October 21, 2006, 06:03 PM
Cee_JayI bought one box on eBay for a nice price and got the following:
Box #2731/4000:
-Warriors in Action: W5, W8
-Quotable: Q23, Q24, Q29, Q31, Q34, Q38
-Team: P6 McKay
-Autographs: Claire Rankin (Dr. Heightmeyer)

, Christian Bocher (Torrell)
No Motion or Costume card
The set is nice looking and the pics used for the three checklist cards are fantastic!

October 24, 2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by zhamlau:
id say no. you sell the other case, take the money and buy the teyla and the common wraith auto, and the motion. ... Then you literally have that entire set on lock down. thats what i would do.
Ok, i caved in and opened the other case, they were calling to me...
Box #0949
Quotable: 22, 23, 29, 31, 35, 38
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 3
Peter Woodward as Otho
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim
Box #0950
Quotable: 21, 24, 25, 27, 30, 34, 39
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 5
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
Costume: Dr. Rodney McKay
Box #1867
Quotable: 26, 28, 32, 36, 37, 40
Warrior: 1, 3
Team: 2
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen
Motion: M2
Box #3317
Quotable: 21, 26, 27, 32, 36, 40
Warrior: 1, 3
Team: 1
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
Box #0344
Quotable: 22, 23, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38
Warrior: 6, 9
Team: 6
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
Costume: Halling
Box #1351
Quotable: 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39
Warrior: 5, 8
Team: 6
Chad Morgan as Teer
Christian Bocher as Torrell
Costume: Wraith Warrior
Box #1868
Quotable: 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 34, 39
Warrior: 3, 9
Team: 3
Pascale Hutton as First Officer
James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
Box #1350
Quotable: 21, 24, 25, 30, 34, 39
Warrior: 2, 7
Team: 1
Chad Morgan as Teer
Christian Bocher as Torrell
Box #0345
Quotable: 22, 23, 28, 33, 35, 38
Warrior: 4, 7
Team: 2
Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
Costume: Major John Sheppard
Box #1869
Quotable: 26, 27, 32, 36, 37, 40
Warrior: 2, 6
Team: 5
Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen
Motion: M3
Box #0951
Quotable: 22, 23, 31, 33, 35, 38
Warrior: 1, 5
Team: 7
Peter Woodward as Otho
Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim
Box #3316
Quotable: 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 40
Warrior: 4, 8
Team: 4
Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
Brandy Ledford as Norina
Now, total, i have;
Base: 60 sets plus 111 singles
Quotable: 6 sets plus 15 singles
Warrior: 4 sets plus 12 singles
Team: 3 sets plus 3 singles
Costume: 2 sets
Motion: 1 set plus 1 single
Auto: 14 of 15 with 34 "doubles", including one VERY LIMITED double.
0 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
2 Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
1 James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
2 Brandy Ledford as Norina
5 Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
2 Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
3 Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
4 Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim
4 Pascale Hutton as First Officer
5 Chad Morgan as Teer
4 Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen
5 Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
3 Christian Bocher as Torrell
4 Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
4 Peter Woodward as Otho
PLUS I've got;
Amanda Tapping as Lt.Colonel Carter
Garwin Sanford as Simon
P3 Album Promo
P1 Promo
UK Promo
sell sheet
P2 NSU Promo
CP1 2006 Summer Conventions Promo.
1920 Rittenhouse Rewards Points.
That means all I need for a Master Set is;
Auto: Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
I realise i've probably shot myself in the foot money-wise, but it's all about the thrill of opening the packs, isn't it?
October 24, 2006, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Ali_G:
Originally posted by zhamlau:
id say no. you sell the other case, take the money and buy the teyla and the common wraith auto, and the motion. ... Then you literally have that entire set on lock down. thats what i would do.
Ok, i caved in and opened the other case, they were calling to me...
Now, total, i have;
Base: 60 sets plus 111 singles
Quotable: 6 sets plus 15 singles
Warrior: 4 sets plus 12 singles
Team: 3 sets plus 3 singles
Costume: 2 sets
Motion: 1 set plus 1 single
Auto: 14 of 15 with 34 "doubles", including one VERY LIMITED double.
0 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
2 Torri Higginson as Dr. Elizabeth Weir
1 James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
2 Brandy Ledford as Norina
5 Kavan Smith as Major Lorne
2 Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
3 Ellie Harvie as Dr. Lindsey Novak
4 Ryan Robbins as Ladon Radim
4 Pascale Hutton as First Officer
5 Chad Morgan as Teer
4 Andee Frizzell as Wraith Hive Queen
5 Claire Rankin as Dr. Kate Heightmeyer
3 Christian Bocher as Torrell
4 Clayton Landey as Colonel Dillon Everett
4 Peter Woodward as Otho
PLUS I've got;
Amanda Tapping as Lt.Colonel Carter
Garwin Sanford as Simon
P3 Album Promo
P1 Promo
UK Promo
sell sheet
P2 NSU Promo
CP1 2006 Summer Conventions Promo.
1920 Rittenhouse Rewards Points.
That means all I need for a Master Set is;
Auto: Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
I realise i've probably shot myself in the foot money-wise, but it's all about the thrill of opening the packs, isn't it?
Yeah, its hard to say no to a sealed case, but i think next time your in this situation, you would be better off going the other route, becouse you would have almost enought money left after buying all the cards and variants, to buy a different case, and thats part way to another set. BUT...ive very rarely myself not opened product...one of the few times i took my own opening advice, i sold a box of basketball that i LITERALLY started to peel the celephane off, then i said no , and sold it...inside was a redemption card for a signed and framed michael jordan signed jersy, as well as MJ autograph redemption and the 2nd best rookie that year...since then ive had a hard time selling boxes LOL. Thats why i loved evolution and star wars boxes, becouse literally anything, from any artist can fall and each one can be different. with autograph products , you know pretty much what your gonna get , unless it has some home runs that are like 1:4 cases or something.
October 30, 2006, 04:57 PM
MasterStargate Atlantis Season 2 Box Results
The Quotable Stargate Atlantis (1:8 packs)
Q21, Q25, Q27, Q30, Q32, Q36, Q40
Warriors in Action (1:20 packs)
W4 Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan - The Siege
W8 Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex - Allies
Autograph Cards (1:20 packs)
Connor Trinneer as Michael Kenmore
Peter Woodward as Otho
Plastic Team Cards (1:40 packs)
P7 Mitch Pileggi as Col. Steven Caldwell
Costume Cards (1:120 packs)
Dr. Rodney McKay
November 27, 2006, 08:22 AM
AJJAsked a friend to pick me up a box at Memorabilia and this is what I got.
Box #3974
Quotable- Q21,Q25,Q27,Q30,Q32,Q40
Warriors- W1 Sheppard from The Seige
W3 Sheppard from Duet
Crew- P2 Dr Weir
Autos- Claire Rankin as Dr Kate Heightmeyer
James Lafazanos as Male Wraith
No motion or costume cards.
December 29, 2007, 02:00 PM
comicbookfanBox of Stargate Atlantis Season 2 #837
Team card P6 - Mckay.
Autos: Ellie Harvie and Chad Morgan.
7 Quotable cards: 23, 24,29,31,34,38,39.
Warriors: 6 (Teyla) and 9 (Ronon).
Haven't sorted the base cards yet.
I liked the colours on the base cards, I like the auto card design (but the front feels rough which seems weird), like the team poster card, like the foil extras on the warrior cards and of course quotes are always fun. Will definetly hunt for the rest of the Ronon and Teyla warrior cards and the cast/team poster then I might hunt down the rest of these inserts now that I've seen them.