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Had to Work, but Participated in OTBD
Bronze Card Talk Member
Picture of cverdec

Sheri & I participated, but I had to go to work right after I opened my box, and she opened hers in Cleveland (She’s traveling for 2 weeks for work). I was hoping you could add this to the closed post and include us in the Breygent Promo mailing.

cverdec: Classic Sci-Fi & Horror Posters (box #2093/4800)
Base Sets: 1
Box Bottom Card: BL-1
Invasion of the Body Snatchers: P3B
2001: A Space Odyssey: P1A
The Day the Earth Stood Still: P2A
Creature from the Black Lagoon: 4C, 5C, 6C
Sketch: Sean Pence (Tobor the Great) Thumb Up
Autograph: Dana Taylor Big Grin

bigkitty: Supernatural: Season 1
Base Sets: 2
Box Loader: BL-1
Foil Puzzle: S-1, S-2, S-8, S-9
Dead End: D-4, D-5
Auto: (A-2) Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester Big Grin Thumb Up
Piecesworks: (PW-11) Andrea Barr’s Sweater


Posts: 920 | Location: Woodbridge, VA | Registered: August 21, 2002Report This Post
Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of BILLZEE
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HEY! Wait for me tooooo!!!!

I opened an Alien Legacy Inkworks box on OTB Day which I shrewdly purchased from a merchant ad in NSU This was a great bargain on a retro IW box which I missed the first time around.

After an evening of Friday the 13th Lone Star tornadoes AKA "twisters" which was spent INSIDE THE HALL CLOSET, my OTB participation was a welcome relief on Saturday evening and much healthier than taking sedatives or drowning my nerves with hard liquor.

Alien Legacy was fun to open -- Whew! it was 36 packs and many of them unzipped with no wrapper damage at all so if you want a wrapper send me an SASE Big Grin.

One base set plus tons of extras to trade to Ctalkers Wink Hint,hint

Two Foil Movie Poster Cards - Oh no-o-o I like these so now I want the complete set!

One Evolution of Ripley - I want the rest...Am adding to my wantlist post

Alien Acid Bath AE1 Clap Lucky Me!! Luv these gimmicky inserts.

For the most part, my partner in this OTB fun was my 16 YO daughter's male cat Usti who actually is pretty good company because he pussyfoots AROUND the precarious stacks of opened packs. A few times daughter Katie walked in the room but instead of sharing in my OTB success, she asked for money and a ride to her friends house. Well such is life...

Thank you HARRIS, NSU, manufacturers and vendors for staging this fun card playtime!
Posts: 2238 | Location: DFW | Registered: January 19, 2002Report This Post
Picture of H_Toser
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Originally posted by cverdec:
...I was hoping you could add this to the closed post and include us in the Breygent Promo mailing.

Hey Cverdec~

I will see what I can do but I was not given many cards by Breygent and might not have enough. That's one of several reasons why I didn't post about it ahead of time and why I wanted to limit it to Saturday's entries (it is called Open That Box day after all, right? Smile)
Posts: 13014 | Location: Harrisburg, PA, USA | Registered: November 29, 2000Report This Post
Picture of Over_Worked_Mom
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I participated too, but didn't get a chance to post until today either. I knew I should have opened the box early - that way I wouldn't have been late in posting Smile

It was a box of 24 Season 4 Expansion, if anyone cares *shrug*
Posts: 4053 | Location: Lansdale, PA | Registered: January 31, 2002Report This Post
Titanium Card Talk Member
Picture of wolfie
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I opened a box and got these.............

5 strawberry cremes, 3 hazelnut whirls.................... Big Grin

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
Posts: 29086 | Location: wolverhampton staffs uk | Registered: July 19, 2002Report This Post
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