Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Lord of the Rings Masterpieces (Topps)
March 08, 2007, 01:42 PM
hammerLord of the Rings Masterpieces (Topps)
Well done on the sketch & well done to Topps as well
March 11, 2007, 06:44 AM
Tess_FowlerHi guys my name is Tess Fowler. I was browsing google for my name and came across this thread. One of the cards I got back was part of a tryptic of the Fellowship. The one that Raj has displayed the middle card from. I gave it to my mother as a gift, and she found the other piece on EBAY. She has been scouring the net to find the missing middle piece. And has also become a collector in the process. If anyone here can get back to me on where Raj's card has gotten off to I would be willing ot trade or pay to get it. Please e-mail me at with more information. Remember, it's for my mom. So this is an important mission!! Love,
Tess Fowler
March 18, 2007, 10:21 PM
ocdlotrHey...good luck Tess

By the way, your work in Masterpieces was really terrific...I've managed to acquire a beautiful Arwen, your black and white 'One Ring' in the rain, and a great color look down at a Hobbit's lower half with those infamous Hobbit feet in all their glory!

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
March 19, 2007, 08:55 PM
MasterOk here are a couple more sketches from boxes I opened recently. I need help with names too, thanks.
Gould - "Balrog"
Shum -
Teranishi -
Vecchia -
Vecchia -
Waterhouse -
Oh, Hi Tess. Fancy seeing you here.
March 29, 2007, 08:17 PM
slackjawedyokelWell it took me a while but I just cracked half the boxes in my first case. Here's a look at what I pulled. Got 2 Vecchia's, 2 Fabbri's, 1 Shum, 1 Ecklund, 1 Teranishi and 1 Myler. Enjoy!
Cheers - Peter
March 29, 2007, 09:58 PM
Well it took me a while but I just cracked half the boxes in my first case. Here's a look at what I pulled. Got 2 Vecchia's, 2 Fabbri's, 1 Shum, 1 Ecklund, 1 Teranishi and 1 Myler. Enjoy!
Pete - that's a great selection from your first 4 boxes. Fabbri and Dalla Vecchia did excellent work on many very different characters. That Teranishi is very unusual and that's the best Myler I've seen. Congrats, Jen
March 29, 2007, 11:43 PM
spidergoblinCool looking Fabbri,esp the first one.
And an excellant Gandalf

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
March 30, 2007, 12:58 AM
zhamlauyeah, you did something neat. you got the best examples of sketchs by 2 different artists. thats a home run and a half. that teranishi is so unreal good. That is literally his best sketch ive seen.
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
March 30, 2007, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by tangent:
Well it took me a while but I just cracked half the boxes in my first case. Here's a look at what I pulled. Got 2 Vecchia's, 2 Fabbri's, 1 Shum, 1 Ecklund, 1 Teranishi and 1 Myler. Enjoy!
Pete - that's a great selection from your first 4 boxes. Fabbri and Dalla Vecchia did excellent work on many very different characters. That Teranishi is very unusual and that's the best Myler I've seen. Congrats, Jen
Thanks Jen - Yes they both did excellent work. I've followed Fabbri's work from his SW Heritage days. The Teranishi is not only unusual its simply brilliant. I was speaking with ztaylork about this coloured sketch and he says he only did about 30-50 coloured renditions out of his complement of 1,000. I feel truly lucky to have pulled it. I was also thrilled to have pulled this Myler as Gandalf is one of my favourite characters. I think the scene of this Gandalf sketch is when he is in the Mines of Moria.
Cheers - Peter
March 30, 2007, 05:14 PM
slackjawedyokelSpidergoblin - Yeah the Fabbri's are super cool and the Myler will make a sweet addition to my collection.
Zhamlau - I have been real lucky with my first four boxes. The Teranishi Arwen is absolutely stunning. You have to see the line work to believe it. Its awesome. I also like the subtleness of the Ecklund.
Cheers - Peter
March 31, 2007, 01:45 PM
ocdlotrA terrific batch of cards 'slackjawedyokel'...especially love that Myler...PM me if you ever want to get rid of it...
The Teranishi is one of the finest cards I've seen him do...really beautiful expression and wonderful tone to the whole atmosphere of the portrait...terrific stuff...Congratulations...great pulls!

'Follow your bliss'...Joseph Campbell
'Looking isn't as simple as it looks'...Ad Reinhardt
March 31, 2007, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by slackjawedyokel:
Spidergoblin - Yeah the Fabbri's are super cool and the Myler will make a sweet addition to my collection.
Zhamlau - I have been real lucky with my first four boxes. The Teranishi Arwen is absolutely stunning. You have to see the line work to believe it. Its awesome. I also like the subtleness of the Ecklund.
Cheers - Peter
thats worth any good sketch imo. thats as good as pulling a staggs. great job.
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
March 31, 2007, 05:04 PM
dmatsudaAwesome sketches there

March 31, 2007, 05:42 PM
KADRAN00157Fabulous Sketches
Thanks for shareing

April 02, 2007, 11:57 AM
slackjawedyokelOK. I opened the other 4 boxes from my case last night. I must say I received some really good sketches. My first box was really good with the Pat Hamill Frodo and the clever Cook Gollum. I am not sure who the Aragorn is drawn by. Any help? Received another great fabbri card as well as the Ocampo Gandalf, Hodges Theoden and the eleven Warrior. In addition to these sketches one box contained 2 Bronze foils and 1 Gold Foil - a legolas numbered 34/99. Enjoy?
Cheers - Peter
April 02, 2007, 01:12 PM
steve jThat's a real nice Patdata you got there. I like the Cook too. I would have been pleased just to get the first box.
April 03, 2007, 01:51 PM
dayhikercool cards everyoe!! just catching up to this thread adn great LOTR cards! i love the teranishi arwen of course, very unique-i dont think he did many arwens for both sets; the myler gandalf captures the tone and darkness in the mines- amazing!
and the aragorn is a boromir and is by collen doran! i love that sketch too!
take care.
April 03, 2007, 03:32 PM
slackjawedyokelSteve J - Believe me i was very pleased with the first box. Those are two awesome cards. The Cook is really special since Gollum is my favourite Character from the Trilogy.
Dayhiker - Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the help with the artist for the Boromir sketch, Colleen Doran it is then. Great!
Cheers - Peter
April 04, 2007, 12:13 PM
KADRAN00157Some fantastic Sketches
April 10, 2007, 08:58 AM
tangentI just opened another case - only 13 sketches but a couple of good ones.
The full breakdown is:
Duron - Witchking
Fabbri - Nazgul on horse (great sketch)
Fabbri - Gimli (another great sketch)
Frampton - Harad
Gould - Balrog x 2
Hodges - Elven warrior
Shum - Legolas
Shum - Arwen
Sohn - Nazgul on horse (pick of the bunch)
Teranishi - Orc?
Waterhouse - Unknown
Wilkinson - Orc
Scan of the unusual 3:
Individual scans will be up on my website in the next week or so.
Does anybody know if Topps are still honoring the 2 per box commitment or have they run out?