Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
The Complete Avengers 1963-Present (Rittenhouse Archives)
March 20, 2007, 07:44 AM
cardsterThe Complete Avengers 1963-Present (Rittenhouse Archives)
Finally got myself a box here in the UK. Very pleased with my pull.
March 20, 2007, 11:47 AM
zhamlauvery nice. for some reason, spiderman sketchs seem to be very uncommon, and that is a very well done one. grat's indeed.
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
March 20, 2007, 01:39 PM
RAMolinelliThere is a Spidey of mine on Ebay! I did 12 for the set and have only come accross maybe 5 of them. One of which I own which is the only Black Suit Spidey I did for the set

March 21, 2007, 02:26 AM
spidergoblinluvs da Spidey

You may trade it to me anytime

"nuff said"
"it traps,it kills,it eats....that's what a good spider does"
Alice Cooper
March 21, 2007, 03:45 PM
dmatsudaNice sketch pulls!

May 02, 2007, 09:07 AM
Okay - I know where I can buy half a box, but the sketch has already been pulled. It looks like any boxes that have a Stan Lee sketch have TWO sketches in the box. Therefore, I guess there is like a 1:20 chance this box has an extra sketch in it?
Anyone done that math? Is it worth my money in any way to break the rest of this box, or save my money for a full box?
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@Sketchcards on Twitter
May 02, 2007, 10:09 AM
zhamlausave for a full, unless he wants like 20 bucks or something for the other half. i mean, ive only opened like 4 or so boxes, but i never got more then one sketch. the stan lee one might be on a different insertion ratio then the rest , but at most, you probably gonna get a stan lee sketch every other case, if not 1/3 cases. Why risk the money. im sure you have a base set already, and probably a full set of inserts. save the money for guaranteed odds IMO.
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
May 02, 2007, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by make-mine-marvel:
Okay - I know where I can buy half a box, but the sketch has already been pulled. It looks like any boxes that have a Stan Lee sketch have TWO sketches in the box. Therefore, I guess there is like a 1:20 chance this box has an extra sketch in it?
Anyone done that math? Is it worth my money in any way to break the rest of this box, or save my money for a full box?
I opened a box that had a Stan Lee sketch and only one regular sketch. So, either I was jiped on a second sketch, or someone is telling you a bunch of hogwash.
Good luck if you buy the remaining packs.
May 02, 2007, 01:26 PM
Over_Worked_MomI think Chris means that 2 sketches are 1 Stan Lee and 1 other. NOT that there'd be 3 sketches (1 Stan Lee and 2 others) in a box - unless it was an archive box *drool* But I could be mistaken.
May 02, 2007, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by make-mine-marvel:
Okay - I know where I can buy half a box, but the sketch has already been pulled. It looks like any boxes that have a Stan Lee sketch have TWO sketches in the box. Therefore, I guess there is like a 1:20 chance this box has an extra sketch in it
Do you mean the sketch that has already been pulled was the Stan Lee sketch?
If so, then go for it as OWN already said, there should be another sketch in there. The Stan Lee Sketch did not replace a regular sketch.
May 02, 2007, 02:07 PM
RajI didn't get too many boxes but one of mine had 2 sketch cards, neither of which was by Stan Lee. I suspect it'd be long odds, though.
Do you know for sure that sketch card pulled was by Stan Lee and not somebody else?
As with all boxes, you have to ask yourself if you're willing (or can afford to) risk the money in the hope there's a second card in there.
May 02, 2007, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by make-mine-marvel:
Okay - I know where I can buy half a box, but the sketch has already been pulled. It looks like any boxes that have a Stan Lee sketch have TWO sketches in the box. Therefore, I guess there is like a 1:20 chance this box has an extra sketch in it?
Anyone done that math? Is it worth my money in any way to break the rest of this box, or save my money for a full box?
The Stan Lee was a bonus and did not replace a regular sketch, my box that had a Stan Lee also had a Guy Dorian sketch. If the sketch pulled from the box you mentioned was a Stan Lee then there is another sketch left to be pulled, if it was the regular sketch that was pulled the odds there is a stan Lee left in the unopened packs are very long as it was roughly 1 in 80 boxes to get a Stan Lee (100 sketches and 8000 numbered boxes).
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 02, 2007, 08:07 PM
goldenavengerI'm assuming when you say the sketch card has been pulled, you mean the colored sketch card and not the Stan Lee card.
There's suppose to be one colored sketch card per box no matter what and IF there's a Stan Lee sketch card in the box it will be in addition to the colored sketch card that's in there. I opened 7 cases and never pulled a Stan lee sketch card.
I would pass unless I was for some odd reason feeling lucky. It would be a veeeery long shot at pulling a Stan Lee card.
Let us know what you decide and if you buy it how it turns out.
May 08, 2007, 11:01 PM
IncarnadineSnagged 1 more box on ebay a few weeks back that arrived today
Box #0049 of 8000
Greatest Enemies (1:10)- GE3, GE4, GE6, GE9
Mightiest Heroes (1:20)- MH9, MH12
Legendary Heroes (1:40)- LH2
Sketch- Grant Gould- Crystal (251)
"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
May 28, 2007, 03:54 PM
bealayJust opened a box I got off ebay - had a nightmare finding one actually, but glad I did.
Box # 677:
MH6, MH14
GE1, GE5, GE8, GE9
And a sketch (was in the very last pack I opened - was getting worried there for a moment!) - not sure on artist, perhaps someone can help? I think it's She-Hulk.
May 28, 2007, 04:26 PM
Apex_NinjaDefinitely a She Hulk card. And my guess of the artist: Matthew Goodmanson.
May 28, 2007, 06:43 PM
RajGoodmanson it is. I have a Wonder Man sketch by him and put a post-it with his name on the toploader.
May 28, 2007, 08:29 PM
goldenavengerYes, that's She-Hulk by Goodmanson. Nice looking card!!

May 30, 2007, 03:07 PM
bealayThanks guys - I love it - good sketch!

June 12, 2007, 04:01 AM
GrahamMy quest for a sketch and character from each artist goes on. I have 28 different characters from 26 artists. Has anyone got a list of characters that were drawn for this set? Help would be most appreciated