Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Star Trek Deep Space 9, Quotable (Rittenhouse Archives)
September 01, 2007, 10:37 AM
BeavStar Trek Deep Space 9, Quotable (Rittenhouse Archives)
Box 3696 of 6000
TV2, TV9
Comic Book CB5
C19 Quark black velour
C5 Worf red uniform
A18 Cirroc Lofton
Happy overall, but if I could have gotten a Quark multi color that would have been great.
September 01, 2007, 03:35 PM
riddickfanPretty good pulls Beav.

You're not afraid of the dark are you?
September 03, 2007, 09:37 AM
AJJMy box arrived this morning and I've just finished opening it and here's what I got.
Box # 1114 of 6000
DST07 Promo card
TV Guide- TV3,TV6,TV8
Comic Book- CB2,CB3
Starfleet's Finest- Captain Benjamin Sisko 281/399

Auto- Andrew Koenig as Tumak
Costumes- C5 Worfs duty uniform- All Black
C13 Dax's costume from Blood Oath- Black with silver specks
All in all a great box.
"No time like the present to change the future"
September 03, 2007, 10:42 AM
You're not afraid of the dark are you?
September 03, 2007, 11:54 AM
justmSome great boxes from Silverback, Beav & AJJ. Congratulations to all of you on what you got from this set.

There don't seem to be many duff boxes out there on this release - although we've only had a small proportion of posts. I really enjoyed my box & this will be a set I go back to time & again for many years to come, and I'm not a big Star Trek fan.
Any airsofters out there ?
September 05, 2007, 12:41 AM
AJJ on pulling a Sisko Starfleet's Finest card!

September 05, 2007, 09:23 AM
AJJThanks. The last Quotable box I got was the TNG one and I pulled a LaForge Finest card from that.
"No time like the present to change the future"
September 07, 2007, 01:30 PM
You're not afraid of the dark are you?
September 16, 2007, 07:48 PM
gofmaulegI purchased a box and binder shipped for $72.95. Here's the box breakdown:
Box 1412 of 6000
DST07 Promo card
TV1, TV7
Comic Book CB5

]C7 Dr Julian Bashir (Duty Uniform - Gray)[/URL]

]C10 Dr Noah from Our Man Bashir[/URL]

]A18 Adrienne Barbeau as Cretak[/URL]
Binder Costume

]Grand Nagus Zek Costume Card[/URL]
I won an auction for two sealed boxes yesterday for $46.16 which includes insured priority mail. I can't believe I got such a great deal.

September 17, 2007, 03:31 AM
justmGreat box gofmauleg!

I see that you couldn't resist posting your Grand Negus binder exclusive either. It's a great card.
Congratulations on your e-bay purchases

great price !
Looking forward to those box breakdowns from you.
Any airsofters out there ?
September 17, 2007, 01:05 PM
justm! Yup, I couldn't resist posting Grand Negus costume card.

I haven't heard from the seller since I paid for the boxes shortly after winning them. If the seller sends the package today then I should receive it by tomorrow.
I'm really hoping to pull an autograph card just like yours.

October 04, 2007, 12:15 AM
gofmaulegHere are the results of the (2) sealed boxes I purchased at auction for $46.16 shipped:
Box 1498 of 6000
DST07 Promo card
TV1, TV5
Comic Book CB6
C9 Captain Sisko
C21 Promenade Banner
Rene Auberjonois as Odo
Box 0510 of 6000
DST07 Promo card
TV7, TV9
Comic Book CB7, CB8
C2 Colonel Kira Nerys
C17 Waitress
John De Lancie as Q
(Very Limited)
Overall, I'm very pleased with my pulls especially since I didn't pay much for the boxes. However, both autograph cards were pulled with a dented corner on the bottom right side. Does anyone know if RA will replace these cards? I will try to contact them via email.
October 04, 2007, 12:03 PM
blwilsonHi gofmauleg,
Congrats on your pulls. I had the same problem with the auto I pulled. Rittenhouse replaced it, no problem.
Members I've successfully traded with:
wuher, Scott Rammel, Bond, mars53, Arvin Sloane, Larry C., silmapco, MrSpeed719, spidergoblin, mark64, steve j, barrowjack, indypat75, ra4dunb, Avalon, hammer, Gregor1968, Rich, Scifi Cards, Ryan Cracknell, UofLHoops, Cee_Jay, rachandcarl, brandocles, venom5liter, Warrior Babe, manolito, SciFi Mom, Ariana, Craig, beleay, kidtrek, eman, iki927, jane
October 04, 2007, 01:01 PM
justmHi gofmauleg,
Nice pulls

