____________________ life is like a spiders web, beautiful to look at, deadly when you get to wrapped up in it. jth 2007
April 09, 2011, 01:48 PM
I was able to participate in OTB again this year - I had a pack of Cult Stuff's "Monsters, Zombies and Freaks" cards! I tweeted and recorded (for the next podcast episode!) my pack opening - here are the pictures!
Me with the pack and contents (in podcaster mode!) A closer look at the pack and contents - that card at the front is a hand drawn Robert Hack sketch card! Thanks to Cult Stuff for the pack! Au Res., Paul
I missed last year through my own laziness, so I made sure to procure a box for this year. I had missed out on the Heroes Archives set on original release, so i decided to try my luck.
The breakdown: Base set x1 plus extras The Quotable Heroes x3 Q2, Q5, Q7 Heroes Generations x2 G2, G4 Relic Cards x1 Hiro's Jacket Autograph cards x6 Katie Carr, Madeline Zima, Katherine Boecher, Tamlyn Tomita, Alan Blumfeld, and Bruce Boxleitner!!!
I was thrilled with the Boxleitner auto. I'm a big Tron fan (just got the Blu-ray this week). I also missed an opportunity to meet him at the Emerald City Comic Con.
Good luck!
____________________ Members I've successfully traded with: wuher, Scott Rammel, Bond, mars53, Arvin Sloane, Larry C., silmapco, MrSpeed719, spidergoblin, mark64, steve j, barrowjack, indypat75, ra4dunb, Avalon, hammer, Gregor1968, Rich, Scifi Cards, Ryan Cracknell, UofLHoops, Cee_Jay, rachandcarl, brandocles, venom5liter, Warrior Babe, manolito, SciFi Mom, Ariana, Craig, beleay, kidtrek, eman, iki927, jane
April 09, 2011, 02:38 PM
Ryan Cracknell
While I don't think it's quite on par with the Rocky II break video I did last year, I didn't have 15 hours to spare this time around.
This year I stayed retro and went with a box of GREMLINS, from O-Pee-Chee.
In a nutshell, got two full sets of 82 cards and a bunch of extras leftover. Unlike the Topps set, there were no stickers.
I was ecstatic to find this box for only $10 plus shipping.
I had a box of Disney Treasures (not the full but but the one with a bobblehead and 4 packs of cards) i got it for almost nothing off of ebay.
and here's what i got...
4 villins cards, 10 heroes cards, 4 filmography cards, 1 disney retrospective and 1 "Reel" piece of history card (of one of my all time favorite movies, 101 Dalmations!!)! Very happy!
Also id like to add, in June ill be having a birthday and that day ill be breaking 30 boxes of cards for my 30th b-day live on Blogtv. Ill be giving away the micky bobblehead to someone just for stopping by and helping me celebrate. Ill be posting the invite in June. Wish me luck on my breaks! Oh and happy Open that Box day everyone!!This message has been edited. Last edited by: H_Toser, April 09, 2011 03:16 PM
April 09, 2011, 02:52 PM
edit... Thanks Toser!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Firebird, April 09, 2011 03:25 PM
April 09, 2011, 02:55 PM
Loving watching the box breaks this year. There's been some great pulls, but I have the same dilemma I have every year ... do I actually open my boxes. Does anyone else do this ?
You see, having actually got my box or boxes, keeping them sealed, looking at them daily wondering what's inside I quite enjoy the wait. Then the day arrives and I feel a pang of regret that it will be opened and it's contents finally revealed. It's the Schrodinger's cat paradox but in trading card form, by not knowing what's in there it could be anything or indeed nothing.
Enough of this, I'm off to look at my boxes and wonder.
(Don't worry, I always open them).
____________________ Any airsofters out there ?
April 09, 2011, 03:18 PM
Hi Firebrand:
I hope you don't mind but I edited your post and fixed the problem with the images. I had first thought you had an extra "/" in the web address you posted but that didn't work either. I had to go to the address you posted and then re-copy the web address for ImageShack.
First box opened: America At War: Band Of Brothers.
What a great set. Despite having an interest in militaria I haven't opened a military related box before and I really enjoyed this one. I was particularly intrigued by the packs, nice to open something other than foil.
Got a full set, a couple of Instant Win cards (which may or may not be winners) and an Edward 'Babe' Heffron auto. Big BOB fan so I was thrilled to get this. No sketch card for me however but I don't mind. I took my time opening these and enjoyed it immensely, it was nice to open something a bit different too.
____________________ Any airsofters out there ?
April 09, 2011, 05:00 PM
I hope everyone has enjoyed Open That Box day 2011.
I opened 3 boxes of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 from Rittenhouse Archives and 1 box of Marvel Dangerous Divas again by Rittenhouse.
My Battlestar Galactica boxes gave my the following: -
Box 1
FF2 & FF5
R2, R7 & R9
Autographed Costume Card – Jamie Bamber
Autograph – Dominic Zamprogna
Dual Costume Card – Emily Kowalski
Costume Card – Aaron Doral
Box 2
FF1 & FF3
R1, R3 & R8
Autograph – Matthew Bennett
Autograph – Colby Johannson
Costume Card – Aaron Doral
RC1 – 255/350
Box 3
FF1 & FF3
R5, R6 & R9
Autographed Costume Card – Nicki Clyne
Autograph – Colin Lawrence
Dual Costume Card – Cally Tyrol
Costume Card – Aaron Doral
My Dangerous Divas box gave me: -
S2 - Black Queen S8 - Psylocke
E16 - Domino and Wolverine
Women of Marvel W3, W8 and W12
Plus a really cool sketch card of Spiral by Buddy Prince.
____________________ Kelly Kelly! So nice they named her twice!
April 09, 2011, 05:04 PM
Okay now I opened a box of Deathwatch 2,000 I got 1+ Base sets and Sports Insert SS2 Manon Rheaume Hybrid Cels HC2 Shealth
My box was one of Breygent's "The Vintage Poster Collection: Classic Sci-Fi & Horror Posters" and I wish I'ld got some of these earlier as the cards are superb depictions of classic sci-fi films with the larger postcard size cards being well used
I think my favourite chase card in this box is the P2B "sparkly" Klaatu from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" but there was also a P3B from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and 1C/2C/3C/4C from "Creature from the Black Lagoon". Sadly no 2001 chase card but there was a King Kong sketch card
This message has been edited. Last edited by: dis68, April 09, 2011 05:53 PM
April 09, 2011, 05:18 PM
Miss Lizzy
4th Box:
Fleer Adrenaline
Auto - Kenny Anderson Shards Card!! - Greg Nelson's wakeboard (1:160 packs, woohoo! )
Inserts Big Air Club - #2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 (of 10) A List - #2, 4, 6 & 8 (of 10) Medal Men - #5, 8, 9 & 10 (of 10) 56 Gold Parallel Cards 7 of 10 mini-posters