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Star Wars Evolution Update (Topps)
Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of xtime
Got notified today that my case is on the way. Eight boxes per case with 24 packs each box. Supposed to have 1 auto per box, with a chance at 1 of a kind cut signatures of Alec Guiness, George Lucas, and Peter Cushing. Plus, some mighty rare Luke and Leia chase cards.

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Posts: 4244 | Location: USA | Registered: December 04, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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Standardized title.
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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of zhamlau
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opened my two boxes today. Got the standard number of parrallels talked about on the boxes, i was able to make a set of the etched foils. The autographs i got were Zach jensen as Kit fisto and Garrick Hagon as Biggs Darklighter. im very glad i pulled my order back from 2 cases to 2 boxes.

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
Posts: 1882 | Location: michigan | Registered: September 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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I checked out some pictures of the autograph cards and those stickers are just so disappointing. Perhaps if they would have designed the card around the sticker it would have been passable, but to use the same design as the original Evolution set and slap the sticker in the signing space just looks wrong.

Posts: 712 | Location: Western US | Registered: August 09, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bronze Card Talk Member
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I also think that the autograph cards should have any been redesigned to incorporate the autograph sticker format. The sticker covers most of the Star Wars name and it just doesn't look right to me. If Topps wanted to keep with the Star Wars Evolution format then they should have had the cards signed, so no stickers.
Posts: 714 | Location: City by the Bay, CA | Registered: May 09, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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what really sorta hurts about this set, is that im the biggest star wars autograph collector you can find. I so wanted this to be a hit, but just the sheer number of repeats, of lesser characters along with the very very very bad looking signed band aids, just makes this product poor on every level. i love busting wax, but even i scaled back massively my order. i mean, on some level this product is super insulting. Its like topps said, "oh, there morons, we can stick and horrid 5 secound scene actor in the set , not care about design or how much sticker autographs are hated, and the fans will buy it up." I really hope this product doesnt do well, becouse topps really needs to know right now, that their sticker auto's are horrible and unwanted, and that they cant just fill a set with repeats and the guy who moved jabbas left eye, and think its money in the bank. I mean....THERE IS NO REASON YOU HAVE TO HAVE JAMES EARL JONES A THIRD TIME...AND FOR GOD SAKES IF YOU DO, DONT MAKE HIM A 1:2000 PACK hAYDEN-ESQUE SHORT PRINT!!!! The man (Jones) will sign for FREAKIN FREE IF YOU WRITE HIM!!!!! Oh well, venting, sorry...yay topps.

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
Posts: 1882 | Location: michigan | Registered: September 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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A Hayden Christensen auto has hit that auction site.
Posts: 1019 | Location: North Carolina, USA | Registered: September 16, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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Thought this thread is for breakdown of boxes? When did it become a thread for countless complaints? Confused

Some of my traders: Star*Mystyk, davelennox, Jack London, Chris Byrne, TAT, spidergoblin, Brimaster, cverdec, mac13, mars53, Ryan Cracknell, wuher, angelchick182, FRANK AMICO, batmancity, Card Reaper, Over_Worked_Mom, Dewman, THX2112, venom5liter, batmancity, barobehere, KADRAN00157, browninga5m, trade-a-card, FCB, wolfie, ghostrider666, Brian A. Davis, s8zaphod, Cee_Jay

Posts: 1451 | Location: Singapore | Registered: January 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Titanium Card Talk Member
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quite right, delete everything and start again. Thumb Up

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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no, its a thread for COMMENTING on other peoples posts, thanks guys!

Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
Posts: 1882 | Location: michigan | Registered: September 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Arvin Sloane
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Originally posted by zhamlau:
no, its a thread for COMMENTING on other peoples posts, thanks guys!

Your post might be better received if it had been included as part of your box breakdown post. As a stand alone post, it is probably better suited in the NEWS & RUMORS section with the thread for this product.
Since you have mentioned the autograph sticker issue. It would be nice if Harris or someone else who was present at the discussion with the Topps people about this matter could give us a blow by blow breakdown on how that discussion proceeded and any possible outcome that might have resulted from that meeting.
Posts: 2206 | Location: SD6 Headquarters | Registered: April 01, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post

New Card Talk Member
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Here is an actual 8 box case breakdown:

Jabba the Hut
Sly Moore
Aurra Sing
Biggs Darklighter
Kit Fisto
Plo Koon
Saesee Tiin

11 complete base sets with checklists
5 complete foil sets with 2 extras
1 complete Evolution A set with a few extras
1 complete Evolution B set with 1 extra

No luke or leia limited cards.

I was somewhat disappointed with the Autos. One of my boxes didn't have one. I also noticed that all the autos I did get are already all over that auction site. Its a nice set but Topps has really let me down for the last time. I will no longer be ordering cases of cards that they produce. I hope Star Wars gets picked up by another company that can do a better job with autographers and production. Just my two cents.
Posts: 5 | Location: Rio Rancho, NM | Registered: October 08, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Platinum Card Talk Member
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Breakdown threads really are for actual breakdowns, and discussions of the breakdowns.

Other conversations are best left to the related topics.

Posts: 5507 | Location: Parts Unknown. | Registered: January 25, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Victory_is_Mine!!
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Opened 2 boxes.

Only 1 complete base set.
7 Etched foil inserts (missing #3 for the set)
8 Evolution A cards.
only 3 Evolution B cards.