from 2 of the best signers!
Shame about the damage but I expect they'll be replaced without any problem.
I know you wouldn't have minded a Terry Farrell though. Are you going to buy any more boxes or is it time to hit e-bay?
Any airsofters out there ?
October 05, 2007, 04:46 AM
gofmaulegThank you Blair and justm. I sent an email to Rittenhouse and received a quick reply. All I need to do is send in the cards for replacement.
justm, I wish I pulled a Terry Farrell so I guess I'll have yours instead.

It appears that Terry Farrell autograph card is the most expensive of all the cards. I'm holding off buying individual cards for now but I'm constantly checking auctions for good deals on boxes. I pre-ordered two cases of The Complete Star Trek Movies so I need to save up for that series.
Have you made any acquisition lately?

October 05, 2007, 10:08 AM
Cee_Jaygofmauleg I got my autograph (Lark Voorhies) also replaced. It's no problem and they're really nice.
"I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact
October 05, 2007, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by gofmauleg:
justm, I wish I pulled a Terry Farrell so I guess I'll have yours instead.
Have you made any acquisition lately?
Fair enough. I'll trade you for a Harrison Ford or a Walt Disney.

As for acquisitions, I'm a bit low on gold-plated latinum at the moment, too many good releases due so it's spread a bit thin.
Any airsofters out there ?
October 05, 2007, 05:56 PM
gofmaulegI sent the cards this afternoon. Cee_Jay, I agree, the folks at RA are really nice.
So justm, how did you know I had a Harrison Ford?!

Indeed, there are too many good releases due. I'll be kept busy with Heroes and The Complete Star Trek Movies. I'm not sure how I'm going to pay for my trip to Japan.
October 06, 2007, 03:47 PM
david963Brought a cheap case, quite happy with the breakdown
Basic sets - not counted
Final Frontier - (1:8) 6 Sets + 8 spare
TV Guide covers - (1:20) 2 Sets + 6 spare
Comic books - (1:35) 1 Set + 6 spare
Starfleet Finest (1:120) - F2, F3, F6, F7
Costume Cards - (1:20)
C2x2 (Different Colours)
C17x2 (1 x tri-colour, 1 x one colour)
C21x2 (Different patterns)
Autographs (1:40)
Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko (Very Limited) x0
Nana Visitor as Colonel Kira Nerys (Limited) x0
Armin Shimerman as Quark (Limited) x1
Terry Farrell as Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Very Limited) x1

Rene Auberjonois as Odo (Limited) x1
Cirroc Lofton as Jake Sisko (Limited) x1
Adrienne Barbeau as Cretak x1
Max Grodenchik as Rom (Limited) x1
Aron Eisenberg as Nog (Limited) x1
James Darren as Vic Fontaine (Limited) x1
K. Callan x1
Lark Voorhies as Leanne x1
Andrew Koenig as Tumak x0
John De Lancie as Q (Very Limited) x1
Jennifer Hetrick as Vash (Very Limited) x1
All in all a good case, full set of costumes + 3 varients and 12 of the 15 auto's including 3 of the 4 very limited.
October 06, 2007, 04:02 PM
gofmaulegDavid, congratulations on an excellent case breakdown!

It's wonderful that you pulled all the costume cards including some variants.