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Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (Topps)

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April 08, 2005, 05:12 PM
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (Topps)
I just got two hobby boxes and the results were a little disappointing.

Box 1:
Etch Foils: 1, 2x 2, 3, 4, 5 (5 total Frown )
Morph Cards: 1 & 2 ( Smile )
Sketch Card: NONE ( Frown)

Box 2:
Etch Foils: 1-6 (better)
Morph Cards: 1
Sketch Card: Davide Fabbri Clone Trooper

I was really disappointed with the no sketch on the first box. I guess I have to call Topps and see if they can do anything about it. I know it states that it's approximate odds, but I feel a little cheated when you spend $70+ CAD on a box of cards at not getting the sketch card. Does anyone here know if Topps is willing to send a sketch out for those who didn't get them in their boxes?

Anyways, by the looks of things, I'm gonna go buy retail of this set as it really does seem to be more fun to open packs with so many inserts. I wish they'd put more stuff in the hobby boxes.
April 08, 2005, 08:04 PM
Well, my husband surprised me and came home with 3 boxes because he loves me Luv You

Boxes contained:
3 complete Foil Sets
2 sets of lenticular cards and 1 spare (5 lenticulars from 3 boxes)
and of course 3 sketches

Edited to remove ref. to sketches pulled.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Over_Worked_Mom,
April 08, 2005, 10:42 PM
Thanks for sharing Sebulba-X. And same with you OWM, a sketch card by Plunkett is usually a good thing.


I'm looking for colored "Robots the Movie" sketch cards by Inkworks.
April 09, 2005, 12:58 AM
Scifi Cards
Opened 5 boxes...

The Good:

Any Help with the artists would be appreciated, the only one I know for sure is the Fabbri.

The bad:
Notice there are only 4 sketches? The fifth was an exact duplicate of the battle droid. With this many sketch artists the odds of getting an exact duplicate should be near impossible.

The Ugly:
All sketches were in the exact same place in the boxes. So you'll have to trust your dealer if you are buying packs. If you are a dealer, do everyone a favor and shuffle the packs before putting them out!

An outstanding set to look at. I really like the morph cards, with the exception of the case loader which has the weakest images and does not flow like the others do.

Topps gets a B+ for this effort.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
April 09, 2005, 01:59 AM
Another Mini-box...
1 etch foil
1 hologram
1 morph
1 emb foil
2 tatoos
2 stickers

I'm surpised how few duplicate inserts I've had out of three boxes and three blister packs.
Big Grin

April 09, 2005, 04:44 PM
I decided to pass on boxes of this since my April card $$$ was pretty much taken up by Family Guy and Quotable TNG but my local card shop had a mostly full hobby box out so I decided to splurge on 6 packs. Got 2 foil cards and this rather fetching Plunkett sketch. Pretty good for 6 packs. Big Grin

"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)


Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)

April 09, 2005, 07:27 PM
Nice Pulls Incarnadine! I woulda bought packs too if there were any stores in Toronto selling the cards. It's weird nobody is really carrying it.
April 09, 2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Dragoncrypt:
Nice Pulls Incarnadine! I woulda bought packs too if there were any stores in Toronto selling the cards. It's weird nobody is really carrying it.

I agree, I've only been able to get a complete set...that takes all the fun out of it.

"Better, stronger, faster. We have the technology."
April 09, 2005, 11:01 PM
Retail Tins:

Tin 1: Darth Vader Portrait (Flames In Background)
2 Tin Cards A, 2
0 Embossed Foil
1 Etched Foil 4
1 Tattoo 9
1 Hologram 1
1 Sticker 10
0 Lenticular

Tin 2: Anakin/Obi-Wan Lightsaber Duel
2 Tin Cards B, 6
0 Embossed Foil
0 Etched Foil
1 Tattoo 4
0 Hologram
2 Sticker 2,5
0 Lenticular

Tin 3: Darth Vader With Lightsaber (Flames In Doorway)
2 Tin Cards C, 1
0 Embossed Foil
0 Etched Foil
2 Tattoo 3,8
0 Hologram
1 Sticker 6
0 Lenticular

Tin 4: Darth Vader With Lightsaber (Silver Background)
2 Tin Cards D, 5
1 Embossed Foil 6
0 Etched Foil
1 Tattoo 4
0 Hologram
1 Sticker 6
0 Lenticular

Tin 5: Darth Vader With Lightsaber (Flames In Background)
2 Tin Cards E, 3
1 Embossed Foil 1
0 Etched Foil
1 Tattoo 7
0 Hologram
1 Sticker 5
0 Lenticular

Tin 6: Darth Sidious/Darth Vader
2 Tin Cards F, 4
1 Embossed Foil 10
0 Etched Foil
1 Tattoo 1
0 Hologram
1 Sticker 8
0 Lenticular

Remember to remove "NOSPAM" when emailing me.

