Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Elementals 2 (Perna Studios, 2022)

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July 28, 2022, 05:35 AM
Scifi Cards
Elementals 2 (Perna Studios, 2022)
Broke 10 Sets of Tony and Elaine's newest product. They never disappoint.

"sets" came with 4 base, a chase card, and 1 sketch.
Was able to make 2 complete sets of 20 cards and the 5 chase cards. So, perfect collation

Got 1 metal Earth Elemental card.
Also got 1 metal sketch, as a 2nd sketch in a set.

The Sketches:

Amy Clark (Metal Sketch), Carl Catchilar, Anastasia Catris
Metal Chase EMC, Mike Hartigan, Alex Winters


Achilleas Kokkinakis, Huy Trong, Mizumel
Jennifer Strickland, Sanna Umemoto, Some Guy Named Tony

Overall, a great set, could not have asked for a better spread of artists and subjects.


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I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride.

-"Touch of Grey" by The Greatful Dead
July 28, 2022, 09:38 AM
I also had 10 sets of this brilliant product . My collation was the same as Scifi Cards except I had the E2L lenticular card instead of a metal sketch . My sketches , the first three of which are available for trade and the rest I am keeping :

Camron Johnson , Nestor Celario Jnr .

Frank Kadar .

Elsa Doumtsi , Juan Mendez .

Jamie Joslyn , Miki Okazaki .

Athina P Konstantinidou , Arwenn Necker .

Huy Truong .

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July 28, 2022, 10:31 AM
Kevin F
I received my 10 sets from the Perna Elementals 2 release on Tuesday. As usual, all the sketches were up the high standard I have come to expect. In addition to the sketches, base and chase sets, I got got the EMC Earth Metal Chase card by Chris Meeks but wasn't fortunate enough to pull a metal sketc card or the latest lenticular card. Can't have everything Smile

These are my 10 sketches in the order I pulled them:

Andrei Jones Agravante, Soni Alcorn-Hender

Vannessa Bettencourt, Elsa Doumtsi

Lynne Anderson, Tabitha Jensen

Lindsey Greyling, Christina Charbali

Triantifillia Vassou, Leon Braojos