Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Disney Treasures (Upper Deck)
November 19, 2003, 04:04 AM
BoldlygoneDisney Treasures (Upper Deck)
After the extrordinary price the last DT Jack Skellinton sketch card went for, I decided to try my luck with some boxes myself.
Incidently, It may (or may not be a good omen), These boxes actually arrived yesterday (Nov 18th) which I now understand to have been Micky Mouses Birthday. I couldn't sleep knowing these boxes were here so I'm crackin' these puppies open in the middle of the night.
So here goes:
Box One10 Walt Disney cards
3 Micky Mouse cards (#13, 20, & 43)
1 Snow White card (SW10)
0 Reel Piece of History cards

0 Sketch cards

0 Walt Disney Signature cards

VERY dissapointing box. It can only get better after that
Box Two10 Walt Disney cards
22 Micky Mouse cards (what a difference to the 1st box!)
2 Snow White cards (SW7 & SW10)
1 Reel Piece of History card (PH9 Beauty & The Beast)
0 Sketch cards

0 Walt Disney Signature cards

Still looking for the magic cards that will get me a mention in the next NSU edition.
Box Three10 Walt Disney cards
21 Micky Mouse cards
3 Snow White cards (SW2, SW6 & SW8)
1 Reel Piece of History card (PH5 Allice in Wonderland)
0 Sketch cards

0 Walt Disney Signature cards

Oh well no Ultra-rare sketches or 1/1 sigs
If only I knew just how many sketch cards have been found along with the number of unopened boxes are left. I could work out the odds and decide if it is worth continuing to search.
It's like trying to find the Wonka Golden Ticket!
Never give up - NEVER surrender
November 23, 2003, 04:22 AM
drastic123Just a thought, but is it possible that Upper Deck have included some of the rare cards - including the Walt Disney 1/1 - in the Mickey MOuse bobbing head packs. Maybe they reasoned that many of these would remain sealed as a box? If so the odds would change considerably.
Simply: James (& mad about animated thingymajigs...)
November 23, 2003, 08:24 AM
Over_Worked_MomFilmography- too many to count, but I did get the last one *I* needed!
Snow White - 3
Film Cell - 101 Dalmatians

November 23, 2003, 12:10 PM
The MouseketeerBoldlygone, box #1 was
horrible - the worst I've ever seen!

I managed to refrain from purchasing another box in Secaucus. I find it much easier to simply bang my head against the wall without spending the money.
"If you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all." ~ Thumper in
BambiNovember 23, 2003, 10:35 PM
TWSI had such I disappointing 6 boxes that I refused to post them because I'd have to see in type just how bad I did. Out of 6 boxes I got 4 Pieces of Reel History, 7 Snow White Cards, 3/4 of the Mickey Mouse Movies, 4 complete sets and No Sketches...I was hoping for 3 of the 1/1 Cut Signatures!
"Aluminum Boy"
The Wright Stuff
Aim Id. TWthegreatest
November 28, 2003, 04:35 AM
drastic123Opened my first six boxes of cards this morning - Disney Treasures. Hoping for the big ones, but in the end I am kind of happy with the outcome. Here's the breakdown:
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH7)
2 Snow White cards (SW4 & SW9)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH9)
2 Snow White cards (SW2 & SW8)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
2 Reel Piece of History cards (PH5 & PH9)
3 Snow White cards (SW6, SW9 & SW10)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
WOW, very happy. One pack had a Snow White Card AND a Reel Piece of History card in it!!

1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH2)
3 Snow White cards (SW1, SW4 & SW6)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH2)
2 Snow White cards (SW3 & SW5)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
AGAIN! Another pack had a Snow White Card AND a Reel Piece of History card in it!!

1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH7)
3 Snow White cards (SW3, SW5 & SW7)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
Six box summary:
7 Reel Piece of History cards
15 Snow White cards
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
Overall, pretty happy. Bit disappointed, about not getting a Sketch Card or a Walt Disney 1/1 Signature card - especially because the trader I purchased the boxes from ASSURED me that they would contain some?!?

Ah well, maybe they will in the next five that are coming? We can dream.

Simply: James (& mad about animated thingymajigs...)
November 28, 2003, 09:38 AM
drastic123I'm slowly working my way through the other cards for the six boxes. Very disappointed about filmography cards though - ONLY ONE COMPLETE SET??? Next set is missing 3 cards and the next set after that is missing 15 cards

. 5 Sets of Retrospective cards and a few odds. Oh well, back to sorting the common cards...

