December 11, 2006, 10:01 PM
mtlhddoc2Artist Member Recognition
I am of the "let them choose" mindset/ If they want to advertise that fact, let them put it in thier signature. And I also feel the qualifications may be a bit "shaky" there are some great card artists who have never worked for a manufacturer, either by choice or not. Also, I feel that it is liek a giant flag that says "email me for commissioned sketches", also, whether they want it or not.
September 04, 2007, 02:56 PM
jedipencilWell, this was some time ago!

But nonetheless, I agree with Nik, it would be rather neat (or cool, awesome...whatever's handy ...)also because after what happened in the General area with artists posting cards, I for one am not sure if it's ok to mention that I am an artist or not...

September 04, 2007, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by jedipencil:
Well, this was some time ago!

But nonetheless, I agree with Nik, it would be rather neat (or cool, awesome...whatever's handy ...)also because after what happened in the General area with artists posting cards, I for one am not sure if it's ok to mention that I am an artist or not...
I think it's ok.No one can force anyone to buy anything-I think...