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April 09, 2005, 11:53 PM

Mini-Box 1:
1 Embossed Foil 1
1 Etched Foil 4
2 Tattoo 4,10
0 Hologram
2 Sticker 3,8
0 Lenticular

Mini-Box 2:
1 Embossed Foil 2
1 Etched Foil 10
2 Tattoo 2,6
1 Hologram 3
2 Sticker 2,5
1 Lenticular 2

Remember to remove "NOSPAM" when emailing me.

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April 10, 2005, 12:11 PM
I ordered a Hobby case. I have not gotten my Retail cards yet. But the Retail cards are looking even more exciting than the Hobby this time!

Otis Framton (Yoda) ... Mike Lilly (Vader) ... R. Martinez (Vader)

Martinez(Battle Droid) ...Howard Shum(Clone Trooper) ...Grant Gould(Tion Medon)

I LOVE the Otis Frampton Yoda - I like the inks.
Of course the color Mike Lilly Vader is an eye catcher.
The Grant Gould Tion Medon is cool - even though I know nothing about this character as I am pretty much spoiler-free.

At least my double Martinez sketches are different.

I am not looking at the base cards until after May 19. I hear they are riddled with Spoilers. So I have not sorted anything but the sketches.
April 10, 2005, 05:00 PM
Thanks for the scans. Opened another mini-box got six more inserts, four I needed. Can you believe it only six inserts out of six packs? Can you spell...spoiled rotten? Wink

April 10, 2005, 05:49 PM
I cracked a six box hobby edition case and ended up with two sets per box (plus 64 extras per box), six complete sets of the puzzle foils cards, four complete sets of the lenticular morphing cards, the case lenticular morphing card, and the six sketches below.

The cards look great, and my only disappointment was getting the same two Martinez sketches. Frown

Two of my boxes had both of the morphing cards in them, which was a good surprise.

April 10, 2005, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by andynova:

The cards look great, and my only disappointment was getting the same two Martinez sketches. Frown

I like that sketch on the upper right but I'd be bummed to get any of those bottom 3 sketches. Razz

"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)


Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)

April 10, 2005, 09:01 PM

Blister Pack 1:
1 Blister B1
0 Embossed Foil
1 Etched Foil 3
1 Tattoo 3
0 Hologram
0 Sticker
0 Lenticular

Blister Pack 2:
1 Blister B2
0 Embossed Foil
0 Etched Foil
1 Tattoo 5
1 Hologram 1
1 Sticker 3
0 Lenticular

Blister Pack 3:
1 Blister B3
1 Embossed Foil 5
0 Etched Foil
0 Tattoo
0 Hologram
1 Sticker 5
0 Lenticular

Remember to remove "NOSPAM" when emailing me.

Trade List | Want List | NonSport Collection | Wrestling Collection | Facebook
April 11, 2005, 10:42 AM
Ep3 Retail Tins(6)
Bought one of each Tin, total of 18 packs.
Tin cover set A-F
Storyboard 1,3,5(2),6 one tin did not have a storyboard card ;-(
Tattos 1,2,3,5,7(2),9.
Stickers 3,4,5(2),10(2).
Etched foils 1,3,5.
Embossed 5,10.
Lenticular card #2.
Holograms #2.
April 11, 2005, 01:45 PM
Just opened 2 boxes :
1st box
Morphing card 1
Morphing card 2 Smile
Complete puzzle set
RMartinez sketch card of a Clone Troppers helmet Frown
2nd box
Morphing card 2
Complete puzzle set
DParsons sketch card of R2D2 - Very nice pencil drawing with loads of detail. Dan has also written 2004 on the card which doesn't seem to be on all his sketches.

I didn't look at the base cards in the hope of staying spoiler free. Did catch some of the character cards (Padme/Anakin/Chewie/Tarrful) that looked very colourful. Also caught a glimpse of some montage cards - Sith/Senetars. These again looked nice.

Roll on May 19th Thumb Up

"Do or Do Not - there is No try !" - Wise words from Yoda
"Is it possible to learn this power ?" Not such bright words from Anakin in ROTS
April 11, 2005, 02:53 PM
Just made a run to Walmart for Blister Packs.
You card just tell the differences of the B series cards by looking at the edge of the card in the blister pack.
3 Blister Packs(6 packs of cards):
B1, 2, 3.
Etched Foil 6(2).
Sticker 6, 9, 10.
Lenticular Morphing card 2of2.
Embossed 2.

Also picked up a Retail Bonus Box w/ a total of 6 packs inside.
Embossed 5.
Hologram 2of3.
Sticker 3,8.
Tatto 4,10.
Etched Foil 5.

These retail Chase sets are easier to put together than I had first thought possible.
April 13, 2005, 04:30 PM
Jim Streich

STICKERS 1,4,6,7,8,10
TATOOS 2,3,5,6,8,10

20 inserts in 18 packs I was happy Clap

Ignore list Batman, Headless
April 13, 2005, 04:47 PM

The top right one is VERY cool.
Any news on the artist yet?

I'd like to get one!

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