September 30, 2013, 03:30 PM
HiltonLStar Wars Galactic Files Series 2 (Topps, 2013)
Just posted some more sketches on
A case of GF1 and half a case of GF2 (so far). anybody uncovered the identity of artist "Adrian Vande..." as listed on ?
October 12, 2013, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by HiltonL:
Just posted some more sketches on
A case of GF1 and half a case of GF2 (so far). anybody uncovered the identity of artist "Adrian Vande..." as listed on ?
Adrianna Vanderstelt. Daughter of Jerry Vanderstelt.
December 06, 2013, 04:09 PM
jedi_turokThanks for sharing!

February 08, 2014, 10:51 PM
SecretAudioClubMy first non sport box break!
Really had fun opening for this. Highlights for me were easily the Galactic moments inserts and card number 490 of Yoda. Easily one of my favorite stills from the trilogy. Really stoked on a 4-lom auto and a red /35. :flex:
The sketch is cool cause it's a mouse droid, but it has a lot of white space. . Would have liked a medallion card though. .
Looking forward to putting together and insert set of the original trilogy.
I started a trade thread in that section. I'm willing to trade my Blues and red. Looking for help completing my base set and insert sets.
June 17, 2014, 04:59 PM
chesspiecefaceHere's a fresh box of this. Sketch is an Emperor's Royal Guard from Straphon Taylor. The Taanab base card parallel is the red version numbered 7/35.