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Universal 100th Anniversary Collector Card Walmart exclusives
Picture of Versicolor
I just came home from Walmart and opened up a Bluray I just purchased and found an oversized card of Universal's Dracula movie with Bella Lugosi from 1931. The sticker on the front says that they are Walmart exclusives and that there are 25 total cards in the set. They are roughly 5 x 7 and are made on a nice thick glossy stock. The back of the card is mostly white and gives some details about the movie.

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Titanium Card Talk Member
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Thats a great looking card but if there is only 1 of 25 randomly inserted in Blu-Rays i can't see any way of collecting the set.

Come, it is time for you to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.
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Platinum Card Talk Member
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I picked up one of these today, I had a tough time finding one but as Billy had posted a pic of the sticker (Thanks, Billy!)I was able to locate one (The Breakfast Club), and I got the following:

Really nice and worth the effort to track down but absolutely a challenge!!!

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
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Two more today, Field of Dreams and To Kill A Mockingbird:

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Pretty nice. I have to get to Walmart.

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Picture of miket999
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Is it just BluRay DVD's or regular DVD's too where these are available?

I forgot to look last time I was at Walmart.... Guess I have to go again soon...

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Gold Card Talk Member
Picture of chesspieceface
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Those are great!!!

And to see a Big Lebowski and Dracula pulled when only 4 of the 25 cards are known just convinces me even more that NSU'ers are pretty dang lucky!

Without knowing what the other 21 cards are, the Bela Lugosi and Jeff Bridges cards HAVE to be among the best in the set where collectors are concerned, there's a lot of crossover appeal with those two movies and actors.

I would think there's a card for Back To The Future, JAWS, and I'd personally love one for "American Grafitti", another Universal classic and one of my favorite films, I love it more than any Star Wars movie (and I totally dig those, mind you.)

Since there's a card for Dracula, there is likely one of Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster and maybe even Lon Chaney Jr. as the Wolfman. Universal has an almost embarrassing list of classics, be it monster movies or otherwise. I'm pretty sure there'll be a card for "E.T.". Edward Scissorhands would be pretty cool, I think that's a Universal movie.

Anyone else care to speculate who might be on the other cards?

I bought a Blu-Ray player about a year ago, but it's still in the box. Might be time to get it out, since I'm definitely going to be buying a few Blu-Rays now. I'll post what I get, and encourage all others to do the same.

Love these kinds of promos, thanks for the tip and the pix, Versicolor, and thanks for chipping in yours, too, Batman.

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One more new one:

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Gold Card Talk Member
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More great luck, how cool, a card of the Breakfast Club! I couldn't have even hoped for that film to be represented in the set, they have so many to choose from. Whoever did pick the subjects for these is really tapped into cult favorites. Could be one of National Lampoon's Animal House, that'd be good.

I went to one of our WalMarts today, and while they had plenty of the 100th Anniversary Universal slipcovered DVDs and BluRays, none of them had the sticker indicating the cards were inside. I hope to have better luck tomorrow at the other one.

The 100 Years of Universal contest is still going on and you can get a pair of $3 coupons off Universal DVD or BluRays with some free codes that are easy to get. Anyone interested, just google "100 Years of Universal". From the home page, there is a contest in which you can request 5 free codes, the same as those found in each purchased DVD or BluRay.

Prizes are availabe, but the overwhelming majority of the time, they will usually be good for the $ coupon, but you are only allowed to print 2 of them from any one computer.

Batman, can I ask what the movies your cards came from?

Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
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All 4 of my cards came from "The Breakfast Club", it's the only movie I have found the cards in so far. They are under $10 so that's a bargain, but it would be nice to them in another movie! Big Grin

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Is that the Breakfast Club DVD only or the DVD/BluRay/Digital Copy combo your cards came with, Batman?

At our other Walmart today, I found the cards were only within 8 different titles and all of those are BluRay/DVD/Digital Copy sets which cost about $12. I'd prefer the DVDs since they are cheaper.

The 8 titles the cards could be found at our Walmart were Seabisquit, Blues Brothers, Waterworld, Breakfast Club, 8 Mile, Inglourious Basterds, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and Apollo 13.

I picked up 5 of them to get the following cards from my own want list:

Back the Future, Big Lebowski, Wolfman, Frankenstein, and E.T.

I still really want the Dracula and Breakfast Club and those 7 cards would complete the set for me, being the movies I like the most. There are only 3 cards that I have no idea what is on them. If any holders of the Dracula or Breakfast Club would trade them for a different one, let me know which one you'd want in exchange and I'll try to get it.

I am going to sell the sets (minus the cards) I bought today, so hopefully, I can get most of the money back and then pick up a few more and do the same.

Here are all the cards I have seen with my own eyes, (plus the Breakfast Club and Dracula which are shown in the posts above), a total of 21 different, with only 4 left to list in the complete set.

