Non-Sport Update's Card Talk
Open That Box 08?
April 11, 2008, 10:19 PM
BrimasterOpen That Box 08?
Originally posted by Mdelbene:
Originally posted by QBall:
Tried opening a new discussion thread but keep getting a message saying "You have not been given the permission(s) to access this page." ?
Same thing here.
You have not been given the permission(s) to access this page. You require the following rights to view this page: 'Create New Discussion (This Forum)'. For a full list of permissions you have on this community, please visit your Personal Zone Permissions page.
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Looks like Harris has it created but the forum is closed for the moment until it gets closer to OTB day I would bet. Then I am known to be wrong from time to time.
"We have in fact, two kinds of morality, side by side: one that we preach, but do not practice, and another that we practice, but seldom preach."
April 11, 2008, 10:59 PM
H_ToserWhoops. That's a technical glitch and I'm looking into now. Back in a few.
April 11, 2008, 11:04 PM
H_ToserOK, if anyone is ready with a OTB post, try it now.
April 12, 2008, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by H_Toser:
OK, if anyone is ready with a OTB post, try it now.
Come-on -- someone, share your OTB results with us so your admin will know the forum is now working correctly and can go to sleep! It's already afternoon in Australia, right? Someone there must have a box, right?

April 12, 2008, 11:54 AM
JoeyUKI've just got home to OTB day box has not turned up

i'm well peeved off - so it's looking like Sunday now, way too late

So i've just bought a box of Transformers movie cards for a total bargain price of £16 to cheer me up.

April 12, 2008, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by JoeyUK:
I've just got home to OTB day box has not turned up

i'm well peeved off - so it's looking like Sunday now, way too late

So i've just bought a box of Transformers movie cards for a total bargain price of £16 to cheer me up.
Sorry to hear that Joey. I'll be leaving the OTB thread open a little longer this year so if you get something Sunday, you just might still be able to get a post in there.
I'm really enjoying the posts so far. Loves the pictures and the couple of more obscure boxes that have been posted so far.
April 14, 2008, 01:01 AM
SilverbackLooks like everyone that posted had fun and did well this year. I know it took me 3 hours to open and sort my boxes. Of course I keep checking back to see what eveyone else was doing. That might have slowed me down some.

I hope it's alright for me to post this. If not feel free to delete it. I still need a #77 for a Marvel Masterpieces to make a set for my son-in-law. My e-mail address is in my profile. Anyone?

"What if this is as good as it gets?" --WORSE--What if it doesn't get any better!
What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.
April 14, 2008, 11:07 AM
tsmeltzerI am sad that I missed this! Saturday was the Silent Auction fundraiser for my son's school, and my wife & I were in charge of it. By the time I got home on Saturday night, I was dead tired, and my son was in bed. I have a couple of boxes that I was really looking forward to opening with him. I will probably open them this coming Saturday.
"Good answer"
alternate email:
tim dot smeltzer at
April 14, 2008, 10:49 PM
tvjunkie1977*sigh* I waited a little too long to order my box, I didn't get it until this afternoon

However, I did put it together this evening (Stargate SG-1, season 9)-I was hoping to post it, but I missed the deadline by about 9 hours! oh, well-next year I will do better!
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes." -the 4th Doctor
April 15, 2008, 11:48 AM
justmAs I was away this year for OTBD, I only took the one box with me (see OTBD 2008 submissions) to open.
I had built up a collection of about 11 boxes which I planned to open so I guess they'll have to wait until next year AND will continue to grow I suspect!
I'm setting myself a personal challenge for next years OTBD, but I won't tell anyone just yet...

Any airsofters out there ?
April 15, 2008, 04:20 PM
Frank803Opened a box of Sesame Street cards with my 2- and 4-year olds just before bed. My little girl loved pulling out the cards of each and every pack that I helped start open; while the boy quickly became bored opening packs, but instead concentrated on putting the "number cards" in order from 1 to 20 to show off how well he can count.
Weird thing was that there was a Checklist # 1 listing the first 50 card titles but no Checklist # 2 for the second 50 titles. I kept one full set aside just to remember the day. Might have had two complete sets with exception to that checklist.
April 16, 2008, 04:30 PM
justmHere's my Robots sketch that I pulled from my OTBD box:
Better late than never!

Any airsofters out there ?
April 16, 2008, 05:29 PM
H_ToserNice sketch, Justm.
April 17, 2008, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by H_Toser:
Nice sketch, Justm.
Thanks Harris. I hope I do as well next year,
Any airsofters out there ?
April 19, 2008, 06:38 AM
piperprue2002well a little late in posting this(computer has been playing up and only just got it working )
i opened 2 boxes of tranformers movie cards with the kids(my box had not arrived)
first box gave us a pieceworks,
second box gave us.....
the megan fox autograph i almost fell off my chair when i saw my son pull it from the pack(the 2 boxs cost me $30 australian so $15 each)anyone know the value of the card??
so it was a good day for my son he thought he was so cool for pulling it out.
April 19, 2008, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by piperprue2002:
well a little late in posting this(computer has been playing up and only just got it working )
i opened 2 boxes of tranformers movie cards with the kids(my box had not arrived)
first box gave us a pieceworks,
second box gave us.....
the megan fox autograph i almost fell off my chair when i saw my son pull it from the pack(the 2 boxs cost me $30 australian so $15 each)anyone know the value of the card??
so it was a good day for my son he thought he was so cool for pulling it out.

I don't know what the book value is, but I can tell you that one sold on ebay for a heck of a lot more than what you payed for it.

US $247.88
I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be. Robbie Williams
My Sketch Collection April 20, 2008, 07:56 AM
piperprue2002OMG that much!!
now i dont know what to do, should i keep it or try and sell it??
i will think about
thanks for letting me know one sold for that much
January 03, 2009, 06:13 PM
john the hattime to plan for this years OTBD 20009
life is like a spiders web, beautiful to look at, deadly when you get to wrapped up in it. jth 2007
January 04, 2009, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by john the hat:
time to plan for this years OTBD 20009
Who decides? I must plan ahead this year!!!
I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be. Robbie Williams
My Sketch Collection January 05, 2009, 12:32 PM
hammerHarris decides