Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Smallville Season 4 (Inkworks)
October 28, 2005, 01:02 AM
spidergoblinSmallville Season 4 (Inkworks)
Great pics Jim,THANKS.

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
November 01, 2005, 09:24 PM
HIMThe seller I got my case from wanted to be paid with pay pal. After not getting my case for a week now I emailed and was told they shipped media mail cause pay pal ate up the profits. So theres no telling when it will get here now. However at the same time this person I bought from made a business decision personal and is being extremely hard headed. Not fun at all.
November 01, 2005, 10:12 PM
Chris ByrneI hope that your case arrives before the next season comes out!

Lets hope tht the business stays friendly between the two of you

November 01, 2005, 11:15 PM
Lets hope tht the business stays friendly between the two of you
More importantly lets hope the post office doesn't open the package to inspect it to make sure that its really "media". They have been cracking down on that. I buy a lot of books and have had three of my delivery's via media mail searched before it arrives to me. You get a friendly little note in your package basically saying the post office violated your package and they have the right to. I felt abused.
November 01, 2005, 11:24 PM
Darth Vader FanSorry to hear that H.I.M

Hope it comes soon man.
People especially on ebay are become crooks with shipping rates these days

November 02, 2005, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Chris Byrne:
I hope that your case arrives before the next season comes out!

Lets hope tht the business stays friendly between the two of you
Nah, thats not gonna happen. The seller took it personal when I didnt get my case of Lost from them. I made that choice based on the fact that the case of smallville I got from them helped them make it a trio of cases to get the Lex auto piecework and I wasnt given the least little shot at buying it from them. So, after that and getting Lost from someone that Ill have a shot at any premium topper they became somewhat rude and hardly reply to any emails anymore so I see no need to bother after I get this case.
November 02, 2005, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by Darth Vader Fan:
Sorry to hear that H.I.M

Hope it comes soon man.
People especially on ebay are become crooks with shipping rates these days

There was plenty of time for me to have withdrawn the money and sent it to them via money order so they would have made a bigger profit but they requested pay pal and there were no probs whatsoever till they found out I didnt buy my case of Lost from them. After that Ive been ignored and treated like **** and when I asked them not to make a business decision personal, they refuse to acknowledge me anymore.
November 02, 2005, 09:20 AM
KristinaWell, thats a big shame... I hope that "proving their point" to you, so to speak is more important than losing your business all together...
How'd they even find out about the Lost case?
November 02, 2005, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Kristina:
Well, thats a big shame... I hope that "proving their point" to you, so to speak is more important than losing your business all together...
How'd they even find out about the Lost case?
They emailed asking if I wanted to buy a case and I told them I had gottenmine from someone else already.
November 02, 2005, 04:40 PM
HIMHeres my case breakdown

BL2 Lana
PW3 Lana
A27 Lois Lane
Lois n Clark 3, 5, 7
Switchcraft 2, 3, 5
BL3 Lex
PW5 Jason Teague
Auto red for coach quigley
Lois n Clark 4, 6, 9
Switchcraft 1, 4
BL1 Clark
PW7 Bridgette Crosby
A28 Bridgette Crosby
Lois n Clark 1, 2, 7, 8
Switch Craft 3, 6
BL2 Lana
PW6 Genevieve Teague
A33 Bart Allen
Lois n Clark 3, 5, 9
Switchcraft 2, 5
BL3 Lex
PW3 Lana
A29 Alicia Baker
Lois n Clark 2, 4, 6
Switchcraft 1, 4
BL1 Clark
PW4 Lois
Lois n Clark 1, 3, 7, 8
Switchcraft 3, 6

BL2 Lana
PW1 Lex
A34 Mikhail Mxyzptlk
Lois n Clark 4, 5, 9
Switchcraft 2, 5
BL3 Lex
PW3 Lana
A30 Lucy Lane
Lois n Clark 2, 6, 8
Switchcraft 1, 4
BL1 Clark
PW5 Jason Teague
Lois n Clark 1, 3, 7
Switchcraft 3, 6

