Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Family Guy: Season 2 (Inkworks)
May 15, 2006, 06:56 PM
gimliFamily Guy: Season 2 (Inkworks)
well here are my last 10 boxes i had. I was going to keep them sealled but i could not resist
I love the Tone sketch it is one of the samples from inkworks site
------One card is never enough. Please give generously.-----
May 15, 2006, 07:19 PM
make-mine-marvelPLUS the Punisher logo on the hat - that card could pay for the case - nice job

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@Sketchcards on Twitter
May 15, 2006, 08:46 PM
patonyfangood thing you opened those last 10 boxes you got some beauties
May 16, 2006, 12:34 AM
spidergoblinresistance was futile

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
May 18, 2006, 03:08 PM
Darth Vader Fanquote:
What/who is that color Stewie supposed to be by Dos Santos?
May 18, 2006, 03:19 PM
gimliThat card is I beleive Stewie as Ming The Merciless from Flass Gordon
------One card is never enough. Please give generously.-----
May 18, 2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by buffylover:
hey alfster,
im from toronto too, and was just wondering where you got these boxes, i cant find them anywhere, also where do you buy your sports cards? just thought id ask, as pickings are slim here in toronto for any type of card , sport or non sport, so i always like to find new places to buy from
Hey buffylover, I live in the Scarborough area so I order my boxes from AK Cards and Comics located in Agincourt Mall Kennedy Rd and Sheppard Ave E. I've been going there for 10 plus years so the owner orders boxes for me. He doesn't stock non-sport products except for Wrestling Cards. If you live near the area drop by and talk to the owner. He will take your order. It's a comic book/sports cards/Mcfarlane toys and CCG store. Also I'm at the store almost every day except on Sundays.
Where is the Blood?.
Where is the Power?.
Where is the Blood to feed the Power.
For without Blood there is no Power.
Where is my Power?.
My Power is with the Blood of Souls,
Flowing like a river into my veins giving me my Power.
I will not lose my Power until my Soul looses me.
May 18, 2006, 03:47 PM
hammerIt was certainly worth opening those 10 boxes as there are some beauties there

June 02, 2006, 07:56 AM
Dobby The House ElfWell I received and opened my third and final box. Three boxes, three different dealers.
Family Tree 5,6,7
Life of Brian 2
Billy Martinez Sketch S2 5 446/507 Full color Stewie with quote "My hands in a naughty place"
Three boxes, no autograph and wasn't able to complete a box loader, family tree or Life of Brian set. Kind of a bummer there, but two out of three sketches were really nice full color sketches with the third sketch being a b&w Moreno w/out the previous years color scribble. Not bad overall.
"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar"
June 07, 2006, 07:25 AM
Peter cloetbox 24107:
ofcourse the base set
FT 3-4-5
LB 1-6
A8 - voice of death - adam carolla
SK11 - rudy vasquez - 009/297
I will scan it and send it to the website once I have a scanner.
July 04, 2006, 06:32 AM
Kilika808Finally got around to busting some of this. (And after this, I think I want more!

Box 1:
Box Loader BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT9
Life of Brian LB3
William O'Neill Sketch S2-13 045/520
Box 2:
Box Loader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT2, FT3
Life of Brian LB4
Michael McKean Autograph A9
Nar Sketch S2-3 183/374
Box 3:
Box Loader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT8, FT9
Life of Brian LB2, LB3
Adam Carolla Autograph A8
Chance Raspberry Sketch S2-12 231/508
Box 4:
Box Loader BL2
Griffin Family Tree FT2, FT3
Life of Brian LB4, LB5
Jennifer Tilly Autograph A11
John Czop Sketch S2-4 332/458
Box 5:
Box Loader BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT3, FT4
Life of Brian LB3, LB4
Alex Borstein Autograph A7
Mark Dos Santos Sketch S2-2 058/468
Box 6:
Box Loader: BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT2
Life of Brian LB2
Jennifer Tilly Autograph A11
Cynthia Cummens Sketch S2-9 511/524
Man, this was a fun break.
July 13, 2006, 07:08 AM
Kilika808Three more...
Box 1[I don't recall the inserts.]
Cynthia Cummens Sketch S2-9 269/524 Lois
Box 2Box Loader: BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT6, FT7
Life of Brian LB1
Wally Wingert Autograph A12
John Czop Sketch S2-4 285/458 Peter
Box 3Box Loader: BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT3, FT4
Life of Brian LB1, LB2
Jennifer Tilly Autograph
James Rogovoy Sketch S2-10 297/510 Peter
I... can't... stop...
July 19, 2006, 04:47 AM
Kilika808And one more...
Box Loader: BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT2, FT3
Life of Brian LB4
Wally Wingert Autograph A12
John Czop Sketch S2-4 406/458 Mayor West
July 19, 2006, 04:59 AM
dmatsudaCool sketches

