Does anyone know anything about sets of Star Trek: Picard promo cards for sale on eBay? There are at least two I've seen, one 8-card and one 9-card set.
I haven't found any info about them anywhere. It's such a bizarre thing to counterfeit that I'm assuming they are legit promo cards from CBS. Maybe they were given away at conventions? Or maybe they were sent to TV critics?
I know Rittenhouse included a metal promo card (PT1) for Star Trek: Picard with the binder for the Star Trek Inflexions set. I asked at the message board if Rittenhouse has anything to do with these promo card sets but haven't got a reply.
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask. Thanks.
Posts: 70 | Location: The World | Registered: August 03, 2020
Looking at the sellers' other auctions, and having seen many of those cards before, I would say that all of what this person is offering is unlicensed.
There is a particular ebay seller (maybe affiliated with this person) who seems to have a NEW promo card set every time a hot new movie or TV show is released. Perhaps he or she makes these cards him/herself. Just a thought.
You see these show up for Star Wars, Disney, X-Files, DC Comics films, Marvel, etc.
Posts: 4863 | Location: Bayonne, NJ, USA | Registered: May 06, 2001
If you haven't heard any mention of it announced on card forums, such as it just was with RA's Umbrella Academy 9 card preview set, that's all the answer necessary. There is a whole cottage industry on eBay and I guess no one cares because it's not exactly hidden.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
There is a Chinese site that sells this sort of style of cards , postcard size and trading card size of all sorts of issues in sets of 9. EG Wonderwoman Supergirl Star Wars etc the style seems similar . I have deleted it off my watchlist so cant give the site title They are all cheap mass produced knock offs but they look nice and are quiet cheap, maby this seller is buying up adding a % and reselling
Posts: 860 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: November 22, 2016
With the glut of licensed cards for all titles, especially ones starting with the word Star , I wonder why there continues to be such a demand for unlicensed cards? Don't card collectors know what they are buying? Can't they wait until that licensed promo or first licensed set is released? Is it just that the cards are usually cheap? Or that sometimes they look better than the flimsy knock offs that they are?
A collection of unlicensed novelty cards is like a box full of costume jewelry. Most of it looks like junk and some of it may look OK, but nothing will become a family heirloom and the pawn shop won't give you anything for it.
If you mix licensed and unlicensed cards in your binders, you are risking tainting your collection should you ever show it for sale.
It's always the buyer's choice, but I never got the positive side of spending any money on unregulated, unlimited, unlicensed trading cards.
Posts: 10529 | Location: New York | Registered: November 20, 2007
Look at this way. If you have £10 to spend on cards and a box of hobby cards costs £60 and the unlicensed set costs £5 the set of unlicensed cards looks really nice whatever you think about this or that.
____________________ Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29084 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002
First, many people don't think about cards being licensed or not. They don't stop and wonder if it's an official set. Second, Wolfie's right. If it's cheap, their money is out of their wallet before they think about where the cards came from.
And yeah, when those buyers decide to sell their binder half full of unlicensed cards, and when they finally find somebody willing to consider buying the lot, they are not going to like the offer. In all likelihood the person willing to buy is going to be experienced enough to spot the unlicensed cards and declare the total value of them to be zero.
I have 3-4 cards from the 90's that might be unlicensed. They were in a bargain box at the time. There are two Kathy Ireland cards and a card with photos of Shaq and Cindy Crawford on both sides.
Originally posted by wolfie: Look at this way. If you have £10 to spend on cards and a box of hobby cards costs £60 and the unlicensed set costs £5 the set of unlicensed cards looks really nice whatever you think about this or that.
Posts: 4695 | Location: San Jose, CA, USA | Registered: December 23, 2002
This particular seller(s) keep churning out new cards every month. This has been going on for at least 5 years.
Every month he/she has new 9 card sets for Star Wars, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Flash, Star Trek, X-Files, Walking Dead, every sci-fi TV show or movie imaginable, including Disney related ones. I purchased a few at first, 4-5 years ago, but a ton of new ones come out every month--literally.
Posts: 4361 | Location: NY | Registered: August 03, 2010
Thank you for this post. I was considering purchasing these sets believing them to be official as they contained the CBS logo. Do TV companies ever release promos for their series and if so how do you tell the official from the counterfeit?
Posts: 26 | Location: Wales UK | Registered: January 16, 2021