BL2 Lana
PW7 Bridgette Crosby
A31 Kevin Grady
Lois n Clark 4, 5, 6, 9
Switchcraft 1, 2, 5
I must say for my first case buy on non sports I was really excited. After going through all 10 boxes and not getting an autograph from 1 box but 2 seriously henders my wanting to get another. Freak accident or someone gets lucky and pulls what I dont get, who knows. Im almost afraid of opening my case of Lost when it comes in.
BL-3 sets plus an extra BL1
Switchcraft-3 sets plus extra-1, 2, 3, 5
Lois n Clark-3 sets plus extra-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Pieceworks-1 set plus extras-3, 5, 7
Autos-no set plus the 2 boxes that didnt have one
November 02, 2005, 05:06 PM
HIMIf anyone could give me the email address to send the info to that would be cool. Not sure if its the or not. Id look on the site but for some reason anytime I go there now my comp freezes up and the browser goes dead.
November 02, 2005, 05:09 PM
rubadub001Whoa HIM,
Sounds like there was a whole bunch of bad karma between both you & the seller who sold you the case.
Not sure - but I don't think Inkworks will send you a replacement auto. Buying cases/packs will always have some risk - maybe you should just sell your case of Lost or cancel it and buy the autos on ebay?
Isn't it illegal to ship anything other than documents via media mail? Maybe you should tell them this or somehow report it?
Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
November 02, 2005, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by H.I.M.:
If anyone could give me the email address to send the info to that would be cool. Not sure if its the or not. Id look on the site but for some reason anytime I go there now my comp freezes up and the browser goes dead.
Inkworks has a java program running on their main page. That might be why your computer freezes up. You may need to go to and install the application.
Hope this works
November 02, 2005, 06:00 PM
Chris ByrneIts fine for me now.
I dont know if Inkworks fixed/changed something, but all works fine now.
Thanks -- Chris

November 03, 2005, 12:06 AM
HIMIve got java so Im not sure what the issue is. Im not going to be expecting anything and I wont be demanding. Im just gonna break it down as to what I got and didnt end up getting. If they offer "something" Ill be happy. If not, whatcha gonna do? Granted the boxes do say one auto and pw per box and the loophole saying "Stated odds reflect average of entire production run; this ratio is not guranteed to exist within any individual box or case"
For those that are gonna say-You wouldnt be complaining if you pulled 2 Lex autos.
Ill be the first to say if I pulled 2 Lex's and still got shorted 2 autos overall, Id still be feeling the same as I am now no doubt.
November 03, 2005, 07:15 AM
The Inkworks email is They have always been VERY good with me about shortages (esp w/a case purchase) - even with autos and PW cards. You may not get the auto you want, but they often offer an auto (random?) to make up for the "missing" one.
"Good answer"
alternate email:
tim dot smeltzer at
November 03, 2005, 10:22 PM
barobehereFinal case tally from my shop.
Case Number 3
My customer called me as I was about to lock up the shop. He got
3 box topper sets
3 puzzle sets
3 switchcraft sets
a few extras
A Full set of Pieceworks with extra of Jason Teague and 2 extra PW7 Margot Kidder.
A FULL set of autos with 1 extra a29
So three cases were at my shop and all three cases yeilded a full set of autos/pieceworks!
Can't get better then that!
November 03, 2005, 10:53 PM
Jim Streichstupid question Him

was your case factory sealed? as it took a long time to receive maybe something fishy happened(since you are the only one so far NOT to get a lex auto in your case)..
Ignore list Batman, Headless
November 04, 2005, 08:34 AM
ztaylorkI just opened 4 cases, and each case had a box missing an autograph, and one case had no Lex autograph, and another had no Lois autograph. I was very dissappointed.
November 05, 2005, 12:25 PM
ztaylorkJust opened one more case and got all the autographs and one extra Lex autograph, so I guess that makes up for the case that was short a Lex.