Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Buffy Big Bads (Inkworks)
August 21, 2004, 07:50 AM
NeilBuffy Big Bads (Inkworks)
I recieved mine in the mail today.
i got:
1 base set, and need 8 for another
SE 4,5
OS 1,3
and Pw-1 Wohooo

the only peiceworks i have for any buffy :/
Also i got the album and P-UK aswell.
September 04, 2004, 07:09 AM
Star*MystykWhile out shopping for other things I got myself a box. My tax return came in, so I had an excuse to just buy one for the hell of it

1 Base Set
SE-4, 5, 6
PW6 (Warren)

Even though I wasn't too keen on the set, I don't mind the OS-5 of Willow. That looks pretty cool. I might just keep them instead

September 06, 2004, 08:48 AM
Neillol you dont look too happy about the warren pw
September 06, 2004, 09:09 AM
angelchick182Lol, and that's the first one I picked up.
"We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be." --Angel, "Deep Down"
September 22, 2004, 09:07 PM
PW6- Warren
I keep forgetting that there are only 24 packs, so I was expecting to pull a few more chase cards...
Gonna open my other box tonight- hopefully it will turn out well...
October 05, 2004, 07:35 AM
inkangeljust got my box in the mail (a little late I know but better late then never)
this is what I pulled out of it.
I was a little sad about the OS3 because I already pulled that one from a pack I bought.
but the PW6 made up for that because I didnt have that one yet I did have the D'hoffryn pw (pack pulled) so at least I have 2 diffrent pw's now.
all in all I'm happy with what I have now.
October 05, 2004, 03:38 PM
Chris ByrneHey there,
Looks like a good box, I pulled a PW-7.
I will send you an e-mail about the extra OS-3.
Thanks -- Chris

October 05, 2004, 04:45 PM
inkangelemail received and and answerd! thanks Chris!!

October 09, 2004, 04:51 PM
MartineHere we go:
1 base set
Box loader: BL1
Seasons of Evil: SE1, SE2
Other Side: OS3
Pieceworks: PW1 - Spike

Pretty nice overall, I really love my Spike's Pieceworks!
January 16, 2005, 08:53 PM
Star*MystykGot me another box today.


SE-6, SE-5


The sad faces represent cards I already have. I didn't have the PW, so that was good.
From this set all I need is the BL2. The rest of the inserts will be going up for trade as soon as I update my site.

March 16, 2005, 05:10 AM
Star*MystykAlmost 2 months later, i bought another box

This time around, not so many sad faces.
BL-1 (again!)
OS-3, OS-4
SE-3, SE-4 (actually needed one of those)

That's alright. More cards to trade, even though I'm slowing down my trading to a complete stop shortly.

March 16, 2005, 07:49 AM
Chris ByrneNice pulls!
Well done -- Chris

March 16, 2005, 03:35 PM
... even though I'm slowing down my trading to a complete stop shortly.
Uh huh, Star... riiiight... lol
Nice pulls!!! Especially the two OS cards (and of course the PW!!) !!
July 29, 2006, 11:06 AM
terihatcherfanI bought 3 sealed boxes on eBay for a grand total of £20 including P&P just because I wanted some cheap boxes to open- I'd previously never bought any of this set, I just couldn't resist the incredible bargain.
In the 3 boxes I pulled-
BL2, BL3 (x2)
SE5, SE6 (x3), SE7 (x2)
OS-1 (x2), OS-5, OS-6 (x3)
PW1 - Spike (plain black)
PW4 - Adam (variant, mostly brown with green strip across the top)
PW5 - Halfrek (plain red)
Getting pretty much the same chase cards in every single box was not only a freaky coincidence but also a bit of a let down, but at the end of the day I'm still not really upset about it- I only paid £20 for ALL THREE, and my Adam variant is gorgeous. It's only the 2nd variant I've ever pulled from a box. Plus I got Spike's tee! I'm very happy.
Does anyone have any idea how much these cards are worth? I'm clueless!

Now they see the sky, and they remember what they are.
July 29, 2006, 01:06 PM
charmedmadgreat finds
July 29, 2006, 04:01 PM
WarriorBabeHi Olly

Looked in my June/July NSU for you

The PW1 is valued at $44
The others you have are $20-25
Is beginning to realize that collecting cards is like an itch that never goes away......
July 29, 2006, 05:08 PM
dmatsudaGreat finds there
terihatcherfan (especially with the prices you paid on the boxes)!

July 29, 2006, 08:52 PM
terihatcherfanThanks for the kudos everyone, and thankyou
warriorbabe for the help! You're a gem.

Olly x
Now they see the sky, and they remember what they are.
July 31, 2006, 03:17 PM
terihatcherfanAlready posted it in the variant thread but it's relevant here so I'll post it in this thread too!
Here's a close shot of the PW4 variant I pulled in one of the boxes.

Now they see the sky, and they remember what they are.
August 02, 2006, 02:49 AM
spidergoblinLooks good over here as well Olly

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper