Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Star Trek Movie Cards (Rittenhouse Archives, 2009)
June 07, 2009, 03:58 AM
Cee_JayStar Trek Movie Cards (Rittenhouse Archives, 2009)
Box #1085:
-Costume: CC10 Male Cadet
-Autograph: John Cho (Sulu)
limited-Enterprise: E2, E4
-Behind The Scenes: B1, B3, B5
-Stars: S02, S04, S05, S08
Box #7096:
-Costume: CC9 Nero
-Autograph: Roberto Orci (Writer)
very limited-Enterprise: E1, E3, E5
-Behind The Scenes: B2, B4, B6
-Stars: S01, S03, S07, S09
Box #1088:
-Costume: CC10 Male Cadet
-Autograph: Eric Bena (Nero)
limited-Enterprise: E1, E3, E5
-Behind The Scenes: B2, B4
-Stars: S03, S06, S07, S09
Box #3103:
-Costume: CC2 Spock
-Autograph: Karl Urban (McCoy)
limited-Enterprise: E1, E3, E5
-Behind The Scenes: B2, B4, B6
-Stars: S03, S06, S07, S09
4 more boxes are on their way!

"I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact
June 09, 2009, 11:25 PM
venom5literBox 1:
1 Base Set
1 Autograph Roberto Orci (Writer) [Very Limited]
3 Behind-The-Scenes B1,3,6
1 Costume CC11 (Female Cadet)
4 Stars S2,4,6,9
3 USS Enterprise E2,4,6
Box 2:
1 Base Set
1 Autograph Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk)
3 Behind-The-Scenes B2,4,6
1 Costume CC8 (Captain Pike)
4 Stars S1,3,5,8
3 USS Enterprise E1,3,5
Box 3:
1 Base Set
1 Autograph Anton Yelchin (Chekov) [Limited]
3 Behind-The-Scenes B1,3,5
1 Costume CC3 (Uhura)
4 Stars S3,6,7,9
3 USS Enterprise E1,2,4
Box 4:
1 Base Set
1 Autograph Faran Tahir (Captain Robau)
3 Behind-The-Scenes B2,4,6
1 Costume CC6 (Spock)
4 Stars S1,2,5,8
3 USS Enterprise E3,5,6
Box 5:
1 Base Set
1 Autograph Karl Urban (Bones) [Limited]
3 Behind-The-Scenes B1,3,6
1 Costume CC7 (Bones)
4 Stars S2,4,5,6
3 USS Enterprise E2,3,6
June 28, 2009, 12:28 PM
Hyperion2 Boxes:
- ", walk with me..."
June 28, 2009, 08:10 PM
ChrisSTI have bought 5 sealed boxes and some loose packs total and I have to say I did really well.
From the first 3 sealed boxes and loose packs..I got:
Zachary Quinto auto Spock
Anton Yelchin auto Chekov
Zoe Saldana auto Uhura
John Cho auto Sulu
Costume Cards:
2x Nero
1x Uhura
Then from my two most recent boxes from last week. I recieved two in the mail and was really excited.
My first box #0198/7500 yielded me 2 costume cards:
Bones and Chekov.
Was really disappointed with no was hoping for the best in the last box..and boy did i get it.
Spock (Old Spock)
Autos: Faran Tahir
was pissed after I got him but 5 packs later I pulled the Chris Pine Auto.. was really happy to get 3 hits from that box and one being the Kirk Auto.
July 17, 2009, 05:11 AM
ChrisSTIll be getting two more boxes later today..will post results. I guess they sold out since no1 here bought anymore to post.
July 17, 2009, 09:54 PM
ChrisSTOk so my luck ran out lol..but heres the results.
New Spock Costume
Nero Costume - my third one..
#5500 something of 7500
Male Cadet Costume
Chris Hemsworth Auto as George Kirk
I actually wanted that auto but was hoping for an auto in the other...o well
August 30, 2009, 03:40 AM
Cee_JayBox #2135:
-Costume: CC8 Captain Pike
-Autograph: Zoe Saldana (Uhura)
limited-Enterprise: E1, E3, E5
-Behind The Scenes: B1, B3, B6
-Stars: S04, S06, S07, S09
Box #5201:
-Costumes: CC3 Uhura, CC8 Spock
-Enterprise: E2, E4
-Behind The Scenes: B2, B4, B5
-Stars: S01, S02, S05, S08
Box #1148:
-Costume: CC7 McCoy
-Autograph: Eric Bena (Nero)
limited-Enterprise: E1, E4, E5
-Behind The Scenes: B3, B4, B6
-Stars: S04, S05, S06
Box #3162:
-Costume: CC2 Spock
-Autograph: Faran Tahir (Captain Robau)
-Enterprise: E3, E5, E6
-Behind The Scenes: B1, B3
-Stars: S03, S06, S07, S09
"I am the beginning;the end;the one who is many. I am the borg...I am the collective." Borg Queen in Star Trek: First Contact
August 30, 2009, 11:07 AM
ChrisSTso jealous of you getting eric bana haha
September 11, 2009, 12:52 AM
riddler_149I got another box cheaply off the 'bay and was pleasantly surprised to find 3 hits in it, including an auto I wanted!
Eric Bana as Nero

Jacob Kogan as Young Spock (duplicate)
CC8 Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike (another duplicate, but one I am happy to have because my other one is peeling)
S 1,2,4,8
B 3,4,6
E 2,6
All except the Bana auto, Pike Costume and the E6 are going up for trade.
September 30, 2009, 09:48 AM
bealayI finally managed to get a binder and box deal off the Bay - it's taken me ages to find a box at a good price,and this was the same cost as the current normal box only rates.
So - the results:
Box # 3506:
-Costume: CC3 Uhura
-Autograph: Eric Bena (Nero) limited
-Enterprise: E3, E5, E6
-Behind The Scenes: B1, B5
-Stars: S03, S06, S07, S09
As I have been lucky enough to already acquired the chase sets, they'll go up for trade but very happy with the auto pull. Nice set.
October 01, 2009, 12:32 PM
ChrisSTbox 1183/7500
Zoe Saldana Auto as 3rd one..
Nero costume 4th one...
while it is never dissapointing to get a bridge crew auto..I wanted one of the 3 autos I dont have. o well
October 17, 2009, 02:02 PM
Greg GeertsBox 3809/7500
81 card base set
Behind-the-Scenes - B2, B4, B5
Enterprise - E1, E2, E4
Stars - S01, S03, S07, S08
Costume Card - CC1 Kirk
Auto - Chris Hemsworth as George Kirk
Please note the updated email address in my profile!
November 23, 2009, 09:21 AM
AJJPicked up a box at Memorbilia yesterday, only one dealer had any and he only had two boxes left.
Box # 7368
Enterprise: E2,E4
Behind the Scenes: B3,B4,B6
Stars: SO2,SO4,SO5,SO6
Auto: Chris Hemsworth as George Kirk
Costume: CC8 Captain Pike
"No time like the present to change the future"
December 23, 2009, 12:41 PM
ChrisSTHey any1 who pulled a eric bana auto? does any1 still have the box sticker and upc and dont need it? let me know please.
December 23, 2009, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by ChrisST:
Hey any1 who pulled a eric bana auto? does any1 still have the box sticker and upc and dont need it? let me know please.

Feeling happy? Then rip open a box. Feeling blue...then rip 2!
December 23, 2009, 07:12 PM
riddickfanI second your

You're not afraid of the dark are you?
December 23, 2009, 11:35 PM
igman7The only thing that I can assume by this question is that you indend to send in the sticker and UPC, claiming that you were shorted in the box to that RA sends you a Bana auto. Why don't you just BUY the auto that you want instead of attempting to defraud the company?
Feeling happy? Then rip open a box. Feeling blue...then rip 2!
December 23, 2009, 11:48 PM
Miss Lizzywow, I really hope that's not what's going on.

December 25, 2009, 12:53 PM
ChrisSTamazing how everyone just assumes fraud. kind of funny. I have one already..I got it recently from a box. I left the empty box in my family room, and my family threw it out. But yes im frauding the company. your a joke
December 27, 2009, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by ChrisST:
amazing how everyone just assumes fraud. kind of funny. I have one already..I got it recently from a box. I left the empty box in my family room, and my family threw it out. But yes im frauding the company. your a joke
Really, I'm a joke. You specifically asked about the box sticker and UPC code, not an empty box (which you should have since you have claimed to have opened a number of boxes). Maybe you should think about keeping your story straignt before you dare to call someone names.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
Feeling happy? Then rip open a box. Feeling blue...then rip 2!