Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Previous Box Breakdowns (Various)
August 05, 2003, 01:01 AM
Paul RussellPrevious Box Breakdowns (Various)
Originally posted by mykdude:
I wonder if we could make this a special section on the NSU card talk??
You may want to bring this up in the suggestions forum...
Paul Russell
"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with...molecular structures." -- Ash, Army of Darkness
August 05, 2003, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by mykdude:
I wonder if we could make this a special section on the NSU card talk??
Actually, that's a good idea, and as Paul said, well worth suggesting in the... er... Suggestions section.

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::
'I swear I am completely unimpressed by clever answers'
REMEMBER: Take out the 'removemefirst' from my e-mail address to reply...
August 06, 2003, 11:05 PM
VincentReceived my one box today, thought I'd try my luck at one of those signature cards

Sets: NONE, 3 cards short, though I have almost 20 doubles
Famous Covers: 22 (2 doubles)
Illustrated Film Scenes: IF06, IF08, IF09, IF10
Cut Signature Cards: NONE
Also to note, I didn't win anything in the 24 Sweepstakes cards that are included 1 per pack.

Not a bad set, I was expecting worse (although the lack of a complete base set is annoying)
View my trading card page at 07, 2003, 07:40 PM
VincentAnother older box I picked up because I got it cheap

Base Sets: 2 (31 cards short of 3rd)
Weapons Overview: w3, w5
Neuralyzer: n2
Pieceworks: NONE

Autographs: NONE

I was really hoping for a pieceworks OR an autograph card, bad luck precedes me. Oh well, still not bad for the money I paid.
View my trading card page at 08, 2003, 07:28 PM

Just broke a sealed box of Stargate Season 4

Yielded - 10 Dial Home Cards
2 Goa'uld Tech cards

C11 Carter (one of 625 cards)

VERY VERY happy with this breakdown - the A13 & C11 were two cards I REALLY wanted. Wish I'd gotten a couple more of the Goa'uld Tech cards, but I can trade for those

Busted loose packs of Farscape Season 3 (yes, more) and Enterprise Season 1.
Out of 16 Farscape packs - 4 Revenging Angel cels (WHOO HOO!) & 5 BTS cards

Out of 16 packs of Enterprise - F3 (2) & 4 Tech cards. Not too shabby

Lessa 09, 2003, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by tialessa:
VERY VERY happy with this breakdown - the A13 & C11 were two cards I REALLY wanted. Wish I'd gotten a couple more of the Goa'uld Tech cards, but I can trade for those 
/me waves at Tialessa

That is an EXCELLENT breakdown for a box, the Carter was one per case as I recall, as indeed was the Shanks auto...
xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::
'I swear I am completely unimpressed by clever answers'
REMEMBER: Take out the 'removemefirst' from my e-mail address to reply...
August 10, 2003, 12:00 AM
xstTialessa, a big congratulations on your pulls!!!

Happy Stargating!
August 11, 2003, 08:54 PM
gabfanI just opened a box of Star Trek Animated. I was hoping for a crew Autograph but no such luck. Here is what I got.
1 Base Set
Doohan Tribute-Complete Set plus #2
Bridge Crew-1,2,5,8,9
Kirk in Motion-2.4
Micro Cel-14,17
Box Cd-Sulu
Autograph-A10 "Signed almost completly out of were the signature should be

Click Banner
August 11, 2003, 10:30 PM
VincentCracked a box of Topps Incredible Hulk cards. Here's what I got.
2 Base Sets (plus a few doubles)
Gamma Ray Foils - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Crystal Clear - 2, 4
Custom Cover - NONE
Fairly happy with the breakdown. My #7 gamma ray foil card is DAMAGED! The Foil is peeling off the top of the card! GRRRR

View my trading card page at 11, 2003, 10:49 PM
IncarnadineJust got done opening a Buffy season 6 box.
Box Loader- BL-2 (Xander)
Love Bites Back- LBB4, LBB5
Once More, With Feeling puzzle- H4
Autograph- A31 Elizabeth Anne Allen (Amy)
Pieceworks- PW-3 (Buffy's Doublemeat Top)
Quite pleased with this box and it's a nice change to pull an auto that isn't Amelinda Embry (up until now I'd pulled 6 Katrinas and 1 D'Hoffryn) and getting a pieceworks is nice as they are about 1:2 boxes so there was a 50/50 chance (roughly).
Buffy: I could wrestle naked in grease for a living and still be cleaner than after a shift at the Doublemeat.
Willow: Plus, I'd visit you at work every single day.
August 12, 2003, 12:59 AM
MartineJust finished going through my second Angel Season 2 box. Now for the breakdown:
* City of Angel: CA1, CA2, CA3
* LA Women: LA2, LA3
* Angel Heart card

* Autograph: A11 (Stephanie Romanov/Lilah Morgan)
All together, not bad, especially the Angel Heart card (one every 107 packs) and the Lilah auto. A bit disappointed with the LA Women, they're the exact same ones I had gotten in my first box. Which means trade, trade, trade... And now only missing 4 City of Angel

Great box for a great price. Gotta love eBay!

