Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Golden Age of Comics Heroes & Villains (Breygent 2010)
April 30, 2010, 06:50 PM
Triple-FrogGolden Age of Comics Heroes & Villains (Breygent 2010)
Great sketches everyone

.Looks like cardtalkers cornered the market on these

I have not seen much appearing for sale yet.What is the composition of the set and what do you get in a pack/box?
April 30, 2010, 06:53 PM
Miss LizzyEach pack contains 1 sketch, 1 base card and 1 promo.
April 30, 2010, 07:00 PM
spidergoblinlovin the sketches esp the Clown sketches

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
May 04, 2010, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by igman7:
I busted 50 packs today. A word of caution to those buying packs on the open market...make sure that you trust the seller as the packs seem as though they woud be easy to reseal since they are done so with tape.
I've bought some packs, this is worrying.

Why would Tom make it easy for the unscrupulous seller on THAT site. Whilst all the sketches are great it would be nice to have a chance of finding some of the out-standing sketches available.
May 04, 2010, 08:50 AM
Flag City Collectiblesquote:
Originally posted by treksearcher:
Originally posted by igman7:
I busted 50 packs today. A word of caution to those buying packs on the open market...make sure that you trust the seller as the packs seem as though they woud be easy to reseal since they are done so with tape.
I've bought some packs, this is worrying.

Why would Tom make it easy for the unscrupulous seller on THAT site. Whilst all the sketches are great it would be nice to have a chance of finding some of the out-standing sketches available.
No Worries.

We have never sold or will ever sell anything that is tampered with. If we receive something from the manufacturer that looks questionable we do not ship to customers and have it corrected at the 1st level.
However I have to point out that Tom did a fabulous job with this release overall with quality and packaging. Unscrupulous sellers on the other hand are something to be cautious of.
Specializing In: Movie, TV, Sports Trading Cards and Memorabilia, Comics, Action Figures, Video Games and MORE!!!
May 04, 2010, 08:53 AM
t.breyernothing to worry about as tape should rip the envelope and take paper up with it when you open it. Tom
May 04, 2010, 09:12 AM
igman7The packaging itself is quite attractive albiet a little small. If the method of sealing the packs was changed up, with some type of unique seal (something that would tear upon opening) then there would be no problems. I am sure that Tom will take in the feedback and correct the potential problem with the next release.
Feeling happy? Then rip open a box. Feeling blue...then rip 2!
May 04, 2010, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
nothing to worry about as tape should rip the envelope and take paper up with it when you open it. Tom
If you are opening up the packs very carefully, the minimal ammount of flecks would virtually disappear when the tape was put back into place...I played with them a little while I was opening mine.
Feeling happy? Then rip open a box. Feeling blue...then rip 2!
May 06, 2010, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by igman7:
Originally posted by Breygent Marketing:
nothing to worry about as tape should rip the envelope and take paper up with it when you open it. Tom
If you are opening up the packs very carefully, the minimal ammount of flecks would virtually disappear when the tape was put back into place...I played with them a little while I was opening mine.
Received my packs today and was able to reseal them without any problem. As Igman7 states you do get a few flecks "sometimes" but when you reseal them they do indeed virtually disappear.
I will post the sketches I got from 20 packs later (probably the week-end). I was disappointed with the breakdown of the promo/base cards, out of the 20 packs only managed to hit 7 base cards the rest were all promos. Got 3 sets of promos 1-7 (where is promo 8 found?).
If that is the hit rate for base cards it will take about 115 packs to put a base set together

May 06, 2010, 09:37 AM
t.breyerPromo 8 was a Philly non sport show promo card but these were also put in random as a bonus for those that could not make the show. Your packs should have had 1 promo card and 1 base card per pack as I loaded most of this run myself.We are working on a new seal for the Cartoon series and the rest of the series we are doing.Sad we have to make sure everything is tamper proof (100%).But on a positive note The Cartoon series will have a special item in each pack which will be announced soon
Thanks Tom
May 06, 2010, 11:24 AM
Flag City Collectiblestreksearcher,
I would love to see what you pulled. I am looking for Puzzle cards and some of the more rare artists to trade. Sorry about base cards. See email I sent ya!
Specializing In: Movie, TV, Sports Trading Cards and Memorabilia, Comics, Action Figures, Video Games and MORE!!!
May 07, 2010, 10:34 AM
treksearcherThe sketches I pulled from 20 packets are shown below.
May 07, 2010, 10:38 AM
May 07, 2010, 10:40 AM
May 07, 2010, 04:31 PM
Wax WombatGot myself a single pack. Nice little sketch by Darren Ault:
May 17, 2010, 08:18 AM
NIKWaxy, you've mixed up 2 artists names there. There's Dane Ault and Darren Auck (your card.)
Both great at what they do.
Mars Attacks Uprising, Hobbit Battle of the 5 Armies, Star Wars Masterwork, Marvel Premier 2014, The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mars Attacks Heritage, Marvel 70th Anniv', The Prisoner, Star Wars Galaxy 4, X-Men Archives, LOTR Masterpieces II, Vampirella, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Dr Who, Marilyn Monroe and CSI sketch card artist.
May 20, 2010, 12:53 AM
Miss LizzyOpened 15 more packs:
May 20, 2010, 11:53 AM
Flag City CollectiblesSWEET PULLS FOR ONLY 15 Packs! LUCKY DUCKY!
Specializing In: Movie, TV, Sports Trading Cards and Memorabilia, Comics, Action Figures, Video Games and MORE!!!
May 20, 2010, 09:22 PM
Miss Lizzyquote:
Originally posted by Flag City Collectibles:
That was a great 15 packs, but I've opened up a total of 90 all together! Overall, though, I've been pretty happy with what I pulled.
May 20, 2010, 10:43 PM
DavidDebwow, a WAR NURSE!!
never tought that could exist