Simply: James (& mad about animated thingymajigs...)
November 28, 2003, 12:01 PM
drastic1234 complete Common sets and 1 more with 4 cards short plus some odds of course - from six boxes. *** That's it finished *** Not a bad days work - very enjoyable really!!!

Simply: James (& mad about animated thingymajigs...)
December 01, 2003, 03:44 AM
drastic123And so for my last five boxes of Disney Treasures. I hoped AGAIN for the big ones, but alas, nowt. Here's the breakdown:
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH10)
2 Snow White cards (SW4 & SW9)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH6)
2 Snow White cards (SW3 & SW5)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
2 Reel Piece of History cards (PH6)
3 Snow White cards (SW1, SW4 & SW6

0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH6 Again!!! That's three.

3 Snow White cards (SW5, SW7 & SW10

0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
1 Reel Piece of History cards (PH4)
2 Snow White cards (SW9 & SW10)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
Five box summary:
5 Reel Piece of History cards
12 Snow White cards
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disney Signature card
Dream over

Simply: James (& mad about animated thingymajigs...)
December 05, 2003, 11:21 AM
Card DudeI managed to get 2 Film cards in my box (Snow White and Alice in Wonderland)
Got 3 snow white cards as well, guess i was quite lucky with that box.
December 09, 2003, 06:16 AM
BoldlygoneI am going to have one more try to get the Walt card or a sketch.
My last box breakdown:
5 cards short of a base set with one duplicate card
1 full set of 10 walt disney cards
22 Micky Mouse cards
2 Snow White cards
1 Reel piece of history card (PH2 fantasia)
0 Sketch cards
0 Walt Disnet cut sig card
And so endeth the dream
Perhaps I will have more luck with the Disney Treasures 2 set although a Carl Barks Signature doesn't have quite the same ring to it as walt Disney
Never give up - NEVER surrender
December 10, 2003, 06:03 AM
david963just purchased a very reasonably priced 12 box case, will post a breakdown when it arrives.
December 10, 2003, 06:18 AM
BoldlygoneI hope you are able to put us all out of our mysery and pull the Walt Disney Sig
Never give up - NEVER surrender
December 10, 2003, 06:32 AM
Card DudeI wonder if anyone has pulled it yet? there is no real way we could know
Currently making a Wants/Haves list!
December 15, 2003, 01:01 PM
gimliwhat makes me even more annoyed about this, is that it is possible someone has found this or will find this Eg a child in a pack their parent bought them to keep them quiet and they don't know what they have got and it will be lost forever
December 15, 2003, 01:21 PM
Barbara CThat would be horrible. I hope the parent would recognize a 1/1 card when they see one.
December 18, 2003, 12:43 PM
gimliI opened 5 boxes
and got
4 base sets
4 Walt Disney retro sets
1 card short of a snow white set (no.8) and two spare sw1 sw4
1 full set of filmography cards and two short of a second (no. 31 & 5)
5 Reel cards ( 2, 3, 5, 7 & 9)
January 09, 2004, 07:31 PM
RhettPicked up a box yesterday. Here's how I went:
1 Reel Piece of History (PH6)
2 Snow White (SW9 & SW10)
22 Filmography
0 Sketch

0 Cut Signature

Great set!
February 08, 2004, 06:01 PM
RupTPicked up a cheapish box after the excitement of Disney Treasures 2 and thought id try my luck.... heres what i got
85 base cards (11 dupes

10 Walt Disnet Retro's (2 dupes, both WD7)
22 Mickey Filmography
2 Snow White (SW3

- need that to finish SW set, and SW5)
1 RPOH (PH8 - Winnie the Pooh) - however looks like a small semi-circle green felt mark and red biro mark of the same on the back of the card.... anyone else get anything like this on their RPOH's?)
0 Sketch
0 Cut Signature
Not a bad box i suppose.....
Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Please remove the "_NO_SPAM" before emailing me, TA

February 09, 2004, 09:17 PM
The Mouseketeerquote:
Originally posted by RupT:
1 RPOH (PH8 - Winnie the Pooh) - however looks like a small semi-circle green felt mark and red biro mark of the same on the back of the card.... anyone else get anything like this on their RPOH's?)
I checked mine and there were no marks. Hopefully it's not too noticable.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." ~ Walt Disney