ANIMAL HOUSE (Belushi as Bluto)
THE BIRDS (Tippi Hedren)
DRACULA (Lugosi)
MAMMA MIA (Amanda Seyfried)
PSYCHO (Janet Leigh in shower)
SPARTACUS (Kirk Douglas)
THE STING (Newman and Redford)
THE WOLFMAN (Lon Chaney, Jr.)

I saw one more, a guy holding a gun, but his face was covered by a UPC sticker, so I don't know who the actor was (which would've went a long way toward helping me identify it). Since I'm kind of a film buff, I'm not sure how "iconic" that one is being that I can't figure out what movie it is with just that one bit of the image blocked out by the sticker.

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Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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Oh, the card is visible through the packaging? I assumed it was inside the case.
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Yes, it is shrinkwrapped, face-up, to the back side of the BluRay case which slides out of the gatefuld slipcover, so you can buy the ones you like, that's how I was able to get 5 different titles with my 5 different cards. $60+ for them that way, but luckily, I'm set up to re-sell the BluRays as like new for around $10 each, so even if I "lose", say, $4 each on the ones I bought, that means I will have paid $20 for my 5 cards, which I would have gladly done elsewhere.

One of the cards, "Back to the Future", had a bit of wear to it I could see through the plastic, but I still bought it as there was no others of that one, and I didn't want to risk never seeeing another. The other 4 cards appear to be in Mint Condition, but if more than one of the same card is available to you, you may want to take a closer look at the corners for any dulling and the surface to check for any rippling before deciding which to purchase.

There must have been 50+ of the 8 titles I named above, and unless my memory has failed badly, you could have bought all 50 sets ($600 plus tax) and not made a set of the 25 cards, missing the 3 I couldn't name my list plus the Breakfast Club and Dracula, neither of which were available (else I'd have snapped them up and bought 7 disc sets for myself in all). There were multiples of a few of the cards, but most I saw there were only one or two of.

I'd decided to buy at least 5 sets for sure going in (provided I had a goodly number to choose from, which I did), so if I hadn't picked up those I was able to, my next choices would have been The Sting (which is the famous poster illustration by Amsel, possibly) and Psycho (which is Janet Leigh screaming in the shower).

Even though this is a yearlong celebration of Universal Studios 100th Anniversary, and similar slipcovered BluRays and DVDs will be issued thoughout the year, this promotion with the cards could stop at any time, so anyone with interest in acquiring a few of these would be wise to hit their Walmart(s) now.

Sometimes when these kinds of promotions end, the BluRays/DVDs containing premiums are returned to the studios for repackaging, with the promotional items (cards, mini comics, etc.) discarded. Add to that the number of purchasers of these items, who have no interest in cards whatsoever, and simply toss the card in to the trash (often along with the rest of the packaging! Yoww!! If you're a product of the 70's and 80's like I am, the packaging on this kind of stuff is precious, 40+ year olds know what I mean!).

All of this merely to impore my fellow oddball collectors to save as many of these cards as we can from such ignominious fates. They really are lovely.

It seems that since it is the 100th anniversary of Universal, there should be 100 cards in all. Perhaps there will be a new series of 25 released each 3 months, meaning this initial batch of 25 is just seies 1 out of 4 in all to ultimately comprise 100 cards. Fingers crossed...

Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
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Silver Card Talk Member
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I struck out today at my local Walmart.

I only found one Blue Ray with the outside sticker that says "Includes an exclusive Universal 100th Annv. Collector card...." and since that movie was "Water World," I passed on purchasing it {not one of my favorite movies, to say the least}.

I also checked all the regular DVDs and didn't see anything offered with them, as well.


"A man has got to know his limitations."
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Here are the cards I got, less the Lebowski, which is shown earlier in the thread.

I believe these feature the artwork of Drew Struzan from the original movie posters for E.T and Back To The Future.

Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster and Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Wolfman.

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Silver Card Talk Member
Picture of Ryan Cracknell
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If you're interested in making a trade for the ET card, please email me at It's my favorite movie of all-time and I try to collect any cards connected to it. I've got tons of cards, movies and other stuff.

Ryan Cracknell

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Platinum Card Talk Member
Picture of Batman
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I found 17 more different today in Florida, only need 4 more to complete the set! I like these cards! Smile Thumb Up

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
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Gold Card Talk Member
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Batman, did you find any of the four card not on my list above?
Also, if you got the card with the single figure holding the gun, can you tell me what movie that's from?
Finally, were all of your cards from the deluxe DVD/BluRay/Digital copy sets, or were you able to find any in the (cheaper) solo DVD editions?
Congrats on your haul!

Everywhere around this burg they're running out of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Everywhere around this town, they're running out of nouns.
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Platinum Card Talk Member
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I know I have Jaws and Jurassic Park that I don't see on the list, I have them packed away but will check them over when I get home today and update what I have. These were deluxe editions and cost $11.96 each.

"The problem, I'm told, is more than medical."
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Are these Blu-Ray discs region coded?
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