Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Buffy Season 5 (Inkworks)
December 04, 2003, 01:19 PM
tialessaBuffy Season 5 (Inkworks)
Was hoping for an auto (aren't we all) & struck out...
Pretty happy to get a sealed box though

K4 5 6 9

B3 6
Not bad

- Addicted to eBay - 10, 2004, 03:48 PM
maxpower03I was bored at my local comic store so I bought a pack of Buffy Season Five and got
AMBER BENSON's autograph. YAY!

And for only 2.50
April 14, 2004, 05:15 PM
This was the first time I had got an autograph from buying just one pack.

April 14, 2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by maxpower03:
I was bored at my local comic store so I bought a pack of Buffy Season Five and got
AMBER BENSON's autograph. YAY!

And for only 2.50
I'm so jealous! No where near me sells Buffy or Angel cards

WELL DONE on getting the Amber Benson auto card...and from just buying one pack...thats great. I've never had any luck like that...maybe if I buy some packets at Memorabilia this weekend
November 24, 2004, 01:03 PM
BoggleI just received a box of S5 sourced from you know where, here's the result:
1 Base set, couldn't make a second up.
BL2 Tara and Willow

K2 K5 K9
Big Bad Crush B2
Slayers Gift SG1

Sadly no auto though, ah well..
All in all pretty happy, as i haven't cracked a box for ages...
"Bored now"
November 24, 2004, 01:26 PM
hippiejewelSounds like the box I had gotten. However I had a Ben auto in mine as well.

Peace, Love and Mickey Mouse
November 24, 2004, 03:53 PM
IncarnadineI seem to remember that as a general rule for season 5 boxes if you pulled a Slayer's Gift there was no auto and if you got an auto there was no Slayer's Gift. I only recall hearing about 1 or 2 boxes that had both and I don't think I ever heard of 1 that had neither. All 3 full boxes I got had an auto and I never did pull a SG.
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
November 24, 2004, 04:11 PM
hippiejewelI don't think that's correct. I purchased a case of Season 5. I did get a master set. I believe I had a total of 3 SG cards. Unless I just had a good case...LOL

Peace, Love and Mickey Mouse
November 24, 2004, 06:02 PM
IncarnadineThat sounds about right. cases were 10 boxes and SG cards were 1:3. I think you might have beaten the odds a bit on the autos by getting a master run (did you get 1 of each or did you also get an extra or 2?) since I think 7 was the norm for a case but of course things varied a bit before the 1 per box guarantee.
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
November 24, 2004, 06:28 PM
mac13When this product originally released, I got a box that had four, yes four, autographs in it! I wouldn't lie about such a thing, I even had a witness. It was unbelievable, because at the time every box did not contain an autograph. After opening two other boxes, I had every autograph except the Amber Benson. Probably one of the best boxes I have ever opened!
"You think it's healthy to obsessively collect things? You can't relate to other people, so you fill your life with stuff... I'm just like all these other collector losers." -Steve Buscemi, Ghost World
November 24, 2004, 07:29 PM
GrahamYou lucky sod

March 23, 2005, 06:14 PM
Star*MystykWell, my box produced some weird results.
Cards not cut properly, 8 inserts in total (4 of each) and an X Files Season 6/7 internet promo card in a pack.

I hope that wasn't in place of something cool.
My box:
2 Base Sets
BL2 - need that one
B2, B3, B5, B5
K1, K2, K2, K3
That was certainly an odd box, IMO.
March 23, 2005, 11:24 PM
KristinaWow, that IS an odd box... can't really complain with all of those inserts- esp the 1:17 packs ones!! Not bad though, but I hope you didn't miss out on an auto!
March 24, 2005, 06:26 AM
RachelHwhen i bought my box way back when, i pulled a slayers gift card and an auto in the box. mind you that was back when i was justa buffy fan, and not a trading card nut like i am now, so i didnt realise what i was getting. 1:3 boxes is a cool ratio!!
x x x x
March 24, 2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Star*Mystyk:
Well, my box produced some weird results.
Cards not cut properly, 8 inserts in total (4 of each) and an X Files Season 6/7 internet promo card in a pack. I hope that wasn't in place of something cool.
That does sound like an odd box

. You can contact Inkworks Customer Relations at to find out how to replace any damaged or miscut cards.
A stray promo card finds its way into packs now and then when it is printed on the same print form/press sheet. Sometimes one or two cards accidently slip into the wrong pile when the form is cut into individual cards. I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but the promo card would have been in place of a base card that printed on the same form; not a bonus card which would have printed on a different form.
April 20, 2005, 04:14 AM
Star*MystykI didn't even come back to look in this topic. Oops.
Thanks for replying. I didn't worry too much about the mis-cut cards. I've already Ebayed the 2 sets from the box (mentioning some mis-cut cards), so they're gone, now.
The last odd box I had was a season 7. I didn't make one base set out of the entire box, lol. I've managed to trade for what I need, so I'm not fussed over the occasional strange box


July 11, 2007, 10:44 PM
LittleEarthquakesJust received a box I bought off eBay. No auto, but still quite good...
Base Sets - ? (Quite a few damaged base cards)
Protectors of The Key - K1, K2, K3, K7, K9
Big Bad Crush - B1, B2, B5
Slayer's Gift - SG-1
Box Loader - BL2 (Damaged)
So there were some damaged cards, but overall a pretty decent box I think

July 12, 2007, 03:52 PM
Peter cloetjust email Inkworks and maybe they can still do something about it.
October 23, 2007, 02:55 AM
otimPicked up a box of Season 5 at the Canadian Fan Expo back in August here in Toronto - have had it sitting around, and as I seem to be stressing over the hobby (not having the time for the most part) it seemed like a good time to pull it out, sit back and relax by opening something out of the norm...
B1, B4
K2, K6, K7, K8
A25 Kevin Weisman as Dreg