Hey if you know of a non-sports place in Hawaii, could you send me an e-mail (my e-mail in my profile)? Thanks.
July 19, 2006, 06:18 AM

July 19, 2006, 01:58 PM
HyperionNew box arrived

FT2 - FT3
LB2 - LB3
Sketch: S2-10 399/510 James Rogovoy, Head of Stewie with the text "Damn you and such" !
- ", walk with me..."
July 27, 2006, 08:31 PM
HyperionYet another box: (can`t get enough

Auto: Alex Borstein as voice of Tricia Takanawa

Sketch: S2-1 440/512 Tone Rodriguez - A very nice coloured sketch of Tom Tuckers son (face upside down)

- ", walk with me..."
August 02, 2006, 05:30 AM
Kilika808 dmatsuda - I don't know of any good non-sport places in Hawaii, so I get my boxes from eBay or from a friend on the mainland.
*sigh* Well, I went "all in" and splurged for a case of Family Guy 2. And boy was it fun. Here we go...
Box 1Boxtopper BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT9
Life of Brian LB6
Alex Borstein Autograph
Chance Raspberry Sketch S2-12 490/508 Peter
Box 2Boxloader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT4, FT5
Life of Brian LB5, LB6
William O'Neill Sketch S2-13 484/520 Mr. Zucchini Head
Box 3Boxloader BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT8, FT9
Life of Brian LB6
Wally Wingert Autograph
Cynthia Cummens Sketch S2-9 140/524 Stewie
Box 4Boxloader BL2
Griffin Family Tree FT6, FT7
Life of Brian LB4, LB5
Michael McKean Autograph
John Czop Sketch S2-4 257/458 Peter
Box 5Boxloader BL2
Griffin Family Tree FT1, FT9
Life of Brian LB2, LB3
Wally Wingert Autograph
Tone Rodriguez Sketch S2-1 459/512 Peter
Box 6Boxloader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT4, FT5
Life of Brian LB3, LB4
Adam Carolla Autograph
Joel Gomez Sketch S2-7 111/478 Lois
Box 7Boxloader BL2
Griffin Family Tree FT4, FT5
Life of Brian LB2
Faith Ford Autograph
Chris Moreno Sketch S2-6 189/496 The Chicken!
Box 8Boxloader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT2, FT3
Life of Brian LB3
Nar Sketch S2-3 317/374 Peter
Box 9Boxloader BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT7, FT8
Life of Brian LB4
Billy Martinez Sketch S2-5 219/507 Brian
Box 10Boxloader BL2
Griffin Family Tree FT6, FT9
Life of Brian LB3
Jennifer Tilly Autograph
Rich Koslowski Sketch S2-8 190/487 Brian
Box 11Boxloader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT2, FT3
Life of Brian LB1, LB2
James Rogovoy Sketch S2-10 099/510 Death
Box 12Boxloader BL1
Griffin Family Tree FT6, FT7, FT8
Life of Brian LB5
Jennifer Tilly Autograph
Nar Sketch S2-3 318/374 Stewie

August 02, 2006, 05:33 AM
Kilika808And yet one more...
Boxloader BL3
Griffin Family Tree FT7, FT8
Life of Brian LB2
Alex Borstein Autograph
Mark Dos Santos Sketch S2-2 061/468 Jim Kaplan (the Quahog Con Man)
August 02, 2006, 01:32 PM
zhamlauawesome color stewie, and the tone peter is just really neat to look at. very nice break.
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!