Forgot the box loader: A2L-2

August 12, 2003, 09:50 AM
Dobby The House ElfBase Sets: 2, not close to a third, many quadruplicates
Smallville High: 3
Spring Formal: 2
Autograph: Kelly Brook
Not bad, at least I didn't have that auto yet. 12, 2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Martine:
Just finished going through my second Angel Season 2 box. Now for the breakdown:
* City of Angel: CA1, CA2, CA3
* LA Women: LA2, LA3
* Angel Heart card 
* Autograph: A11 (Stephanie Romanov/Lilah Morgan)
The only box I got had both the Angel Heart card and A11 - wonder if they are connected ?
Mmmmm Stephanie Ramanov

Rufus: Very basic strategy. If your enemies know where you are then don't be there!
August 12, 2003, 08:54 PM
xstLast year my Angel Season 2 box yielded the Angel Heart card and the Dru/Darla double auto!!

Happy Stargating!
August 13, 2003, 04:53 PM
phoenixTo add to the sequence of Angel season 2 breakdowns here is mine from a box i purchased 2 weeks ago quite cheaply.
City of Angel : CA6, CA7, CA8.
LA Women : LA3, LA4.
Angel Heart card.
Autograph : A9 Julie Benz / Darla.
Very pleased, especially as the box i bought on its initial release also had the Angel Heart card and the Charisma Carpenter auto.
August 13, 2003, 05:20 PM
RajOpened a box of Scorpion King last night and got 1 (Bernard Hill) auto redemption card and 1 (Steven Brand) PW3 pieceworks redemption card along with 3 of the puzzle and 2 of the Vision of the Sorceress cards.
August 13, 2003, 08:46 PM
VincentOpened a box of James Bond TWINE cards today. Here's my breakdown...
1 Full Set (6 cards short of 2nd)
Bond Is Back - B1, B2, B9
Q Branch - Q2, Q3
Shaken Not Stirred - S1

Casino Collector Chips - C1
On Jeff Allender's website, it states that there are autograph cards in this set, but it doesn't say anything on the box or on the wrappers. Can anyone clarify this for me? If they do exist, what are the odds of pulling one? Thanks!
View my trading card page at 14, 2003, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Vincent:
On Jeff Allender's website, it states that there are autograph cards in this set, but it doesn't say anything on the box or on the wrappers. Can anyone clarify this for me?
I'm pretty certain I pulled three auto redemptions from my case: Judi Dench, Goldie and Samantha Bond. There were six autos in the set, the rarest was Denise Richards. This set contained an autograph redemption from the late Desmond Llewellyn: the cards were returned to Inkworks shortly before the actor was involved in a fatal car accident in Kent. The last autograph... I need to check... Serena Scott Thomas. I don't know the exact odds, this was back in the days when one auto per box was still a dream...

xSaBx :: Mistress of Stuff ::
'I swear I am completely unimpressed by clever answers'
REMEMBER: Take out the 'removemefirst' from my e-mail address to reply...
August 14, 2003, 05:49 AM
BoldlygoneHeres the rundown of the Trek set I opened:
COMPLETE DS9Box 1 #5075: DA1,

A23, CC3 (patterned cloth),

G3 & G6 (together in the SAME pack) & AR3 + 5 Dominion ships & 13 allies'n' enemy cards
a total of 24 chase cards
Box 2 #0543: A8, A15, G5 & AR6. + 5 Dominion ships & 13 allies'n' enemy cards ~ No Costume card
a total of 22 chase cards
Box 3 #7172: just A20, A22 & G10 +5 Dominion ships & 13 allies'n' enemy cards
No Costume card or an Alternate reality card

a total of only 21 chase cards
and in Box 4 #1065: I got A8(again), A19, G5(again) and AR7+5 Dominion ships & 13 allies'n' enemy cards
No Costume card again
a total of only 22 chase cards.
Never give up - NEVER surrender
August 14, 2003, 06:26 AM
watchers of watchersCongrats on your DS9 I just opened my box not to good got Schafer and Schallert autos and dorn gallery totally sucky box worst I had in awhile. Hope my outer limits is better next month!
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