July 27, 2016, 06:57 PM
Don NortonStar Trek The Next Generation Portfolio Prints Series 2 (Rittenhouse Archives, 2016)
Today I received my new issue of NSU, and I was reading my article on Next Gen Portfolio Prints 2 when my local dealer called ( yes he calls me when he gets in new stuff), to tell me my box of cards had come in. So - here's what was in Box 1427 of 6000
1 base set of 88 cards (with 24 extras)
1 Comic card (1:24)
1 Gold Parallel Signature (1:24)
1 Universe NG Gallery Card (1:24)
1 Ships of the Line (1:48)
1 Comic Archive Cut Card (1:48)
3 autographs
Robert Schekkan as Lt Cmdr Remmick (Extremely Limited)
Tracee Cocco as Lt Jae
Robert Costanzo as Blade Bender
I also bought 2 loose packs, got another Gold Parallel card and an auto of Lycia Naff as Ensign Sonya Gomez (Limited)
I was happy with the Ex Limited auto, but the real stars of this set are the cool base cards. Can't wait to assimilate this set into my first set. A nice job, Rittenhouse
July 27, 2016, 08:12 PM
cardaddictIt must be nice to have a local dealer. Mine absconded with $400 to $500 of my money, which I paid for cards and other items up front. The last time I went to pick up some Bond boxes I'd ordered and paid for (I can't remember which set it was), he was selling the display cases right out of the stripped of everything store and when I asked about my money he said good luck, I was on his list to be paid back - eventually. Let's hope I never meet him on the street somewhere.
July 27, 2016, 10:22 PM
Don NortonSorry to hear that Cardaddict. I have been going to this dealer since 1993, and he has always been someone I could trust. Wish all of you could have a local dealer like him, and he's less than a mile away from me.
July 29, 2016, 11:28 AM
hammerBox 5928 of 6000
1 base set of 88 cards (with 24 extras)
1 Comic card #16(1:24)
1 Gold Parallel Signature #14 (1:24)
1 Base Parallel Autograph Cards (1:72) but Wow!
1 Star trek TNG Universe card #U18 (1:24) Sela and in Series 1 I got Tasha Yar - My least favourite characters!!
1 Comic Archive Cut Card (1:48)
3 autographs
Erich Anderson as Cmdr Macduff(Very Limited)
Tracee Cocco as Lt Jae - Who??
Samantha Eggar as Marie Picard - I enjoyed this episode and I remembered her, so pleased with this $10 card lol
No ships of the line in either box and my real big hit was the artists auto! Never mind
July 30, 2016, 10:29 AM
STCardGeekSela and Tasha, giggle. OK, you gotta admit, it's kinda funny

May 19, 2020, 09:23 AM
AJJBox 5506
1 Base set
1 Comic Archive cut card: AC08 panel from Vol,2 #8. 71/130
1 Gold Parallel Signature: Card 128 "Realm of Fear" 003/125
1 Universe NG Gallery Card: U8 La Forge
1 Ships of the Line: SL12
1 Comic Card: #62
Rosalind Allen as Yanar in "The Outageous Okona"
Samantha Egger as Marie Picard in "Family"
Lanai Chapman as Ensign Saiel Rager in "Relics"