Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Harry Potter Memorable Moments (Artbox)
November 06, 2006, 06:17 AM
king-beezHarry Potter Memorable Moments (Artbox)
Here’s the breakdown for my 2 boxes of Memorable Moments (bought from a UK dealer):
Box 2486/3750
Box Topper – BT3
CC1 and CC2
R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
DC5 Krum / Diggory Costume Card 164/275
Auto – Maggie Smith (whoo..hoo!!)
2 base sets
Box 3450/3750
Box Topper – BT3
CC1 and CC2
R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
C4 Goyle Costume Card 468/535
PC2 Lupin’s Shirt / Marauder’s Map (with writing!!) 082/110 (whoo…hoo!!)
2 base sets
Plus with the spares from each box, I managed to make up another base set.
I’ve found the Maggie Smith auto and PC2 card listed on ebay - both are selling for around the £100 mark each so I’m really happy with my boxes.
November 06, 2006, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by king-beez:
Here’s the breakdown for my 2 boxes of Memorable Moments (bought from a UK dealer):
Box 2486/3750
Box Topper – BT3
CC1 and CC2
R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
DC5 Krum / Diggory Costume Card 164/275
Auto – Maggie Smith (whoo..hoo!!)
2 base sets
Box 3450/3750
Box Topper – BT3
CC1 and CC2
R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
C4 Goyle Costume Card 468/535
PC2 Lupin’s Shirt / Marauder’s Map (with writing!!) 082/110 (whoo…hoo!!)
2 base sets
Hi. Check out my boxes that I listed in the first post:
Box 1: #813
CC2 (x2)
R2, R5, R7, R8, R9
DC5 (Krum & Diggory)(155/275)
Maggie Smith autograph!!!
Box 2: #1481
CC1, CC2
R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
C4 (Goyle) (150/535)
PC2 (Lupin's shirt and the Marauder's Map)(045/110)
The DC5 and Maggie auto are together in both of our boxes and the C4 and PC2 are together both of our boxes as well. I did a double take when I saw your breakdown!
November 07, 2006, 04:23 AM
king-beezThats spooky and we're on opposite sides of the world!!
November 07, 2006, 06:22 AM
Originally posted by Rich:
The DC5 and Maggie auto are together in both of our boxes and the C4 and PC2 are together both of our boxes as well. I did a double take when I saw your breakdown!
I think you'll see that happen over and over. In my case (so to speak) it was just U.S. left coast versus right coast, but my case broke down as:
And another poster had reported a case with (you're getting ahead of me here):
The box-toppers and the puzzle cards were differently distributed and the resin box held a different part of the pattern. I've seen five "clusters" of case composition so far.
November 07, 2006, 07:37 PM
telkJust opened my case (almost) haven't touched the resin box. Still am looking at it going ahhh pretty.
Emma Watson
Eric Sykes
David Bradley x2
Olivia Higginbottom DE5
C1 - 406/660
C3 - 406/660
C4 - 024/535
C5 - 039/360
DC1 - 029/310
DC2 - 011/235
DC3 - 413/460
DC6 - 200/235
P3 - 114/160
DP1 - 088/150
2 full sets of box toppers w/ extra BT1
4 sets of foil with several extras
Fawkes case topper
Wondering if I should open the resin box or save it for "that auction site". Odds say there is a prop and a costume in there. Since I haven't had any duplicates on the costume cards, I would guess that is probably a dup, but not sure about the prop (probably just a single).
November 08, 2006, 01:04 PM
zhamlauif your talking profit and future finances to buy the maggie smith auto, you sell the box no questions asked. You already pulled 5 autos, and 2 props, INCLUDING A EMMA! You have rolled the dice, and they came up 7. Now, you punt the box and put the money from that and maybe the extra auto into a isaccs or smith auto In my opinion. excellent break btw, scans?
Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances!
November 09, 2006, 02:39 AM
hammerNice Break
November 09, 2006, 08:23 AM
dis68My Case : Case topper
RESIN BOX 1965/3750
Box Topper BT4
Coins CC1 + CC2
Dual Costume DC4 Goyle 173/460
Auto David Bradley
Foils R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
Box 2264/3750
Box Topper BT2
Coins CC1 + CC2
Prop P1 Practice Broom Bristles 054/235
Costume C1 Crabbe 159/660
Foils R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
Box 2733/3750
Box Topper BT1
Coins CC1 + CC2
Dual Costume DC5 Krum/Diggory 157/275
Auto Maggie Smith
Foils R2, R3, R5, R7, R8
Box 1974/3750
Box Topper BT4
Coins CC1 + CC2
Costume C1 Crabbe 136/660
Foils R2, R4, R5, R7, R9
Box 0274/3750
Box Topper BT3
Coins CC1 + CC2
Costume C4 Goyle 039/535
Foils R2, R4, R5, R7, R9
Box 3494/3750
Box Topper BT1
Coins CC1 + CC2
Costume C2 Malfoy 056/170
Auto Jason Isaacs
Foils R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
Box 2274/3750
Box Topper BT3
Coins CC1 + CC2
Prop/Costume PC2 Marauders Map/Lupin Costume 044/110
Costume C4 Goyle 151/535
Foils R2, R3, R3, R6, R8
Box 2724/3750
Box Topper BT2
Coins CC1 + CC2
Prop P3 Basilisk Skin 044/160
Costume C3 Dudley Dursley 194/660
Foils R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
Box 3490/3750
Box Topper BT3
Coins CC1 + CC2
Costume C5 McGonagall 342/360
Auto David Bradley
Foils R1, R3, R4, R6, R8
Box 0263/3750
Box Topper BT4
Coins CC1 + CC2
Death Eater DE5 Olivia Higginbottom
Dual Costume DC3 Harry Potter 304/360
Foils R3, R3, R5, R6, R8
Comments : Duplicate Bradley auto, duplicate Crabbe costume , duplicate Goyle costume, no Sykes auto, no Sykes card at all
Resin box looks superb but the inner removable plastic tray spoils the effect as does having only 1 dowel-like peg to hold the lid on
Normal boxes look great too
Base set itself is disappointing as the images are all sepia ( and very small ) and the text is also muted
"Because, I've seen him.
He's like Fire. And Ice. And Rage.
He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the Sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of Time and he can see the turn of the Universe.
November 09, 2006, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by allender:
I think you'll see that happen over and over. In my case (so to speak) it was just U.S. left coast versus right coast, but my case broke down as:
And another poster had reported a case with (you're getting ahead of me here):
The box-toppers and the puzzle cards were differently distributed and the resin box held a different part of the pattern. I've seen five "clusters" of case composition so far.
This pattern reared it's ugly head for a case my friend opened. Has anyone had missing coin cards? I was under the impression they were guarenteed 2 per box, but she had 4 boxes in her case without them.
November 11, 2006, 07:32 AM
cverdecI picked up 2 boxes (pre-orderd over 5 months ago) Very Happy with how I did
Box #0634/3750Coin Cards: CC1, CC2
Box Topper: BT4
Foils: R2, R3, R5, R6, R8
Costume: C5 (252/360) McGonagall (nice seam)
Auto: Eric Sykes as Frank Bryce
Box #1690/3750Coin Cards: CC1, CC2
Box Topper: BT4
Foils: R1, R2, R4, R7, R9
Dual Costume: DC4 (015/460) Goyle (tie variant)
Auto: David Bradley as Argus Filch
2 boxes, 2 autos. Works for me