Auto's were Barriss Offee, & Saesee Tuub,

Both auto's were damaged on the bottoms of the cards, like someone took a thumbnail and separated the card layers a bit.
Posts: 86 | Location: Iowa | Registered: April 08, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Arvin Sloane
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We busted an 8 box case of this product and here is what we got:
9 complete sets with 1 card missing for a tenth set.
4 complete foil etched sets, with a fifth set shy just one card, 5 extra cards.
1 complete A set, with 12 extras.
3 cards shy of a complete B set, with 3 extras.
Now for the cards everyone really cares about, the autographs.
2 Wayne Pygrams as Governor Tarkin
1 Richard LeParmentier as Admiral Motti
1 Michael Kingma as Tarful
1 Garrick Hagon as Biggs Darklighter
1 Matt Sloan as Plo Koon
1 Zachariah Jensen as Kit Fisto
As you probably noticed I came up one autograph short, which is probably why Inkworks and RA are so highly thought of in the hobby, you can't beat that guarantee.
Overall a very nice base set, consistent with the Evolution line.
The foil etched cards are also up to standard as are the A & B cards.
I have to echo everyone else's comments on the stickers, although to be honest had I pulled an Anakin Skywalker autograph I probably would be alot less critical.
Posts: 2206 | Location: SD6 Headquarters | Registered: April 01, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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I will be interested in a trade for your extra Tarkin auto if I didn't pull 1 later. Will bust my 2 cases now as they just arrived.

Some of my traders: Star*Mystyk, davelennox, Jack London, Chris Byrne, TAT, spidergoblin, Brimaster, cverdec, mac13, mars53, Ryan Cracknell, wuher, angelchick182, FRANK AMICO, batmancity, Card Reaper, Over_Worked_Mom, Dewman, THX2112, venom5liter, batmancity, barobehere, KADRAN00157, browninga5m, trade-a-card, FCB, wolfie, ghostrider666, Brian A. Davis, s8zaphod, Cee_Jay

Posts: 1451 | Location: Singapore | Registered: January 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of zerosev
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Mad This set is GARBAGE!!!! Worst purchase of my life!
Oh yeah box breakdown...
8 Box Breakdown.
4 etched foil sets with **** left over
1 evolution A set with many duplicate extras. (not even worth trying to complete a second set its so bad)
Missing about half of my Evo B set Shake Head

As for the autographs. 1/24 my... Mad
I doubled up on a no name common.
and only got 6 autos!!!! Mad Mad Mad

Did I mention they were all damaged!!!! Foil coming up in the middle of the card. What did topps due, recycle the returned cards from the first set!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disgusted with this piece of **** product. Could not even enjoy opening my final box which had Biggs lightyear (whoopeee!!!) in it... at least it had an auto. was worried I wouldn't get anymore.

Great Job Topps!!!! Mad

and in my mind I know I'm fine...
Posts: 101 | Location: SLZ | Registered: June 10, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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My 1st case:

Wayne Pygram (Governor Tarkin)
Sandi Finlay (Sly Moore)
Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)
Nalini Krishan (Barriss Offee)
Matt Sloan (Plo Koon)
Jesse Jensen (Saesee Tiin)
Zach Jensen (Kit Fisto)
Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter)

2nd FABULOUS case!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

Richard LeParmentier (Admiral Motti)
Michael Kingma (Tarfful)
Nalini Krishan (Barriss Offee)
Jesse Jensen (Saesee Tiin)
Zach Jensen (Kit Fisto) x 2
Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter)

and............Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker)!!!!!!!!! Elephant Elephant Dance Sheep Angel

My best and most highly valued card pull!!!!

All my autos are in good condition except some in the 2nd case which other cardtalkers have mentioned.

Only completed 1 set each of Evolution A and B from the 2 cases and I expect Evolution B chase sets to fetch a high value as they are tough to complete!!! In addition, packs with checklist have 7 cards in total.

Can't complain much since I got the Hayden Christensen auto!! Elephant Metal Thumb Up

Have loads to trade!!!

Some of my traders: Star*Mystyk, davelennox, Jack London, Chris Byrne, TAT, spidergoblin, Brimaster, cverdec, mac13, mars53, Ryan Cracknell, wuher, angelchick182, FRANK AMICO, batmancity, Card Reaper, Over_Worked_Mom, Dewman, THX2112, venom5liter, batmancity, barobehere, KADRAN00157, browninga5m, trade-a-card, FCB, wolfie, ghostrider666, Brian A. Davis, s8zaphod, Cee_Jay

Posts: 1451 | Location: Singapore | Registered: January 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
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CONGRATULATIONS on the Hayden Christensen! Thumb Up
Posts: 1446 | Location: Honolulu, HI | Registered: May 23, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Cardz_house
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Thanks, mate!!! Wave

Really lucky to get that card considering the odds!!!!!

Some of my traders: Star*Mystyk, davelennox, Jack London, Chris Byrne, TAT, spidergoblin, Brimaster, cverdec, mac13, mars53, Ryan Cracknell, wuher, angelchick182, FRANK AMICO, batmancity, Card Reaper, Over_Worked_Mom, Dewman, THX2112, venom5liter, batmancity, barobehere, KADRAN00157, browninga5m, trade-a-card, FCB, wolfie, ghostrider666, Brian A. Davis, s8zaphod, Cee_Jay

Posts: 1451 | Location: Singapore | Registered: January 20, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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