
TWP (Wounds Posters) 126/200
CostumesACBD (Anne of Cleves) 014/200
ABWG (Anne) 116/200
KHGL (Henry) 018/200 (ding on bottom left corner)
ABBD (Anne) 065/200 (ding on bottom left corner)
KHNC (Henry) 110/200
ABGD (Anne) 018/200
HJD (Henry & Jane) 013/200
JSGD (Jane) 022/200
ACGD (Anne of Cleves) 014/200
KHST (Henry) 059/200
KHCS (Henry) 154/200
And this:

August 06, 2011, 05:00 AM
Miss LizzySecond Case:
AutosSarah Bolger x1
James Frain x1
Henry Czerny x1
Jonathan Rhys Meyers x1
Maria Doyle Kennedy x2
Natalie Dormer x1
Gabrielle Anwar x1
Jamie Thomas King x2
Joanne King x2
Alan Van Sprang x1
Tamzin Merchant x2
PropsTWP (Wounds Poster) 127/200
TMP (Painting) 68/200
TQ (Quills) 188/200
TAT (Target) 102/200
TKM (Mirror) 54/100 (leather variant)
CostumesKHGL (Henry) 19/200
KHBC (Henry) 179/200
MTBD (Mary) 20/200
ACGD (Anne of Cleves) 15/200
ABBD (Anne) 66/200
ABWG (Anne) 111/200
JSPD (Jane) 168/200
ABGD (Anne) 19/200
ACBD (Anne of Cleves) 15/200
HJD (Henry & Jane) 12/200

Very solid breaks
August 07, 2011, 06:05 AM
Kevin Fquote:
Originally posted by Miss Lizzy:
And this:
Nice to see that you finally managed to break the case-breakers duck on finding sketch cards in this set. It's a really nice card too. I don't think there were too many Hall/Desbois jams created.
August 07, 2011, 04:32 PM
Kris GibsonWOW!!! MissLizzy, I would kill for that card... beautiful!!!
August 07, 2011, 11:43 PM
Miss Lizzyquote:
Originally posted by Kris Gibson:
WOW!!! MissLizzy, I would kill for that card... beautiful!!!

Should I be sleeping with a baseball bat next to the bed??

August 07, 2011, 11:44 PM
Miss Lizzyquote:
Originally posted by Kevin F:
Originally posted by Miss Lizzy:
And this:
Nice to see that you finally managed to break the case-breakers duck on finding sketch cards in this set. It's a really nice card too. I don't think there were too many Hall/Desbois jams created.
David told me they only did 4 together.
August 08, 2011, 04:30 AM
Kris GibsonLOL! Luckily for both of us I'm not a baseball fan

Drawing up plans to rob a bank instead now, though. I'm in love with the card, it MUST be mine!
October 21, 2011, 05:43 AM
Triple-FrogBroke the cheap case I got from the USA.No sketch again

Full set of autos plus dups of Frain,Dormer,Kennedy,and King.
11 costumes and 4 props.
This case must have been a later packed one as several of the autos are noticeably rushed or the result of a tired hand.This especially applies to the Anwar( see the general discussion section for what it looks like.
January 03, 2012, 05:26 PM
LovemesomecardsGot two boxes at a good price.
Box 1
James Frain Auto
L-1, L-2, & L-3
LK-2 & LK-4
HWR-6, HWR-7 and HWR-9
1 base set
Box 2
Jonathan Rhys Meyers auto

KHBC costume
L-1, L-2 & L-3
LK-1 & LK-5
HWR-3, HWR-5 & HWR-8
1 base set
That was money well spent.
Traded with Deena, tragicend, Pochacco, Greg Geerts, tradeacard, barobehere, xtime, blwilson, derigel, Salama, mccheese8472, wolfie, glim, BILLZEE, Bond, Warrior Babe and Juelle Lou
August 15, 2013, 09:13 AM
estephanoThough I usually only buy single auto/costume cards, I bought my very first sealed box on Tuesday because I couldn't resist the cheap price. I got The Tudors box for only € 14.78 ($19.59) and I'm looking forward to my first box break in the hope to be graced with a Gabrielle Anwar auto card whom I love in USA Network's show "Burn Notice".
Just a quick question regarding the box: are the cards packed in individual wrappers? I'd really love that! Would be quite a bummer if the cards come already sorted in just the box.
August 15, 2013, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by estephano:
Though I usually only buy single auto/costume cards, I bought my very first sealed box on Tuesday because I couldn't resist the cheap price. I got The Tudors box for only € 14.78 ($19.59) and I'm looking forward to my first box break in the hope to be graced with a Gabrielle Anwar auto card whom I love in USA Network's show "Burn Notice".
Just a quick question regarding the box: are the cards packed in individual wrappers? I'd really love that! Would be quite a bummer if the cards come already sorted in just the box.
already sorted, u have the set, 1 auto, 1 costume and a sketch if you are really lucky
August 15, 2013, 10:26 AM
hammerThey come sorted in the box with chase cards seperate
August 15, 2013, 11:54 AM
estephanoMhh, what a bummer, too bad! I was really looking forward to the "open-each-pack-and-sorting-experience".

Anyway, thanks for your very fast reply to my question.

August 28, 2013, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by estephano:
Though I usually only buy single auto/costume cards, I bought my very first sealed box on Tuesday because I couldn't resist the cheap price. I got The Tudors box for only € 14.78 ($19.59) and I'm looking forward to my first box break in the hope to be graced with a Gabrielle Anwar auto card whom I love in USA Network's show "Burn Notice".
Just a quick question regarding the box: are the cards packed in individual wrappers? I'd really love that! Would be quite a bummer if the cards come already sorted in just the box.
Alright then... the box arrived today and when I realised its small size I was somewhat disappointed. Like I've already mentioned in a previous post I love to unwrap cards, but this wasn't going to happen in this case.
Anyway, since this is my first box break ever I was really excited to see if I would pull the Gabrielle Anwar auto card that I wanted so badly. Well, I wasn't lucky... no Gabrielle Anwar auto card for me.
BUT... I hit the jackpot and pulled the Jonathan Rhys Meyers auto card AND the dual costume card of Henry & jane (HJB)!
This really made up for not being graced with a Gabrielle Anwar auto considering that I only paid € 14.78 ($19.59) for the box.
Autograph card:Jonathan Rhys Meyers (TA-JM)
Costume Card:Jonathan Rhys Meyers & Annabelle Wallis (HJD, #24/200)
Chase Cards:L-1, L-2, L-3
LK-1, LK-5