November 11, 2006, 07:33 AM
cverdecDid I miss something, or has no one in the forum pulled an Emma Watson? I figured at least one would pop up here.

November 11, 2006, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by cverdec:
Did I miss something, or has no one in the forum pulled an Emma Watson? I figured at least one would pop up here.
Look about 7 posts up.

"Man muss entweder der Hammer oder der Amboss sein" (you must be the hammer or the anvil)
Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas.
(Three things are required for beauty: wholeness, harmony, radiance.)
November 11, 2006, 06:57 PM


November 13, 2006, 10:49 PM
The box-toppers and the puzzle cards were differently distributed and the resin box held a different part of the pattern. I've seen five "clusters" of case composition so far.
Can you make a list of the "clusters" you seen?
November 14, 2006, 06:35 AM
hammerAs others have said, I think the base set is disappointing. Whilst I applaud Artbox for trying something different in didn't work (in my opinion)
November 14, 2006, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by ajdedo:
Can you make a list of the "clusters" you seen?
I almost hesitate to broadcast information that might promote "case searching," but the breakdowns are publicly posted and it would be easy enough for anybody to come to the same conclusions.
I've seen only 5 combinations of autos in 17 case reports:
3 - Watson, DE5, Sykes, Bradley, Bradley
4 - Smith, DE5, Isaacs, Bradley, Bradley
5 - Smith, Isaacs, Sykes, Sykes, Bradley
2 - Isaacs, DE5, DE3 or DE6, Sykes, Bradley
3 - DE4, DE6, Sykes, Sykes, Bradley
November 15, 2006, 12:20 AM
ajdedoHa, that's kind of funny that it can be simplified so much. Kind of takes the mystery out of it. I would like to see a more random mixture. Thanks for the breakdown..... :-)
November 15, 2006, 05:23 PM
SzymI had another combination:
Isaacs, Bradley, Sykes, Sykes, DE5, DE6
November 15, 2006, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Szym:
I had another combination:
Isaacs, Bradley, Sykes, Sykes, DE5, DE6
Even more interesting than you thought! You were lucky enough to get six autos from your case. One of the other cases was unlucky to get only four ... Isaacs, Bradley, DE5, DE6, missing the Sykes, but I included it in the "pattern" anyway. So maybe your case stole his missing Bryce.
The sample above isn't a huge % of the total cases, so there might be some other groupings we haven't seen. We saw breakdowns for 37 cases of Goblet of Fire Update, and only 6 auto clusters.
November 16, 2006, 03:39 AM
We saw breakdowns for 37 cases of Goblet of Fire Update, and only 6 auto clusters.
Yeah, I just read that post in GoFU, but I didn't quite understand it. I posted you there....